Looking at the dirty sticky phlegm on the cake, Qin Chuan's anger surged up.

"Feed all these things on the ground to this damned woman."

Qin Chuan said in a blunt tone,


Li Hong waved his hand, and several of his men immediately rushed up. They grabbed LAN Linlin's arm, and one of them broke her mouth.

Although LAN Linlin's whole body is almost exposed now, no one has lust in her eyes.

LAN Linlin is a beautiful woman, but her heart is like a poisonous snake. Even a child as big as Xiaobao can treat her like this, which has made everyone resentful to the extreme. No one will show mercy.

Li Hong himself came forward, grabbed a handful of cakes on the ground, mixed with broken glass, and put them in LAN Linlin's mouth.

"No... I don't eat..."

LAN Linlin shakes her head in horror and closes her mouth. However, Li Hong's other hand is directly clenched into a fist, aiming at LAN Linlin's belly.


LAN Linlin howled, and her mouth inevitably opened wide. Li Hong then stuffed all the cakes mixed with broken glass into LAN Linlin's mouth.

LAN Linlin's wailing sound suddenly, only felt that her mouth seemed to be cut by thousands of sharp blades. The severe pain made her twitch, and her lower body also spat out smelly water stains, and her mouth was bleeding.

But it's just the beginning, and it's far from the end. Li Hong shoves the broken glass into her mouth one by one, regardless of how she wails. In the end, even her plump lips are about to fall off, but Qin Chuan doesn't watch this scene, but walks away with Xiaobao in his arms.

Xiaobao was still young. He couldn't see such a bloody scene, but later, according to the residents near the manor, the woman's shrill howl rang for half a night.

The next day, in the afternoon, Qin Chuan took Xiaobao to the special ward of the central hospital.

Su Ru's face is pale lying on the hospital bed, and the tube inserted in her arm constantly transports bright red blood to her body.

Qin Chuan's Vientiane Sutra, no matter how powerful, can't make up for Su Ru's blood. That's why Qin Chuan just cured her injury, but didn't make her wake up.

"Here you are, Mr. Qin." Alice, Li Gang and several bodyguards immediately stepped forward.

They didn't leave because of Wang Dachuan's death, but they still carry out their duties and guard the Wang Group. Of course, the target they are protecting now has become Su Ru.

From the attitude of these bodyguards, we can see that Wang Dachuan should have treated them very well before.

"Xiaobao..." seeing Xiaobao again, Li Gang's voice trembled and tears began to appear in his eyes.

It can be said that Xiaobao has grown up, but now that Wang Dachuan has left, it's hard to avoid sadness when he sees Xiaobao again.

"Uncle Li Gang." Xiaobao stretched out his arm to let Li Gang hold him. After all, Xiaobao was basically taken care of by Li Gang's bodyguards before, and his feelings were deep.

Li Gang took Xiaobao and turned to look at Qinchuan.

"Mr. Qin, Mr. Fang said that if you want your wife to wake up, you have to give her some stimulation, Xiaobao..."

"Yes." Qin Chuan nodded and brought Xiaobao to wake up Su Ru.

The group then approached the ward. Qin Chuan used Vientiane Qi to explore Su Ru's body,

It doesn't matter. Yesterday's wound has recovered under the nourishment of Vientiane Qi.

"Xiaobao, don't you want to see your mother?" Qin Chuan put Xiaobao beside the bed and said softly.

Xiaobao looks at Su Ru strangely, mainly because Su Ru's face is pale at the moment, which is totally different from his mother's image before him, but it also makes Xiaobao hesitate a little.

"Mom, are you asleep?" Xiaobao said softly in Su Ru's ear, as if she was afraid of waking Su Ru.

But Su Ru didn't have any movement, still lying on the bed peacefully.

"Mom, you, don't you want Xiaobao?" Xiao Bao thought Su Ru didn't want to talk to her, so she pouted and said pitifully.

But who knows, as soon as the words came out, Su Ru on the hospital bed actually frowned slightly. Her action was very small, but she was seen by Qin Chuan.

"Go on!"

Qin Chuan's tone was a little urgent, and then he put his hand on Su Ru's arm and ran all kinds of Qi into Su Ru's body to explore her situation.

"Mom, wake up quickly. Xiaobao will never be naughty or talk back again. Don't ignore me."

Xiaobao's tender voice sounded. With the sound, Qin Chuan could clearly feel that the blood in Su Ru's body seemed to speed up a lot, and the range of her frown was also increasing,

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