The Four Symbol Sovereign

16 Mora!!... Awakening!


Di Cheng's voice was so soft and gentle but for the little blue light, it was like a command. It shone again with a bright blue light, acknowledging that it was listening.

It has waited for this day for 3 billion years and now its wish is going to come true.

Di Cheng caressed the blue light in his hand for some time and its emotions gushed into his heart he felt its anxiety, grief, happiness, and various emotions that it cannot show on the surface are now felt by him.

"Chaos Tempus!!! "

The entire 'Tian province' stilled, the birds that were flying in the sky stopped, demon beasts, animals, plants, carriage carts, busy looking capital city, crying babies, spiritual forms as well as physical forms everything and everyone stopped even air stilled.

Di Cheng and the blue light were the only ones that were able to move. He flicked his fingers and the entire light in the province disappeared, everywhere it became pitch black. The entire province is shrouded in darkness.

Di Cheng flipped his finger upwards and light that disappeared in the province formed a cluster ball of a speck on his finger, it was so bright as if the sun was born in the room.

Zuji and the princess Ji Yan'er who were in the Bareback mountains on the outskirts of Tian province, saw a pitch black dome engulfed the entire province.

"What!?...the hell was ….that!?" Ji Yan'er yelled. Zuji, who was standing beside her had his mouth agape. He, who was able to predict anything, was now at a loss of words and what he was watching was totally out of his prediction range.

"Hurry up! Let's go check what happened! " Zuji, who was still in a daze almost shouted at Ji Yan'er.


Inside Di Cheng's room.

Di Cheng watched the clustered bright ball of a speck on his fingertip and then at the blue light,

"You have waited a really long time for me and I have not even given you the proper name

'Wisdom's seal.' I am really an irresponsible master." Di Cheng's voice was so gentle and caring and has endless emotions.

"From today onward you will have a proper name and you can have the freedom to choose whatever you want to do." Di Cheng said slowly.

["In the name of the 'Origin Chaos God,' you who were born from the dark blue pebble will be named 'Mora' and you will be granted your freedom."]

"Chaos Claritus!!!"

Di Cheng flicked his fingertip and the bright cluster speck moved closer to the blue light and enveloped it.

A golden light shone in the room brighter and brighter forming a naked figure with bright blue colored long hair and glowing milky white skin. Her figure can only be described as devastatingly beautiful with smooth curves and ample bosom when she opened her eyes, they were shining with blue light which then turned into beautiful sapphire pupils. The surrounding light transformed into pure white garments with golden lined patterns. She was like a goddess who just descended from heaven.

Mora, who was unable to control her emotions, knelt in front of Di Cheng and cried. She who existed for billions of years wandered on this land just to find him. Now she was given a name, freedom and a true body, she cannot control her emotions tears gushed out of her eyes.

Di Cheng gently caressed her hair and took her into his arms, which in turn caused her to wail even louder.

"I am really an irresponsible master. Mora, you are no longer a pebble who attained consciousness now you have a true body, and I am giving you the freedom to choose what you want to do." Di Cheng gently caressed her hair and spoke with emotion.

"Master… I...stay with !" Her voice was incoherent as she was in the process of adjusting to her new body.

"Yes! Of course, you can stay with me. I had lost many things last time now I have to cherish everyone and everything." Di Cheng's voice was full of determination.

"Mora I have to thank you for using almost all of your power to jog my memory. I had lost many things the previous time. Now that I am born again things will be different. This time no one can take my people even if those damn beasts reincarnate." Di Cheng's voice became ice-cold.

'Haha... This is what it means to have emotions. I am really fortunate to meet my master first. It is so peaceful in his arms. I want to stay with him like this for all eternity.' Mora had a joyous expression on her face as she cuddled herself in his arms.

"Mora, why do you want me to go to the Western Ghat mountains?" Di Cheng asked Mora, who was in his arms.

If anyone were to see them now they would be mesmerized, two celestial beings, one having his upper body naked while the other wearing a pure white dress emitting golden lights cuddling each other. Even if they waited for a thousand lives to witness such a scene, it would be worth it.

"Master, 'Old Jio' was there in those mountains, but he was afraid to get near you. He was waiting there for you since you were born." Mora said in a timid voice.

"Oh!...Hahaha... That old fellow also has been waiting for me, and he still fears me," a small smile crept on his face.

While they were cuddling inside the room they didn't know that outside the Tian province everywhere was in chaos. Nearby provinces like Riguang and Huichen provinces are in an uproar. Everyone witnessed the strange pitch black dome which enveloped the entire Tian province.

"Master!!... What was that? What will happen to people in the province? What about father and mother?" Ji Yan'er rained Zuji with questions. She was anxious because everyone related to her are in the capital.

"I also don't know! I am unable to predict, it is beyond my abilities. We need to reach near that dome and see what happened!" Zuji was also anxious, his favorite disciple, the king, and his family were in Tian province.

Zuji used his air 'Dao ki' to fly and brought Ji Yan'er with him and departed hurriedly.

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