"You are here, Mr. Qin."

When the manager of the 4S shop saw Qinchuan, he immediately welcomed him with a smile on his face.

"Your car has been completely restored after a night's repair."

As the manager said, he took Qin Chuan to the repair shop of the 4S shop.

"By the way, why didn't you see Chen Yan?"

Qin Chuan glanced around, usually came over, this little girl is the first to come out to meet, how did not see today?

"Xiaoyan asked for a few days' leave and was ready to go home." Said the manager.

Qin Chuan nodded and didn't ask much, since Chen Yan didn't take the initiative to tell him.

Seeing Qin Chuan's expression, the manager hesitated and said.

"Mr. Qin, what do you think of Chen Yan?"

Qin Chuan a Zheng, some don't understand why the manager suddenly asked this question, but still nod, way.

"Xiaoyan is good, but she is too stubborn."

When Qin Chuan said this, she couldn't help but smile bitterly. The little girl didn't know what she thought and wanted to have that kind of relationship with herself. But to tell the truth, Qin Chuan didn't have any other feelings for Chen Yan. She just thought it was not easy for the girl to be alone and wanted to help her. However, Chen Yan was wrong.

"Mr. Qin, Xiaoyan has been working for me for some time. She is beautiful, and she knows how to be modest and contented. If... I mean if you want to, she will not disturb your life..."

The manager gives Qin Chuan a deep look, and the meaning is very clear. Even if Qin Chuan and Chen Yan really have any improper relationship, Chen Yan will not ask Qin Chuan for anything.

The manager said this for his own benefit. After all, Qin Chuan has a good relationship with his boss Wang Dachuan. If Qin Chuan can take care of Chen Yan and take care of her at work, he will be involved with Qin Chuan.

At that time, he would like to climb up. Is it not Qin Chuan's business?

"Manager Li, you don't need to worry about this. Take out my car."

Qin Chuan light looked at him, tone some displeasure.

Isn't that forcing good people to be prostitutes? Chen Yan is a nice little girl. What kind of person does she have to be?

The manager must be a man with a bad mind to say such a thing for his own benefit.

The manager's face was also bitter. He saw Qin Chuan's dissatisfaction. The secret way was that he was reckless and shouldn't be so direct.

Just after driving out, I saw a familiar figure.

It's Chen Yan who comes to the 4S store with a big suitcase.

"Brother Qin!"

Seeing Qinchuan's car, Chen Yan's face flashed a touch of excitement and quickly ran over with her suitcase.

"You, you come to pick up the car..."

Don't know how to return a responsibility, see Qin Chuan, Chen Yan's complexion some tangle.

"Well, what about you? I heard manager Li say you want to go home?" Qin Chuan nodded and asked casually.

"I haven't been home for months. I'd like to take a few days off to go home." Chen Yan said.

"Why are you here?" Qin Chuan asked, asking for leave to go home directly.

"Here is the train ticket I bought yesterday. I'll come back and get it." Chen Yan said, put the trunk in front of the car and ran back to the 4S shop.

"That girl." Looking at the trunk in front of his car, Qin Chuan couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

After a while, Chen Yan trotted back.

"Come on, I'll take you to the railway station." Qin Chuan said to her.

"That... That's not good. Brother Qin, you must have something else to do?"

Chen Yan hesitates, but she doesn't mean I take the trunk away from the front of the car.

"Come on, I don't have a job. What can I do for you?" Qin Chuan shook his head, the secret way this wench is also a play essence.

"Hey, hey, thank you, brother Qin."

Chen Yan showed a sly smile, quickly put the trunk on the car, and then sat on the co pilot.

"By the way, where is your home?"

Qin Chuan asked casually while driving. After knowing Chen Yan for such a long time, Qin Chuan didn't know about her family.

"My home is in Ze county, about 200 kilometers away from here."

Chen Yan said as she fiddled with the train ticket.

"Ze county?" Qinchuan frowned. This Ze county is a subordinate County of Dongjiang city. It is next to the mountainous area and is not very developed. It can be regarded as a relatively backward place in Dongjiang city.

"How can I still stand by?" Seeing the train ticket in Chen Yan's hand, Qin Chuan can't help saying.

The ticket Chen Yan bought was not only a stop ticket, but also the cheapest green car. It took at least three or four hours to stop and walk more than two hundred kilometers away. If she stood all the time, she would suffer a lot.

"Er... I... I bought the ticket late, and there was only station ticket left." Chen Yan stammered.

"Late ticket?" Qin Chuan looks at her. What does the little girl think? Can Qin Chuan know?

Ze county is already backward, and now it's not a holiday. Even if it's late, it can't even get a ticket.

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