The founder of all religions

Chapter 221 The past in this world lasts for thousands of years! There is a mountain in the world na

It's late at night and I don't know where the bright moon is. The vast expanse of the world is the land of broken souls.

Qian Yaodong of Duwangshan died on the way to the Tianjiao competition and in front of the table in Wangtian Tower.

Within a few moments, the troops from the patrol camp sealed off this historic building. Some people said that the boss behind Wangtian Tower was bleeding heavily this time.

Someone died in the restaurant, but it was Poison King Mountain... no, it should be considered a disciple of Xuantian Pavilion.

"It is said that the identity of the boss of Wangtian Tower is not simple. His ancestors had a grudge against Duwang Mountain, so he secretly killed him."

As soon as the sun went down, Li Mo and others heard such a conclusion at a roadside restaurant.

"Qian Yaodong is a disciple of Duwang Mountain. Sure enough, he will not die in such a strange way." Qin Zangzhuo lowered his head and said.

This young disciple from Holding Sword Mountain seems to be still brooding over what happened just now.

"The boss of Wangtianlou carried five large boxes into the patrol camp...It is said that there are new clues..."

The moon had just emerged and the wind direction had changed again.

Qian Yaodong practiced poison skills and became obsessed with it, and suffered a backlash. It was purely an accident, but it was related to the layout of Wangtian Tower and the evil pattern that led to this accident.

Wangtianlou still has an unshirkable responsibility.

Only an hour after the news came out, the boss of Wangtianlou sold out three shops on East Street at low prices.

"The truth has finally been found out... Guixu is behind this incident!"

Finally, the patrol battalion solved the case in less than five hours with extremely amazing efficiency.

Guixu's heart-rending madness caused a fresh life to wither. What we are facing is not only the tragic reality of losing a young talent and a rising disciple, but also the face of evil forces and justice. He Zai's torture.

In this regard, the patrol camp stated that it will launch a series of 100-day rectification operations against the evil forces in Guixu, resolutely safeguard the interests of the people, severely crack down on criminal activities, tackle various security risks, and effectively ensure the safety of disciples of all major sects, so as to Take concrete actions to welcome the final exam of Xuantian Pavilion, hold high the banner of justice, and hope for a bright future in Xuancheng.

That night, Ming Chengjun, the commander of the patrol battalion, attended the swearing-in meeting of the 100-day operation and delivered an important speech.

"It's Guixu again... Now it seems that these people have gone crazy. All the troubles that have happened in Wangxuan City so far are all their fault." Master Ji couldn't help but sigh.

Li Mo listened with his ears perked up, but remained silent, lowering his head and eating.

"Guixu, this bunch of heartless beasts, really never do anything for human beings."

"No wonder the court denounced them as the source of evil. They were really violating the law and discipline, and they did everything. A young life was withered like this."

"I am sworn in with sin."

Not far away, the disciples from the major sects who were still watching gradually dispersed, and the sense of justice in their hearts was completely inspired by the timely truth.

"It's a pity that he was assassinated..."

At this moment, Qin Zangzhuo suddenly spoke.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be so kind-hearted?" Li Mo looked up and couldn't help but look at the other person.

It was rare for this stubborn young man to feel pity and regret for this accident when he was humiliated and bullied by Qian Yaodong in full view of the public.

"My senior sister said that if someone slaps you, you must return it in person. The others are dead and I have no chance." Qin Zangzhuo was a little sad.


"You are only at the seventh level of the Inner Breath Realm. Even if Qian Yaodong doesn't die, you will only get a slap."

Master Ji glanced at him and felt that there was something wrong with this kid's mind.

Qian Yaodong could slap him into pieces with just one slap.

"Okay, let's just say goodbye."

Li Mo got up and was about to leave with Master Ji. Speaking of it, he and Qin Zangzhuo just met by chance.

"Brother Li, I haven't repaid you for your kindness today... My senior sister said that others' kindness must be repaid with my own hands..."

Qin Zangzhuo quickly stood up to stop him.

"No need."

Li Mo shook his head, turned around and left with Master Ji.

"Brother Ji, let's say goodbye."

When they came to the intersection, Li Mo saw that it was already getting late and wanted to go to Boss Bai's place to check on Ning Huai Curse.

These days, he was thinking about that life-cutting sword.

"No, there's still a highlight tonight." Master Ji pulled Li Mo and said in a deep voice.

"The highlight?"

"Places like Wangtian Tower are filled with small characters. They belong to the Mountain Gate of the World and are from three religions and nine streams. Although these people have been given the opportunity to enter the Xuantian Pavilion, they are just inferior students."

Master Ji talked eloquently and talked about the secrets.

Xuantian Pavilion recruits disciples and selects talents from all the major sects in the world every three years.

There are three thousand mountain gates in the world, and more than half of them are not qualified to send disciples to Xuantian Pavilion.

Just like Luofu Mountain, since Black Sword, no disciple has appeared for three hundred years to advance to the Xuantian Pavilion.

