Qin Chuan nodded with a smile, with a harmless look on his face.

"I hope..."

Lu Xueqing sighed, feeling that she could not understand the man in front of her.

Before the accident, Qin Chuan didn't even dare to kill a chicken in addition to washing clothes and sweeping the floor. He was a housewife and a man, but now he is just like a man. He has learned how to smoke and even beat people. If it wasn't for this familiar face, Lu Xueqing would even think that he was another person.

"Come on, your relatives are waiting."

Qinchuan look as usual said a, then take the lead into the villa.

Qinchuan has only been to this place once, that is, on the day of her marriage to Lu Xueqing. After that, Qinchuan has lived in Lu Xueqing's house for two years.

Open the door, the magnificent living room has been full of people.

On her 70th birthday, Mrs. Lu invited not only her family members, but also many business partners, as well as some government leaders of Dongjiang city to get together in groups and have a good chat.

But as Qin Chuan stepped in, the noise suddenly quieted down, and almost everyone turned their eyes to Qin Chuan.

"Oh, isn't this the second elder sister's husband? Why do you have time to come here? "

A man in casual clothes came up with a wine glass in his hand. He is Lu Fengming, Lu Xueqing's cousin. Every time he met, he would make trouble for Qinchuan, belittle Qinchuan and elevate himself.

"Grandma's 70th birthday, of course, I'm here to celebrate grandma's birthday."

Qin Chuan replied with a smile that although Lu Fengming in his memory had no money to make trouble for himself, Qin Chuan had promised Lu Xueqing that he didn't want to make trouble.

"Oh! Are you looking for grandma? " Lu Fengming pretended to be shocked, then Yin and Yang strange airway.

"But if I remember correctly, this is the Lu family. There is no grandson surnamed Qin."


"Ha ha ha!"

As soon as his voice fell, bursts of ridicule broke out in the hall. One by one, he looked at Qinchuan narrowly, just like a monkey in the zoo.

"Xueqing married me, her grandmother, of course, is my grandmother."

Qin Chuan has not been affected by other people's eyes, still calmly smile to Lu Fengming.

"No..." Lu Fengming scratched his head suspiciously, as if he was talking to himself, but his voice spread all over the hall.

"I remember, it seems that you married my second sister, not my second sister!" Lu Fengming points to Qinchuan and sneers.

"It's a shame that this trash can't find his own identity."

"It turns out that he is the son-in-law who comes to the door. It's better to see than to hear."

"I don't know how the old Lu family looked at him when he looked like a wimp."

All of a sudden, the crowd pointed at Qinchuan, and all kinds of ugly words came out.

"Second brother-in-law, I didn't expect that you were so thick skinned that you came to our Lu family to decorate your grandson. Ha ha ha..."

Lu Fengming laughs arrogantly and sweeps the crowd with his eyes. As long as he belittles Qin Chuan, it will highlight his superiority.

"Ha ha, that's good." Qin Chuan looked at the triumphant Lu Fengming and suddenly said aloud.

"It's good for me to pretend to be a grandson, but pretending to be a grandson is not a grandson after all. A real grandson like you is a grandson!"

Qinchuan is full of laughter. He looks at Lu Fengming with a full face of irony. The whole villa is silent.

"Ha ha, that's quite reasonable."

"Yes, it seems that Lu Fengming is the grandson."

A burst of laughter broke out in the crowd and fell on Lu Feng's ears, especially harsh.

"You, you fart! I, I'm not a grandson! " Lu Fengming's face flushed with sophistry. He felt as if he had been slapped by Qin Chuan in front of the crowd.

"You're not a grandson?" Qin Chuan nodded, a face suddenly enlightened“ You are not the grandson of the Lu family. Why are you still here? Get out of here

Qin Chuan said, slightly sideways, let the door out.

"With, with what drive me to leave, my surname is Lu, is Lu family..." Lu Fengming said anxiously.

"What are you from the Lu family?" Qin Chuan broke Lu Fengming's words with a loud drink.

"I'm a grandson!"

Lu Fengming was quick witted for a moment and said these words out loud.

There was another burst of laughter in the hall, but the object of their ridicule had shifted from Qinchuan to Lu Fengming.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you for a few days. I've got a long way to go." Lu Fengming stares at Qin Chuan with hatred on his face.

Originally, I wanted to belittle Qin Chuan in front of a group of guests and let them see Qin Chuan's jokes. Unexpectedly, I was blushed and humiliated by Qin Chuan.

Lu Fengming can't get off the stage any more, but he just let Qinchuan go. Lu Fengming's heart is not willing. Thinking of this, he flashed a touch of anger in his eyes, raised his hand and patted Qinchuan's face!

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