The Four Symbol Sovereign

19 The Martial Arts Competition begins.

At dawn, the whole capital city streets are crowded with people. The streets that lead to the arena are packed with thousands of people and the imperial guards are having a hard time controlling the situation. Bu family sent a few elders and several of its guards to all four entrances to the arena.

The arena was already filled with thousands of spectators and was bustling with noise. There was special VIP seating for the imperial family and just below that, was seating for noble families. A few noble families like Bu, Mu, Tu and Chu families came early.

An elder of the imperial family was acting as a referee and was announcing major family arrivals.

"Su family and Xi family arrived."

Elder Lin announced in a loud voice, with enough amount of Dao ki his voice echoed the entire arena.

"Your Highness King Ji Xian and Queen Ji Xing arrived!"

King Ji Xian, Queen Ji Xing, and Zuji along with elders Mia and Ming and a few entourages. Chattering can be heard when people see Riguang province and Huichen province elders.

Everyone stood up and bowed to the King of Tian province.

But when the crowd heard elder Lin's voice and saw a figure coming behind the King, the entire arena was silenced.

"Princess Ji Yan'er has arrived!"

A graceful figure entered wearing a small golden coronet and red imperial gown. The entire crowd was enchanted by her red hair and beautiful garnet pupils.

"Princess!!.... What a beauty!! Perhaps the prettiest girl I have ever seen." A noble young man who came from another province exclaimed.

"Yes! She may be the prettiest girl in the entire Red Jade continent," a woman next to him commented.

Ji Yan'er just looked at the crowd and sat down while Xia Ling as her maid stood behind her.

"Liu family arrived."

"Fei family arrived."

Elder Lin continued to make an announcement.

"Sister Ling, you told me that the man that saved you was from Di family. If he was from a major family, he will certainly come to the arena, then I have to thank him for saving you." Ji Yan'er said in a low voice. She and Xia Ling were like sisters, so if someone helped her sister it is natural for her to express gratitude.

"Di family arrived."

Ji Yan'er and Xia Ling's eyes shifted to the people coming through the entrance of the arena.

Di Zian and his wife Di Xinyue walked in front, while Di Cheng, along with Di Chen followed behind them. Mora as a maid followed beside Di Cheng.

Di Cheng was wearing a purple robe with golden red lined patterns and golden strings wrapped around his abdomen. His face was creamy white and his shiny black hair was flowing like a waterfall.

He looked extremely handsome and his body structure can make other men jealous.

"So handsome!! I have never seen such a man in my life!" A pretty girl from the crowd shouted.

"Whoa!!.... If I have a chance I want to stay with him all my life, even as a maid." Another beauty gazed at him like she wanted to eat him.

"Humph!... Humph!... This pretty boy is causing a commotion." Many young males stared at him with envy, his arrival caused an even better impact than the arrival of Ji Yan'er.

Mu Yin, who was sitting with her family looked at him with big eyes. She never thought he would be this handsome before.

"Brother Cheng is really handsome!" Fei Ling exclaimed.

Fei Long and her father Fei Shui looked at her with odd faces.

"Brother Cheng and I met once in the city streets." Fei Ling explained to them seeing their odd faces.

"Oh!... Even if he looks handsome, he cannot cultivate. He has no Dao veins." Fei Shui said lightly.

"What!?" Fei Ling exclaimed.

"Princess…, he is the one that helped me." Xia Ling said absentmindedly. She almost thought the one that saved her and the one here in the arena was a different person.

Ji Yan'er intensely stared at him. She then shifted her gaze towards Xia Ling and asked. " Is he really the one who saved you? I cannot sense any Dao ki from him."

" Yes!...., his name is Di Cheng, but I didn't know how he became handsome in these few days." Xia Ling explained.

Ji Yan'er nodded, but her vision never left him. After some time she mumbled, "He is not simple."

Elder Mia who was silent up to now spoke, "What a handsome young man certainly a poison for women." Elder Ming also nodded his head.

King Ji Xian who was beside her sighed, "Yes, but the reality is cruel, he has no Dao veins. If such a person with both talent and looks was born then it would have been a boon for our province."

Elder Mia and Ming nodded in understanding, even if Di Cheng looked pretty if cannot cultivate then he was a mere mortal. They were here for exciting matches and to see the progress of the younger generation in Tian province.

Di Zian and Di Xinyue were very excited by the response from the crowd but didn't show it on their faces. Of course, they were happy because Di Cheng was their son. Who doesn't want their son to be handsome?

Di Chen sighed and thought, 'if these people found out that Di Cheng is not only pretty but also a powerful cultivator, what would be their reactions?'

Tu She, who was sitting with the Tu family, clenched his fists. He wanted payback for the humiliation he felt on the city streets.

Bu Shen watched Di Cheng and smiled sarcastically and thought to himself, 'A mere mortal without any Dao veins, what if you are handsome? Power determines everything.'

Di Zian and Di Xinyue bowed to King Ji Xian and sat in the seats assigned to them. Di Cheng sat behind them while Mora stood beside him.

" Young master!!... This feeling…" Mora felt a strange power locked onto them and looked at Ji Yan'er.

"Alright, there is no need to be impulsive. I never thought I would encounter her here so quickly." Di Cheng looked at Ji Yan'er and said lightly.

Elder Lin looked at the crowd and announced, "Since everyone arrived, I will explain the rules of the competition. First of all, the competition will have only ten participants from the top ten noble families. They should be between 16-20 years old and at least have a cultivation base of the fourth level Elementary Dao realm."

"The ones who are participating should come near the stage. You have to be seated in the participant seats till the competition is over." Elder Lin stated.

Every major noble family sent their most talented ones to the arena. In a few breaths of time, all the participants came near the stage.

All the audience's eyes are on the people like Bu Shen, Di Chen, Mu Yin, Tu She, Fei Long because these youngsters have a higher reputation than any other person on the participant list.

"At first, you have to draw a number from the box and the person who will have the same number will be your opponent." Elder Lin announced.

"The Martial Arts Competition begins."

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