Even now in Wangxuan City, disciples from all the major sects have obtained the qualifications to enter the Xuantian Pavilion, but their values ​​and destinies are also very different.

If divided by merit, the top twenty disciples of the mountain sect are considered top students. They are born with the best resources and have the highest talents. Their strength is naturally that of a leader.

These people are the people Xuantian Pavilion pays most attention to, and they have long been regarded as the wealth of Xuantian Pavilion.

The top 100 Shanmen disciples are average students. Although they are not as valued as top students, they still attract the attention of the upper class.

In previous Xuantian Pavilion assessments, many top-notch talents can be discovered among middle-level students. These people have not yet exploded their true potential among the major sects. Once they are trained by Xuantian Pavilion, they will make rapid progress.

The disciples ranked below one hundred are the so-called inferior students.

The meaning of their existence is to become the cornerstone of the tall building of Xuantian Pavilion, just like Chen Wangdu, who worked quietly at the bottom for more than 20 years, and barely managed to work as a special envoy when he was in his forties. .

In fact, this is a hard job, and only these inferior students do it.

Most disciples like them lose their competitiveness by the age of thirty-five, and more than 70% become cannon fodder, or hold more difficult positions, or are directly killed in the mission... The luckier ones are injured. Sick, mixed with some pension money, and finally ended his remaining life and disappeared in this world.

This is why Xuantian Pavilion needs to add new blood every three years.

"The only people who can reach the middle and upper levels in Xuantian Pavilion are the top students and the average students...the poor students can only be at the grassroots level..." Master Ji said calmly.

"It's really ironic." Li Mo couldn't help but sigh.

In Longyuan Mansion, those people are desperately trying to get into the Xuantian Pavilion. If they can stand out and obtain the qualifications to enter the Xuantian Pavilion, it will be a great event for the brilliance of the family. In the eyes of everyone, this is a halo and one step to reach the sky.

However, only when you actually arrive in the capital will you realize the class gap.

Disciples from all the major sects in the world, from the moment they stepped into Wangxuan City, their fates had already distanced themselves from each other.

More than 90% of them are just inferior students.

"There were only some inferior students in Wangtian Tower just now, most of them came from the mountain sect ranked below 100." Master Ji said in a deep voice.

"The place I'm going to take you to later is a gathering of average students...and maybe top students..."

"The top twenty mountain gates?" Li Mo's heart moved slightly.

Nowadays, sects from all over the world are gathering in Wangxuan City. The final exam is coming soon. Sooner or later, he will meet the descendants of these top sects. Maybe he can take this opportunity to broaden his horizons.

"Do you want to come together?" Master Ji asked.

"Then there's Brother Lao Ji."

Li Mo readily agreed.

A moment later, the two of them appeared outside a quiet courtyard in Dongcheng, which was only nine streets away from the Dengtian Tower.

"Brother Ji, why did we enter through the side door again?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask after looking at Master Ji's skillful handling of the concierge.


Master Ji called Li Mo to follow, and after paying thirty taels of silver, the two successfully entered the courtyard.

"The layout of this courtyard...there are some doorways..."

As soon as Li Mo stepped in, he felt something strange. There was a large vat in the center of the front yard. With this as the center, the surrounding energy was trapped in it, and Li Mo's spiritual sense felt faintly suppressed.

"Your vision is quite accurate... This courtyard is the property of [Mountain of the Past]..." Master Ji said calmly.

"Mountain of the Past!?" Li Mo was stunned. He seemed to have heard Yan Zixia mention this name before.

"Thousands of years have passed in the human world, and there is a legacy in the sea to the east... This lineage is extremely special. From the beginning, it has recorded major events in the world and the secrets of various sects..." Master Ji turned around and said.

"Therefore, the strength of Past Events Mountain is not very powerful, but its status is extremely high among the mountain sects in the world."

"This [Yuanchi Meeting] is also organized by the Mountain of Past Events. It has been for many years and it has become a tradition."

Master Ji knew everything about Tianxiashanmen.

"Yuan Chi Hui..." Li Mo chewed the name.

If the abyss is deep and the pool is large, there must be a lurking dragon hidden there.

"The purpose of holding this meeting in Past Events Mountain is to unearth the dark horses hidden in the major mountain gates... They will keep detailed records of each Xuantian Pavilion assessment."

While they were talking, the two of them arrived at the backyard, where twenty or thirty people had already gathered.

Li Mo only glanced at it and saw that the disciples of the Shanmen here were much higher than those of Wangtianlou. Almost all of them were ninth-level masters who had refined the spiritual roots of Taoism.

"The quality of the top 100 descendants of Shanmen is really different."

Li Mo's eyes narrowed, but he cast them towards the highest platform.

Sitting in the center is a woman, bright and good at sight, looking forward to the brilliance, dressed in flowing green clothes, like a fairy in the clouds.

"She is the descendant of the Mountain of Past Events, Chan Zhiqiu." Master Ji's eyes narrowed and he whispered.

