The Four Symbol Sovereign

5 The Martial Arts competition.

Di Cheng is sitting on a rock nearby pond in the garden and watching the fish, his mother came over and sat beside him and said, "Cheng'er your father is calling for you."Di Cheng turned his head and smiled and said," Mother do you think I am lazy because I am doing nothing and wasting my time." He became sincere and said," I have no Dao veins so I am unable to cultivate, my aptitude in medicine is not that good and I am unable to help anybody in the family and I know every one look down on me and it's natural." He looked at the pond again pulled the grass and gripped it in his hand and said," Mother you and father doesn't need to be worried, I don't know for sure but I can tell you that my time will come."He released his hand and green grass became powder. Di Xinyue is shocked because that grip at least has the power of Elementary Dao Realm 3-stage physical strength. She looked at her son 'I knew it, even though he doesn't have Dao ki, he has a powerful physical body,' she is proud to have him as her son.

Di Cheng and his mother returned to a room where his father was going through some documents when Di Zian saw his son he waved his hand and gave him an invitation letter.

It is an invitation for 'Martial Arts competition' which is going to be held by Bu family.

"Cheng'er this competition is held every four years, last time you are a small kid, now you can come along with me to the competition," when he saw his son is about to speak he waved his hand and said, " I am not asking you to enter in the competition, I am asking you to watch the competition and broaden your horizon." Di Cheng thought for a while ' yes, I can have a look at the outside world, all day staying here is boring,' he nodded his head. "We will be going to Bu family in ten days prepare yourself.

In Bu family.

"Patriarch, I just got information that Di family patriarch is attending the competition along with his son Di Cheng," an elder who was responsible invitations said to Bu family patriarch Bu Fan.

When Bu Fan heard this he frowned," Why is Di Zian bringing his son, doesn't he know that bringing his crippled son only lowers his prestige and he will be ridiculed by all other families. Di Zian is very powerful, we have to be careful so that no mishap happen during the competition."

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