Ding Ling Ling

At this time, a sharp ring of mobile phone suddenly rings. Qin Chuan frowns and takes out his mobile phone. It's Chen Haiyan, his cheap mother-in-law.

"Brother Qin, why don't you answer the phone?" Fang Wen sees Qin Chuan staring at the phone and asks.

"No, nothing." Qin Chuan shakes his head and puts his cell phone back in his pocket. Now that he has reached the point of divorce, Qin Chuan doesn't want to have any connection with this mean mother-in-law.

But as soon as I put down my cell phone, the bell rang again.

"Qin Xiaoyou, you'd better take it, in case there's something important." Professor Fang advised.

"All right." Qin Chuan nodded hesitantly and put the phone to his ear.

"Qinchuan, where are you dead?" Chen HaiYan's shrill voice came from the phone.

Qin Chuan can't help but frown, cold voice way“ If it's all right, I'll hang up. "

With that, Qin Chuan was about to hang up.

"Wait for me. Xueqing wakes up. She wants to see you." Chen Haiyan also did not care to satirize Qin Chuan, hastily said.

"Awake?" Qin Chuan was surprised.

"I don't know what ecstasy you gave Xueqing to our family. She wants to see you. Go back to the hospital quickly." Chen Haiyan said angrily, then hung up the phone with a bang.

"What happened? Brother Qin Fang Wen doubts a way.

"She's awake. Let me see her." Qin Chuan seems to be worried about gain and loss.

"She? Your... Wife. " Fang Wen flat flat mouth, not happy way“ They've all done that to you. What else do you want to see her do? "

"Xiaowen, how to speak!" Professor Fang stares at Fang Wen and walks slowly to Qin Chuan.

"She is still your wife after all. The first thing to wake up is to see you, which proves that she still has feelings for you. You should go to see her." Professor Fang is sincere and sincere.

"Well, I'll see." Qin Chuan took a deep breath, glanced at Fang Wen with an unwilling face, turned and walked to the elevator.

"Mr. Qin, I haven't paid you back yet." Wu Chaoxiang saw that Qinchuan was going to leave and said in a hurry.

"Forget it, let's wait for another chance." Qin Chuan waved his hand and quickly stepped into the elevator.

"Grandfather, why did you persuade brother Qin to go back?" Fang Wen did not have the good spirit White Fang Professor one eye, complains the way.

"Why, my granddaughter is not happy?" Professor Fang said, pretending to be surprised.

"No, it's just that I don't want to let elder brother Qin, he..." Fang Wen stammered, her face flushed slowly.

"It's yours after all, it's yours, not yours. It's useless for you to keep it. It depends on how he chooses." Professor Fang raised his chin to the closed elevator door. He didn't want to leave Qinchuan.

Tenth floor, intensive care unit.

"Xueqing, you believe in mom. When the little white eyed wolf comes, you will divorce him. Mom won't hurt you." Chen Haiyan sat beside the bed and said earnestly to Lu Xueqing lying on the bed.

"Mom... That's my business with Qinchuan. Don't get involved in it, OK?" Lu Xueqing's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Her pale face was full of helplessness.

"What are you talking about?"

Chen HaiYan's voice suddenly raised eight degrees, which made Lu entang shiver and wake up immediately.

"What do you mean I don't mix in blindly? I did it for your own good. I didn't agree with you when you married that trash. Now that the old man died, you almost became a vegetable. I took this opportunity to divorce him directly, and he didn't dare to refuse..."

Before waiting for Lu Xueqing to say anything, Chen Haiyan spat out a string of words like shooting, regardless of Lu entang's gloomy face.

"Come on, what's the name of the old man dead? Fortunately, that's my father!" Lu entang stares at Chen Haiyan.

"Oh, mom and Dad, would you stop arguing? I've just woken up. Would you please let me go? "

Lu Xueqing saw that the couple had a quarrel, and some of them were impatient to interrupt.

"Yes, daughter, have a good rest. Don't forget what your mother told you when Qinchuan comes."

Chen Haiyan told twice, and then closed her mouth under Lu entang's gloomy eyes.

A moment later, the door of the ward was knocked.

"I'll open the door!" Chen Haiyan grabs Lu entang, takes three and two steps, and squeaks the door open.

"Hum, you still know that when you come back, you'll see what you've done to Xueqing in our house. If it wasn't for director Li, I'm afraid Xueqing might not be able to wake up this time!"

Chen Haiyan holds her shoulder in front of Qin Chuan, and her mouth is aggressive. She doesn't mean to get out of the way.

"Haiyan, let Xiaochuan in." Lu entang couldn't see it any more, so he pulled Chen Haiyan.

"Why?" Chen Haiyan stares at Lu entang, shakes off his arm, points to Qinchuan and roars.

"If it wasn't for him, how could my daughter be like this, and I blocked him, I wouldn't let him in!" Chen Haiyan said also provocative looked at Qinchuan.

"Ma, let him in." Lu Xueqing's stubborn voice came.

"Good, good daughter." Chen Haiyan was stunned. Although she didn't want to, she didn't dare to disobey her daughter's words.

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