The founder of all religions

Chapter 455 Hearing and knowing with six ears, the inner demon turns into an ape! Uncle Ma’s Guest (

Chapter 454 Hearing and knowing with six ears, the inner demon turns into an ape! Uncle Ma’s Guest (2-in-1)

Qingchan City, inside Xuantian Pavilion.

When Li Mo walked into the official residence, Gu Changan was sitting at his desk, looking through a volume of ancient books, his brows darkening slightly, as if he was thinking.

"What are you looking at? So entranced?"

Li Mo moved forward and asked.

Ever since Gu Changan completely mastered the nightmare-like cultivation method of [Big Dream Eternal Skill], he has given up the habit of staying up day and night. He even quit the [Six Dragons Liver-Removing Pill]. He only does it three times a day every day. get up.

This is the first time I have been as diligent as today.

"The Black Sword Secret Path has some clues..." Gu Changan raised his eyes and glanced lightly, and said calmly.

"Seriously!?" Li Mo's eyes lit up when he heard this.

If he really finds the Black Sword Secret Path, he can directly bypass the dojo of [Beisha Xuanzhang] and go straight to Qingping Mountain to refine it and build it into his own dojo as a base for settling down in the future.

"Do you think I've been working in Qingchan City for so many years just to earn a living?" Gu Changan said casually.

Since Li Mo opened up the relationship with Gu Feifan, it has become more convenient for Gu Changan to enter and leave Beimang Huangqiu. The most important thing is that he has obtained a lot of resources and intelligence from Jiujiang Mansion. Many of the joints that he had guessed before can be confirmed one by one. .

For Gu Changan, this trip to Jiujiang Mansion was a huge gain.

"Where?" Li Mo asked.

"These days, I have read a lot of ancient books and secret files... I guess it may be in the mountains near [Ailao Mountain]." Gu Changan's tone was still a little uncertain.

"Guess? Probably? Ailao Mountain!?"

Li Mo looked at Gu Changan suspiciously, and the brilliance that had just appeared in his eyes gradually extinguished.

"Boss... They say it's a secret passage... If it's so easy to find, it won't have been hidden from the light for three hundred years..." Gu Changan rolled his eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Li Mo's doubts.

"Besides, who is Black Sword? He is the general manager of Beimang Huangqiu. If you can find such a few clues, you will be burned to death."

"I just said one thing when I stepped on the horse, and you have a hundred words waiting."

Li Mo curled his lips, turned around, moved a chair and sat next to Gu Changan.

"Master Li, we have hard work even if we don't have any merit."

"Young Master Gu, I know you've been working hard."

Li Mo whispered and took the secret file in front of Gu Changan.

"Ailao Mountain, where is this place?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of barren hills in Beimang, and there are no hills. This place doesn't look close to Qingchan City on the map, but it's actually quite far away."

"You summed it up really well."

Li Mo glanced at the secret file in his hand and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Monster ape!?"

"Ailao Mountain has some origins. It is not an unknown place... More than 900 years ago, a demon ape once appeared in this mountain. It had great supernatural powers and could cut off the six senses..." Gu Changan said solemnly.

"The one Xiao Chen mentioned!?" Li Mo lowered his eyes thoughtfully.

"This monkey's life and death are all destined by great fate..."

Gu Changan reminded him as he stared at the secret file.

Li Mo looked at it and couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"This... Xia Shang Zhou... this monkey is still related to Xia Shang Zhou!?"

"More than nine hundred years ago, a young man traveled from the capital to the barren hills of Beimang. He looked like a monster hunter who traveled through the mountains and rivers, but he actually came from the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties..."

"That young man's name is Zhou Yin!"

"Zhou Yin!?" Li Mo raised his eyebrows with a strange expression.

"The young man went to Beimang alone, explored many tombs, and finally met the demon ape in Ailao Mountain..." Gu Changan continued.

"The demon monkey's cultivation was astonishing. Although the young man came from the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, he did not have supernatural powers at that time. However, when his life was in danger, a passing Taoist saved him and killed the demon monkey with great means. Big tombs are more dangerous than mountains.”

After saying this, Gu Changan paused for a moment and looked at Li Mo.

"Perhaps you have already guessed the identity of that young man..."

"Zhou Yin...Zhou is the surname of the country. The gods are not visible and their traces are hidden..." Li Mo murmured softly, with a glint in his deep eyes.

"He is the divine sect who will destroy the world in the future, Zhou Tatian!"

"That Taoist is really amazing. He actually saved the young Shenzong's life. This is a great blessing..." Li Mo couldn't help but say.

This is a merit that can't be cultivated even if the smoke from the ancestral graves comes out. Life after life, you will not be able to enjoy the blessings.

