"Ladies and gentlemen, if there's nothing wrong, please leave. Don't disturb the shopping of our distinguished guests in Jinrun center."

Zhu Daqiang turned around and pointed to the elevator in front of him.

Although gold card members are equally noble, they are not at the same level as the supreme card. Zhu Daqiang naturally knows that he should stand there.

"Zhu Daqiang, what the hell do you mean?" Oily fat man was choked red face, angry way“ You're not afraid that I'll give you Mr. Wang's response to this. "

"Hum, I advise you not to overestimate yourself. This gentleman has the supreme card sent by President Wang himself, which is free of charge in all the companies of Wang's group."

Zhu Daqiang said that he handed the supreme card to Qin Chuan respectfully, then pointed to the fat man and sneered.

"Your gold card is just a membership card of Jinrun shopping center. I advise you not to call Mr. Wang. Otherwise, if you offend Mr. Wang, your business will be ruined!"

Although this fat man has some business contacts with Wang's group, he is also a small customer. Of course, he is less important than Qinchuan.

"Zhu Daqiang, you

The fat man was red in the face and red in the ears when he was hurt by Zhu Daqiang.

"What are you, manager Zhu? Why do you still have two flies in your shopping center? It really bothers me when I go shopping." Qin Chuan took out his ears and said impatiently.

"I understand." Zhu Daqiang immediately responded and waved to the security guard in the distance“ You guys, come here and drive these two flies out! "

"Well, you're tough!"

The fat man left a cruel word and knew that he could not afford to offend Qin Chuan. He dragged the middle-aged woman away.

"I haven't bought my clothes yet. You're a loser. Even a little bitch is unfair. I won't live with you!"

The middle-aged woman threw away the fat man's hand, sat down on the ground and began to tumble.


He slapped her in the face.

The fat man took back his palm and pointed at her“ You've lost all my face. I'm not ashamed to go with you. "

"You, you dare to hit me?" The middle-aged woman covered her face strangely.

"Beat you, I'm going to dump you!"

The fat man's eyes glared, and he threw all the anger he received from Qinchuan on his mother-in-law.

"Brother Qin, let's give her the clothes..."

Seeing that the woman was beaten black and blue, Fang Wen couldn't help feeling sympathy.

"She deserves that." Qin Chuan shook his head with a cold face. He didn't have any pity. If he didn't have the supreme card today, I'm afraid the situation of them at this time would not be much better than that of the middle-aged woman.

"Oh, it's so busy."

Just as Qin Chuan was about to leave with Fang Wen, a familiar voice suddenly came over.

Simon is very young.

Qin Chuan looked at the two figures who came and squinted, subconsciously focused on Ximen.


"It's killing me." Simon limped over, and it could be seen that he had just been badly touched.

"It's Simon." Zhu Daqiang welcomed him with a smile on his face. Ximen is also a frequent shopper of Jinrun, and he is much bigger than that fat man.

"What's going on, Zhu Daqiang." Simon asked with an arrogant face.

"It's this fat man who has offended our guests of Wang's group..." Zhu Daqiang immediately told us what happened just now.

"Oh? Supreme card. "

Ximen was surprised, and his eyes looked at Qin Chuan. His company had a close relationship with Wang Group. Naturally, he knew what the supreme card represented.

"No, these are not the two beggars at the door just now!" Ximen recognized Qin Chuan and said in surprise.

"The beggar?" Zhu Daqiang frowned, and his puzzled eyes fell on Qin Chuan.

"When I came here just now, I saw them at the door. They were dressed in rags. They were beggars. How could they have the supreme card? Maybe it was stolen."

Ximen Da Shao points to Qinchuan and says with disdain.


Zhu Daqiang takes a cold breath. He knows that Ximen won't cheat him on this matter, but if he says that the supreme card was stolen, Qin Chuan's calm face doesn't look like it.

"That's him!"

At this moment, a waitress suddenly rushed over with a group of security guards.

"What's the matter? What should I do if I disturb the guests in a hurry?" Zhu Daqiang immediately dragged the waitress in front of him and scolded him.

"Manager Zhu, I just found a voyeur in the lingerie section." The waitress explained immediately.

"Voyeur? Where is it? "

Zhu Daqiang's eyes glared, and he quickly asked, "this is a high-end place. All the guests are rich or expensive. If something goes wrong, Zhu Daqiang can't bear the responsibility.".

"This is the man in the white suit." The waitress pointed at Qin Chuan and said angrily.


This is not only Zhu Daqiang, even the fat man also stopped beating, looking at Qinchuan with a sneer.

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