Wang Ning immediately came forward and pulled off the man's head cover.

Sure enough, he was a blonde foreigner, with a face of pain and a mouth open.

"Fake squid..."

"Shut up Wang Ning snorted coldly and kicked the man's belly mercilessly.


Foreigners a mouthful of blood, staring at Qinchuan, want to eat Qinchuan.

"I didn't hit you. Why are you staring at me?" Qin Chuan shrugged helplessly.

"Damn, if it wasn't for the grenade you threw... Would I be like this?"

Said the foreign man in stiff Chinese.

"I can talk to people." Qin Chuan picks his eyebrows and stares at him with interest.

Foreign killers appear in small cities like Dongjiang and use sniper guns to kill police. This is a new thing.

"You... Offended us... Let's die..." the foreign man scolded.

"What on earth do they do?" Qin Chuan pointed to him and looked at Wang Ning.

"I can only tell you that they are an overseas black organization."

Seeing that Qin Chuan was silent, Wang Ning hesitated and said.

"This matter has nothing to do with you. They are coming for me. It has something to do with my mission."

With that, Wang Ning looked a little disappointed. She sacrificed a lot of her comrades in arms in this mission, and even nearly didn't get out of danger. But that thing disappeared, which is equivalent to that all her previous sacrifices were in vain.

"Stink... Woman, give us our stuff!" Even though the foreign man had been subdued, his voice was still arrogant.

"Hum, I don't know where it is. If you have the ability, you can find it by yourself."

Wang Ning hummed coldly.


Qin Chuan murmured and took out the U disk from his pocket.

"Is that it?"

Wang Ning was still in a low mood. Seeing the U-disk in Qin Chuan's hand, her eyes immediately flashed a light.

"You, where did you find it?"

Wang Ning comes forward and grabs the U disk in Qinchuan's hand.

"Just when I was treating you, it was on your neck." Qin Chuan opened his mouth.

"Falk! That's ours

Foreign men see U disk, immediately excited up, with a burst of foreign language abuse.

Qin Chuan was upset by the noise. He slapped him fiercely and cheered.

"Shut up."

"Boy, you'll regret it!"

The foreign man stares at Qin Chuan, fiercely, a tooth with poison in his mouth is directly crushed by him.

"He's going to take poison and kill himself. Save him Wang Ning said in a hurry.

Qinchuan immediately ran the Vientiane Sutra, trying to send it into his body to prevent the spread of toxicity. However, as soon as the genuine Qi entered along the meridians, the foreign man suddenly sent out a burst of strong black smoke. Qinchuan could not help but step back and interrupted the genuine Qi of Vientiane.

Whoa, whoa

There was a sound similar to grinding on the foreign man. Without a few breaths, the man's body seemed to have lost all the water. His whole body shrank into a ball. Qin Chuan bent down to pick up the stones on the ground and threw them.


I saw the body of a foreign man was hit by this stone, and immediately turned into a pile of powder, even the blood disappeared without trace, it was terrible.

"What the hell is this?" Qin Chuan couldn't help a strange cry.

Wang Ning ignored Qin Chuan, but went to one end of the roof, took out the phone and dialed out.

Even if he deliberately avoided Qinchuan, Qinchuan could hear a few words.

"Director... Yes, I have the things. We are... You can let someone handle it."

Qin Chuan listens intermittently and doesn't know who Wang Ning is calling. Just as she wants to get closer, Wang Ning hangs up and walks over quickly.

"Let's go."

Wang Ning said, without looking at the pile of ashes, turned around and walked toward the stairs.

"Let's go like this?" Qin Chuan can't help but ask.

After all, I killed a man down there just now.

"Well, I've already sent for someone to deal with it." Wang Ning calmly said, the U disk was also put away by her.

"All right."

Qin Chuan nodded. Since Wang Ning, the policeman, has said so, he has no hesitation.

They then went downstairs, toward the parking place.

The place is now surrounded by the police, and the cordon has been drawn on all sides. The body has been covered with a layer of white cloth. There are passers-by at the scene just now who are being questioned by the police.

See Qinchuan two people came over, one was asked about the situation of the aunt immediately pointed to Qinchuan scream.

"That's him, the man he just killed!"

"What The policeman's face was tight, and the man who had just killed still dared to appear on the scene. Isn't he trapped himself.

"Are you sure you read it right, ma'am?" The policeman asked hastily.

"I'm not wrong. It was the boy who killed the man just now. You can see that he still has blood on his hand."

She didn't panic. She pointed to Qinchuan's bloody fist and said.

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