Wang Dachuan has no time to manage his state at this time. He points to Cheng Donglin, who is constantly wailing on the ground.

"Please help director Cheng to the hospital bed."

Several bodyguards immediately stepped forward and put Cheng Donglin away. Li just stepped forward to help Wang Dachuan with courage.

"Brother Qin, it's all up to you."

Wang Dachuan looks worried at Cheng Donglin, turns around and waves. He is about to leave the ward with several security guards.

"Wait, you stay." Just then, Qin Chuan suddenly stopped him.

"Yes, is that me?" Wang Dachuan pointed to his nose in surprise.

"Of course it's you. If you don't fix director Cheng, you can't treat him."

Qin Chuan some helpless said.

Because of the constant tumbling pain of director Cheng, Qin Chuan had no chance to show all things, so he had to find a trustworthy person to help.

"Mr. Wang, why don't I come?" Li Gang volunteered.

"No, I'll come myself."

Wang Dachuan shook his head, let a few bodyguards out, then immediately rushed up, fat buttocks to director Cheng legs, there is no suspense fixed him.

"Mr. Wang's skill is quite flexible."

Qin Chuan looked at Wang Dachuan, who suddenly went to bed.

Wang Dachuan wiped the sweat on his forehead and said modestly“ It's all done when I was a soldier. It's nothing. It's nothing. "

"Well, I'm going to start the treatment." Qin Chuan nodded undeniably, and without the intention of carrying Wang Dachuan, he directly reached out to lift the clothes on director Cheng's back. A ferocious scar suddenly appeared in front of Qin Chuan and his wife.

"Well, has he been hurt before?" Qin Chuan some doubts point to Cheng Donglin waist behind that scar to ask a way.

"It was a few years ago that he hunted down a bastard. It was also the scar that caused his backache." Wang Dachuan pressed Cheng Donglin hard and explained in a short way.

"Well, I'll see what's going on." Qin Chuan nodded and directly covered the scar on Cheng Donglin's back waist with his palm. After a moment's searching, he found out the real culprit who caused his waist pain. At the same time, Qin Chuan was slightly shocked.

"Brother Qin, how about my comrades in arms?"

See Qinchuan suddenly silent down, Wang Dachuan heart suddenly jump, thought Qinchuan found something bad.

Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment, some hesitated to Wang Dachuan said“ Well... He's OK. I can treat him for this disease, but the process of treatment may be a little painful. You must hold him down. "

"Don't worry about that. I'll hold on to this old boy." Wang Dachuan let go.

"Wang Dachuan! You get off me. I don't need this boy to cure me. "

Cheng Donglin struggles with the pain of his waist. I'm afraid no one can imagine that such an important figure in Dongjiang city is crushed by Wang Dachuan, a fat man like a pig!

This is really more difficult, that is, they have a good relationship. Otherwise, I'm afraid Cheng Donglin would have taken out his pistol and fired long ago.

However, even if he wanted to take out the gun now, he had no chance, because his hands had been cut back to the back by Qin Chuan, one hand pressed tightly, and the other hand covered the scar on Cheng Donglin's back waist.

"Hold it down!"

With a low drink, all things in Qin Chuan's body are running wildly. Qi enters his back along the palm of his hand and approaches the root of Cheng Donglin's great pain.

Creak, creak

A sound of bone friction suddenly rang out. Even Cheng Donglin's incessant cry could not be covered up. Wang Dachuan also heard the sound. He was surprised and felt that Cheng Donglin was struggling violently.

"Er... Ah!

Cheng Donglin howled like a wild animal. He couldn't bear the sudden sharp pain in his waist. The tendons on his forehead burst up and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

"Qin, brother Qin, is nothing wrong?" Wang Dachuan's heart is straight, for fear that Qinchuan will use too much force to cure Cheng Donglin.

"Don't worry, if it hurts, it won't work. It will be ready soon."

Qin Chuan's face is calm, and his hand urges all kinds of Qi to enter into Cheng Donglin's body.

Finally, a moment later, on the skin of Cheng Donglin's back, a bag with the size of a finger suddenly bulged. Then, under Wang Dachuan's shocked eyes, the bag suddenly burst, and a bullet stained with blood came out of it.

"It is the root cause of the illness of director Cheng." Qin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to pull the bullet out.

"Let him go." Qin Chuan waves his hand and jumps out of bed. Wang Dachuan also gets up in a hurry. Looking down, his old comrade in arms Cheng Donglin is sweating heavily. He has more air out and less air in.

"Don't worry, he's OK." Qin Chuan said casually, but his eyes were staring at the bullets in his hands.

"Brother Qin, how did you make this play?" Wang Dachuan asked incredulously.

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