"That Taoist is a real master outside the world. Everything comes together according to fate, and everything disperses according to fate. He doesn't ask for cause and effect..." Gu Changan said something meaningful.

In fact, regarding that Taoist, the secret files from Liangzhou were briefly mentioned without mentioning it.

However, Gu Changan noticed something fishy, ​​and some records in it had been deleted.

"The Taoist said that this ape's body became a false body after death, and the inner demon roots will be reborn in the future..."

"What do you mean?" Li Mo asked confused.

"This..." Gu Changan hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to explain it. What the Taoist said was really shocking.

"Come on...I can accept it."

"What that Taoist means is that the cause and effect of this demon ape's life and death is not now, but in the future..." Gu Changan thought for a while and couldn't help but say.

"Huh!? Is it possible that you can still fake corpses?"

"The Taoist said that the origin of this demonic ape is incredible... You must know that practicing a religion will lead to many evil disasters..."

When the mind is born, all kinds of demons are born; when the mind is destroyed, all kinds of demons are destroyed.

All thoughts arise from the six roots that have not been cut off: the eyes see joy, the ears hear anger, the nose smells love, the tongue tastes thoughts, the opinions are desires, and the body is worried...

If the six roots are impure, they will be like the six thieves who steal heavenly secrets and hope for immortality, thus giving rise to evil spirits.

Therefore, in the ancient practice of cultivation, if you want to achieve great power, you must destroy the six roots and enter the pure state.

Therefore, it is said that when the mind returns to the heart, it is the Zen method of concentration, and the elixir for eliminating the six senses is self-formed.

Among the six roots, the ear root is the most sharp. If the ear root is not "rounded", inner demons will arise.

"The monkey didn't know what chance he had. He glimpsed the secret of the future in the dark, saw the divine form, and heard with six ears. However, he became a demon in his mind and achieved unparalleled magical powers."

"You mean... that demon monkey is the projection of the inner demon of a future existence, and it has just become a demon after seeing it!?"

Li Mo scratched his head, still feeling weird and incomprehensible.

"That should be what it means..." Gu Changan said a little uncertainly.

Even though as a monk, the future determines the past, this statement still sounds a bit difficult to understand.

"Is this okay?"

"The world is vast, full of wonders... Maybe there is a hint of heaven in Ailao Mountain, outside of independent time, not in the void, there is no past, no present, and no future..." Gu Changan guessed.

In such a secret, there is no concept of time and space at all.

Perhaps, the demon monkey saw such a secret, and secretly embarked on its own alternative destiny.

"Hearing with six ears, the inner demon turns into an ape...which means that in the future, when the deity it sees is truly born, it will trigger the cause and effect of the life and death of the demon monkey!?"

"You can't really fake the corpse!"

Li Mo's expression became strange. It seemed that it was not uncommon for demons and ghosts to turn into corpses in the deserted hills of Beimang.

After all, this is the land where even [Beishi Xuanzhang] can raise the True Dragon of Taiyin.

"Don't talk nonsense... Even if the corpse is fake, it may not be in our era, and it might not happen in another thousand or two thousand years..."

Gu Changan shook his head and said with great certainty: "We are all lucky people, how could we be so unlucky!?"

"You're right."

Li Mo thought about it and believed it.

Since entering Liangzhou, everything has been going smoothly. How could I be so unlucky to meet that monster monkey pretending to be a corpse?

"Are you sure the Black Sword Secret Path is in Ailao Mountain?" Li Mo changed the topic and asked.

"If I'm sure, I'll kill him directly... The boss said this is a secret passage... How can it be so easy to find..."

While talking, Gu Changan approached Li Mo and asked tentatively: "Why don't you find someone to explore the way first!?"

"Looking for someone...Who are you looking for!?" Li Mo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"That beauty scorpion."

"Unlock Pipa!?"

"She is originally a demon from Beimang Huangqiu, and she is still a direct descendant of [Bei Sha Xuanzhang]... It is much easier for her to get in and out of Huangqiu than us..."

"Furthermore, you are now a master of the [Void Realm], and you must not move your true breath rashly. If a master like you makes a random move in Beimang Barren Hills, it is likely to attract the attention of Beisha Xuanzhang, and it will be regarded as a provocation... "


Li Mo's heart moved, Gu Changan's words touched his heart.

That day, in Wangxuan City, he almost died in the hands of this demon immortal.

"What you said makes sense. I'll let Little Scorpion explore the road later."

Li Mo nodded and approved Gu Changan's proposal.

In the evening, Biyou lives.

The quiet little courtyard was brightly lit.

The grease produced by the thunder pool is enough to provide Qingchan City with eternal light for a hundred years.

"Ailao Mountain!?"