"The cicadas will wake up before the autumn wind moves..." Li Mo murmured softly.

"All the talents have arrived, and I hope you will show your respect."

At this moment, Chan Zhiqiu gave a soft drink, and the courtyard immediately became quiet.

This fully shows the master's aloof status and the reputation of the mountain in the past. Even the top twenty mountain sects will give him three points.

Here, everything Chan Zhiqiu says and does seems to be weightless.

"This woman is not simple..." Master Ji said in a deep voice.

According to his estimation, this descendant of the Past Mountain is at least a master of the Seven Inch Realm, and even more powerful, far surpassing Qian Yaodong of the Poison King Mountain.

"Brother Faming, please come up."

Chan Zhiqiu's words immediately attracted everyone's attention. Among the crowd, a young monk with a delicate face slowly walked onto the high platform.

"Faming from Kurong Mountain is here too? Fairy Chan is so proud."

At this moment, someone whispered softly, looking at the young monk with eyes filled with awe.

Kurong Mountain ranks twenty-seventh among the mountain gates in the world. It originates from Tianchan Mountain and has a close relationship with it. Therefore, it has a high status and is different from ordinary mountain gates.

"Only with the approval of Fairy Chan from the Mountain of Past Events can one take the stage and be regarded as a hidden dragon in the abyss."

“I don’t know who else is qualified to sit on the stage.”

"It would be great if I could get the first one. The Mountain of the Past has hidden scrolls for thousands of years, but I have the opportunity to ask them any secrets."

Under the high platform, bursts of discussion resounded.

According to the rules of the Yuanchi Club, anyone who takes a seat on the stage is a distinguished guest of the Mountain of the Past. As for the person who gets the first seat, he is even more qualified to obtain a secret he wants to know from the Mountain of the Past.

Thousands of years have passed since the past, and the secrets of the world are all on the Cangshan Mountain in the East China Sea.

"Brother Xu Dao, come up too." Chan Zhiqiu chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man with a long knife on his back walked out of the crowd. His face was peaceful, but no one dared to approach him within ten steps.

Lingdao Mountain, Xu Feng returns.

"Tsk, tsk, Lingdao Mountain's reputation is not as good as that of Kurong Mountain."

"Fairy Chan, I don't want to be in the limelight." Xu Feng stepped onto the high platform and whispered softly, but his eyes swept over the high-altitude leader.

"Since the Black Sword was born three hundred years ago, and my ancestors from the Past Mountains decided on this Yuanchi meeting, this has been the rule. The capable will take the stage... Brother Xu Dao is fully qualified." Chan Zhiqiu chuckled. Tells a story from the past.

The history of Yuanchi Club can be traced back to three hundred years ago. It was originally a very boring party...

That year, the ancestor of the Mountain of Past Events was just a young boy. He invited his friends from all over the world to gather together, and invited disciples from all the great mountain sects to observe and learn about various mysterious arts.

It was at that gathering that a little-known young man appeared out of nowhere, and with the power of his sword, hundreds of families were convinced.

That boy's name is Black Sword.

Since then, the Yuanchi Society has been passed down from generation to generation and has never been cut off in the hands of the Mountain of Past Events.

"Do you have any objections to these two seats?"

Chan Zhiqiu asked the audience.

This is the rule. Anyone who is recognized by the Mountain of the Past can directly take a seat on the stage. As for others who want to take the stage, they must show their strength and compete with each other.

Of course, if someone is dissatisfied with this, they can also challenge it directly.

Everyone looked at each other, but there was no objection.

Both the Dharma of Kurong Mountain and Xu Feng of Lingdao Mountain are well-known, and they are fully qualified to take the stage.

"Okay, now I ask you to report your family status. Anyone who wants to give it a try can show off his talents."

Chan Zhiqiu waved his hand, and two girls next to him held rafter pens and started recording.

"You still want to declare your family status?" someone asked softly.

"Every Yuanchi meeting must be recorded in detail, and the origins of the participants must also be clear."

"Huagu Mountain, Song Dynasty Civilization."

"Lingchi Mountain, divination medicine money."

"Abbott Mountain, all eighteen."

One name after another kept ringing out, from front to back.

Whether it's the Dharma in Kurong Mountain or Xu Feng in Lingdao Mountain, the old god is still there, without any disturbance.

With their background and strength, although these mountain sects have little reputation, it is not enough for them to take them seriously.

Even Chan Zhiqiu just listened quietly, with no emotional changes visible in her beautiful eyes.

"Maowu Mountain, Zheng Qingping."

"The west sets on the mountain, Basiwa."

Gradually, the registration sound came from front to back, and reached the last corner, and everyone's eyes continued to move back following the sound.

"Luofu Mountain, Li Mo."

At this moment, a soft voice sounded in the courtyard.


Suddenly, on the high platform, the face of Chan Zhiqiu, who was sitting upright, suddenly changed, and she suddenly stood up from her seat! ! !

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