The two bodyguards suddenly stopped Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was so angry that he tried his best to cure him, but he didn't let him go. What's the reason?

Qin Chuan's face was suddenly gloomy, and he bumped forward with his legs raised.

The two bodyguards are not willing to be outdone, because they are bigger than Qinchuan, and they bump into Qinchuan.

Bang bang!

Two dull sounds came. The two bodyguards felt as if they had been hit by a high-speed car. They flew back a full distance of four or five meters before they could stop. They covered their shoulders in pain.

"What a waste!"

Li Tianci, who was watching next to him, scolded angrily. He thought Qinchuan would suffer some losses this time, but he didn't expect that the two strong security guards couldn't help bumping into each other.

"What did you say?" Qin Chuan looks at Li Tianci sullenly. He must be a goldfish too. He has taught him a lesson in the afternoon, and he forgets it in the evening.

"No, nothing." Li Tianci shook his head in a hurry, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Rubbish." Qin Chuan snorted coldly, raising his legs and going on.

"No, you can't go!"

The two bodyguards struggled to get up from the ground, reached out and took out two dark objects similar to flashlight from their arms, pressed the button, and a crackling sound came out.

"Electric stick." Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes, but he was more disgusted.

"Brother Qin, let's go later."

Fang Wen was jumped by the crackling electric stick, shaking and pulling Qinchuan's sleeve.

"I said go now, go now!"

Qin Chuan snorted coldly, without any fear. He is such a person. The stronger he used, the more disgusted Qin Chuan was. If he could persuade him, Qin Chuan might still agree to stay.

"Ha ha, boy, you are dying!"

Seeing this scene, Li Tianci immediately got up and pointed to Qinchuan with elation. He didn't believe that a person could resist the power of the electric stick.

"That's a lot of crap."

Qin Chuan coldly swept Li Tianci one eye, in the heart already pondered how can let this fly long memory.

"Please don't push us, sir."

The two bodyguards were polite and didn't take the lead. However, Qin Chuan's anger had already expanded to the extreme. With a cold hum, he rushed up directly.

"Electrify him!"

One of the bodyguards only felt a figure flashed in front of his eyes and subconsciously waved an electric stick to the past!


With a crisp sound, Qin chuanmeng kicked his leg and kicked the bodyguard's wrist.

The bodyguard snorted, his face turned red immediately, and his electric stick flew out directly.


The electric stick crossed a perfect parabola in the air and hit Li Tianci's belly with great accuracy.


All the people in the corridor were startled by the sound of crying and howling. Looking at Li Tianci, who had been lying on the ground and twitching constantly, he was the same as general manager Wu just now, but Li Tianci was more thorough, foaming at the mouth, and two pools of coquettish and smelly muddy liquid slowly flowed out from under Li Tianci's white coat.

"I'll go, director Li. This is incontinence. I have to take a picture quickly."

A male doctor quickly took out his mobile phone and took a wild picture of Li Tianci. The whole corridor was full of flashing lights.

Since today, photos of Li Tianci's incontinence have spread all over the hospital.

"Do you still want to do it?" Qin Chuan took back his eyes and looked coldly at the remaining bodyguard.

"I, I..."

The bodyguard swallowed saliva, some hesitant looking at the wrist covered with pain of the companion, subconsciously let to one side.

"You're smart." Qin Chuan was calm and walked slowly.

At this time, the bodyguard's face suddenly flashed a fierce look, waving the electric stick fiercely, and smashed it at the back of Qinchuan's neck.


A voice full of dignity rings out. Wu Chaoxiang and Professor Fang, the first three people who often come, have already come out of the ward. Seeing this scene, Wu Chaoxiang immediately stops it, but the bodyguard can't stop it. He is about to hit Qin Chuan with the electric baton.


Qin Chuan, who had turned his back to the bodyguard, suddenly moved, as if he had eyes behind him. His head tilted violently to avoid the crackling electric stick. At the same time, he turned around and kicked the bodyguard's shoulder.


With a crisp sound, the bodyguard ran into the wall uncontrollably.

"Mr. Wu, you are awake!" Two bodyguards immediately struggled to get up from the ground and limped to President Wu.

"You don't know how to use your brains when you do things!"

Wu Chaoxiang sighed that he hated the iron but did not make it into steel. He raised his finger to Qin Chuan and said harshly to the two bodyguards“ Go and apologize to Mr. Qin. "

"Yes." Without any complaints, the two bodyguards immediately went to Qinchuan.

"Mr. Qin, I'm sorry. We were impulsive just now. Please forgive me."

The two bodyguards are sincere, and Qin Chuan can tell them from each other. He nods gently to show that he has forgiven them.

"Mr. Qin, director Chang and Professor Fang have already told me about the situation just now. I'm afraid I would not have stood here without you. Please accept my respect."

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