After listening to Li Mo's words, Xie Pipa looked thoughtful.

"What? Is it difficult?"

"Not really... I've heard of that place. It's still deserted. It seems that except for an ape temple, there are a few little demons gathered together, and there are no masters."

After all, Xie Pipa was the master of the Bottomless Cave before, and he knew the distribution of forces in Bei Mang Huangqiu very well.

A place like Ailao Mountain is a bit ominous, and the slightly more powerful demons and ghosts would naturally disdain to occupy this mountain and open up caves.

"Then just take a trip." Li Mo urged, "If something doesn't feel right, come back immediately."

The Hundred Thousand Barren Hills in Beimang was, after all, the territory of the Demon Immortal, and Li Mo did not want to damage the general Xie Pipa just because of exploring the route.

"Sister Scorpion, I'll go with you."

At this moment, Xia Chanming walked out of the house. She has been living in Biyou Residence since she followed Xie Pipa back to Qingchan City.

Although Li Mo was wary of her, he didn't say much.

After all, he can control everything in Biyou Residence, not to mention that Li Mo also attaches great importance to Xia Chanming's status in Guixu Residence.

Maybe, when I return to the capital in the future, I can use this identity to make a fuss.

"Are you coming with me!?"

Xie Pipa hesitated for a moment, but then she thought about it. If she left, Xia Cicada would be left here alone, unable to sleep and embarrassed.

You know, except for Li Mo, everyone in this yard is not a good person, especially Zhu Gangxi, who carries a rake all day long, trying to find fault with her.

Thinking of this, Xie Pipa nodded in agreement.

"Are you sure you want to take her with you?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

He quite recognized Xie Pipa's strength, especially after the latter awakened the [Great Demonic Power of the Plague Department]. His cultivation level was already that of a great demon, and it was even more incomparable.

But the summer cicada sings...

"Don't look down on others. I haven't been idle since you left the capital."

Xia Chanming saw the strange look in Li Mo's eyes and immediately felt discrimination.

"Okay, let's go."

Xie Pipa played Xia Cicada, and without any explanation, it turned into a demonic wind and rose into the sky, disappearing into the long night sky.

"I will return……"

As the echo gradually faded, Wang Jiu walked to the yard and looked at the faint traces left in the sky.

"Master, are they going to Ailao Mountain?"

"Have you heard of it too?" Li Mo couldn't help but ask.

"Well, when I traveled to Liangzhou in the early years, I found a few turtle shells in an ancient cave, with some scattered records on them..." Wang Jiu's eyes filled with memories.

He was the first to leave Luofu Mountain and traveled around the world, gaining a lot.

When I was in Liangzhou, I not only met the little demon chasing the sun with his back, but also saw records about Ailao Mountain in an ancient cave...

To be precise, I saw the records about that Taoist.

"The monster ape in Ailao Mountain has amazing magical powers. The Taoist chopped off its limbs, staggered its five poles, and sealed it in the tomb with a treasure." Wang Jiu remembered the record he saw that day.

"What baby!?" Li Mo's eyes lit up.

"It seems to be called [Heaven Palm Wheel]... It is said that this treasure gathers the five elements, and the wheel transforms the void... so it is also called..."

"Five Elements Heaven!"

"Five Elements...Heaven!? The name sounds like a good baby..."

Li Mo smacked his lips, thoughtfully. If he really found the secret passage of the Black Sword someday, he could go back and dig to see if he could dig out this treasure.

Li Mo is still very confident in Gu Changan's business.


As he was talking, Li Mo suddenly felt something in his heart, got up, opened the courtyard door, and walked out.

There were few people on the cold street, but the yard diagonally opposite was lit by candlelight at dusk.

"Uncle Ma is back!?"

Li Mo was stunned for a moment, then showed joy.

Uncle Ma has been missing for more than half a month. He even sent the Red Lotus boy to search for him before, but there was no clue.

This worried Li Mo for a long time.

"Liangzhou is remote, where has Uncle Ma been?"

Li Mo muttered, walked straight to Uncle Ma's yard, and knocked on the door "dong dong dong".

After a while, the door opened.

"Xiao Li...come in..."

Uncle Ma raised his drooped eyelids slightly, and immediately greeted Li Mo to come in.


After not seeing him for more than half a month, Li Mo only felt that Uncle Ma seemed a little different. The aura on his body was no longer as sluggish as before, but seemed a little restless.

Walking into the courtyard, Li Mo's eyes narrowed, but he didn't expect that Uncle Ma actually had guests here.

It was a middle-aged man with a high bun on his head, pale temples, and a pair of eyes like hidden stars. He happened to look up at Li Mo. The night wind blew up the man's robe, but there was an embroidered letter on the corner of his clothes. Nine-story ancient building! !

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