"Don't pay attention to her. Take her words as farts." Qin Chuan coldly stares at Chen Ruhua and drags Fang Wen to leave the crowd.

"Yo, even elder brother Qin called, and said he didn't have a leg. You wait. I'll tell my uncle about it and let him fire you shameless slut!"

Chen Ruhua yells, as if afraid that others don't know. She rushes to the table and points to Qin Chuan and Fang Wen.

"Come and see, one of these two dogs is a married man, and the other is Fang Wen, a nurse in our city hospital. It's shameless that they collude with each other. I'm ashamed of you, bah!"

With that, Chen Ruhua spat on Fang Wen.

"You! Nonsense

Fang Wen was trembling all over, fiercely broke away Qin Chuan's arm and rushed to Chen Ruhua.

"Come on, little slut, don't think I'm afraid of you with help."

Chen Ruhua shows a smile, her purpose is to enrage Fang Wen, fight hard, and then there is an excuse for her uncle to fire her.


Cold hum suddenly spread to her ears, a figure like Wen fast out more than many times of the fierce dart over, Chen Ruhua did not have any reaction, feel bare feet by a big hand dead pinch, and then the big hand forced a pull, her body will soar, solid fell on the table!

Bang Dang!

With a dull sound, Chen Ruhua was so dizzy that she raised her arm and pointed to Qinchuan“ You, you said not to beat women.

Qin Chuan frowned and yelled angrily“ I don't beat women, but not bitches! "


Chen Ruhua blushed and almost didn't fall down in one breath. She felt a violent tumbling in her stomach. Then, the chrysanthemum was out of control. With a bang, an impassioned fart burst out.

For a moment, her face turned blue and shrieked“ What have you done to me

"I didn't do anything. I just think your mouth stinks. I'll help you get ventilation from below." There was a smile on the corner of Qin Chuan's mouth. Just now, while she was dragging her feet, Qin Chuan sent a breath of genuine Qi into her body, stimulating some parts of her body, which made her unable to control her excretion system.

"Oh, it stinks!"

"Hurry up, you'll be dead if you stay any longer!"

Several nurses in the duty room quickly ran out with their noses pinched, and the crowd outside was also stunned by the sudden fart, looking at Chen Ruhua.

"It's just the beginning."

Qin Chuan insidiously looks at Chen Ruhua and drags Fang Wen out of the duty room. Qin Chuan is afraid of hurting himself.

"You, you come back to me!" Chen Ruhua saw that everyone looked at him with disgust on his face, and he was furious. But with her saying this, the chrysanthemum that had been able to control a little was out of control again!

Through through through

A series of long but loud sounds, like fireworks shells in the Spring Festival, deafening, more and more sounds!

Chen Ruhua even felt that the inside of her trouser pocket had become sticky, and the white coat on the outside had shown a wet yellow trace.

But Chen Ruhua's farts are really smelly and loud. The fumigation crowd retreated, and the whole corridor was filled with this smell.

"It's disgusting to say that people are ugly and stink when they fart..."

"Yes, she's an angel in white. If all the nurses in the city hospital are like this, I'd rather not treat them!"

"No, I'm suffering from asthma. Come on, help me take out the aerosol..."

All of them were in a hurry, and then they rescued the patient with asthma. We can see how powerful Chen Ruhua's farts are.

In the face of the public's criticism, Chen Ruhua wants to die, but he can't control himself. If he doesn't pay attention, a few farts burst out again.

"You, you two bitches!" Chen Ruhua wails in despair, hoping to cut Fang Wen and Qin Chuan to pieces.

At this time, outside the door of the inpatient department, a handsome doctor with white hanging, flowers and meticulous hair came in.

It's no one else. It's Li Tianci. He hasn't slept all night since he was incontinent last night. He's afraid that the photos taken will be sent to the hospital. In that case, he has no face to be in the hospital.

So he thought of a way, that is to express to Chen Ruhua.

Chen Ruhua's uncle is the president. As long as he is willing to come forward, this matter can definitely be suppressed. Li Tianci can take this opportunity to climb up.

Straightened his chest, Li Tianci entered the hall, but a faint smell came.

"What's the matter?" Li Tianci muttered. Seeing that there was no one in the hall, he was puzzled. However, he came to do business this time, and he didn't think so much about it. He immediately went to the nurse duty room.

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