The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 105 Plug-in Upgrade

After subduing He Mingyuan, the tool man, Yang Lu's work became much easier. After checking the work status of several chamber of commerce stewards, Yang Lu was ready to go back to his room to sleep.

This is not because he likes to sleep in, but he is curious whether the strange dream yesterday will appear again.

This time his eyelids sank and he quickly fell asleep.

After "opening" his eyes again, he found that he was back in the mysterious space full of gray fog.

Even in his sleep, Yang Lu couldn't help but feel slightly excited;

This new plug-in of mine is indeed the kind that can be reused!

Yang Lu could clearly feel that "he" was starting to mutter words again, but this time he was not reciting the general outline of the "Infinite Heart Sutra, from Beginner to Mastery", but the preliminary chapter of Qi Refining. .

This discovery shocked Yang Lu again.

Because Yang Lu had only skimmed through the early Qi Refining chapter of "The Infinite Heart Sutra, From Beginner to Mastery" once. Not to mention memorizing the entire text, even if he read it according to the manuscript, he was still not very proficient. However, in Strange Dream Here, Yang Lu found that "he" had already memorized the early chapters of Qi Refining without any feeling of sluggishness. This proficiency alone saved him several hours of hard work.

Since this was not his first time in this mysterious space, while Yang Lu watched "himself" practicing in his dream, he also observed this seemingly unchanging world of gray fog.

Is there no other redundant information in this space?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Yang Lu found that a blue light bar appeared in front of him. This light bar was just a light spot at first, but as time went by, it continued to grow at an imperceptible speed.

What's this? Practice progress bar?

At the same time that Yang Lu had this idea, another change occurred around the light strip, and lines of cultivation world text emitting light blue light appeared out of thin air:

Designated practitioner: Yang Lu

Cultivation Realm: Leading Qi into the Physical Realm

Main practice method: "Infinite Heart Sutra" (high-grade heaven level)

Auxiliary exercises: None

Practiced progress: 2% (+4%)

Heavenly merit: 11471/40000 (+332), a golden wheel of merit

Estimated remaining time to advance: sixteen days

Cultivation of longevity: The initial life span is eighty-three years. Due to the cultivation, the longevity is increased by one year. The life span has been twenty years, nine months and nineteen days, and the remaining life span is sixty-four years, three months and eleven days.

Life magic weapon: none

Yang Lu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this personal information card that looked like a game panel.

He was not surprised by the information recorded in this personal information card, but the art style of this personal information card was very similar to those low-profile web games on earth that were full of flaws.

You don't need to guess to know that this must also be the legacy left by a certain earth traveler.

Just when Yang Lu was confused, he saw that the "Cultivation Progress" column of this information card suddenly jumped from 2% to 3%, and the blue light bar in front of him also became slightly longer. A little bit.

If this progress bar is not deceptive, I only need to "practice" for another sixteen days to reach the first level of Qi refining!

According to what Li Qingning said before, even a cultivation genius with the best spiritual roots would need about fifteen days on average to advance the heaven-level skills to the first level of Qi refining. From this point of view, with the dual blessing of the cultivation plug-in and the Golden Wheel of Merit, my cultivation qualifications are already on par with Li Qingning's!

Although Yang Lu was very pleased with the power of the practice plug-in, he could not help but feel a little worried in his heart:

Why did Lu Yang, the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, leave behind such a super cheat that he practiced in his dream before his ascension?

What considerations does this ascended immortal have?

There is an old saying on earth that being courteous for nothing is either a traitor or a thief. This President Lu, who is not related to me, has left such a great cultivation legacy to himself. If he said that he had no agenda, Yang Lu would not believe it. !

Thinking of this, Yang Lu couldn't help but think of the legend of Mr. Lu.

According to legend, it took Governor Lu less than 200 years from the time he stepped into the immortal gate to the day he ascended to heaven.

Many Nascent Soul stage leaders who are active in the world of cultivation today, such as Lin Jianxing, the 1,400-year-old head of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and Mo Yunlan, the 900-year-old Supreme Elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect, are actually older than President Lu Yang.

However, President Lu himself only has the qualifications of a low-grade water spirit root, and he is practicing high-grade heaven-level techniques. Even with the help of the Seven Golden Wheels of Merit, his cultivation progress will never be so fast.

Although the Golden Wheel of Merit can change your fate against the will of heaven, it is definitely not a cultivation modifier!

Even for a holy spiritual root monk like Bo Nanke who possesses the Golden Wheel of Six Paths of Merit, it still took him nearly 600 years to cultivate to the tenth level of Nascent Soul.

Yang Lu now has serious doubts that his cultivation plug-in might be the same plug-in that President Lu used back then!

But after much thought, he couldn't figure out what Governor Lu Yang had planned for him.

Compared with the indigenous residents of the Kyushu cultivation world, this earth traveler just has a little more knowledge in economics, finance, and management. His knowledge in science and engineering is only at the level of an ordinary high school academic. If that Governor Lu is also As an Earth traveler, he should also know all this knowledge.

Yang Lu is still very confident in President Lu's academic level. Even through the academic works he left behind, Yang Lu can feel that President Lu's relevant professional level is not fundamentally different from his own.

So what does it mean for him to cultivate himself?

Really unable to understand Governor Lu's motives, Yang Lu decided to forget about these things for now.

According to the law in the world of cultivation, only by cultivating high-level skills can one become an immortal. If Yang Lu wants to become an immortal with just a low-grade spiritual root, even if he has seven golden wheels of merit, and he does not eat or drink, he may not have enough time to do so. .

Even if the cheat left by President Lu Yang was a trap, Yang Lu had to bite the hook in order to live forever.

With his rubbish cultivation qualifications, he really has no choice!

Since there was nothing to do in the dream, Yang Lu sorted out all the information he had heard about President Lu.

Since there are many cultivators of the same generation as Governor Lu Yang and many great monks from the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stages who have survived to this day, the information about Governor Lu is far better than that of great monks like Bo Nanke and Ye Lun from thousands of years ago. More.

According to legend in the world of cultivation, President Lu Yang is a very protective and nostalgic person. As long as there are beings related to Lu Xingchangdian, almost all of them will ascend to heaven in the end.

His assistant Li Qingyang became the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, his registered disciple Tian Daxiao became the head of the Shenhuo Sect, the enlightened immortal master Mo Yunlan became the supreme elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and the White Glove Pan Company he supported became the richest man in Kyushu. , even the Luoxia Sect, a third-rate sect in Luoxia City where he was born, has become the only independent sect in Zhongzhou that does not need to obey the orders of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Even Chen Kui, the ancestor of the Chen family in Haiya City, who only met President Lu once, has successfully become one of the richest people in Haiya City. His Jindaomen registered senior brother Chen Ping is his direct descendant.

Thinking of this, Yang Lu couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

It seems that in the future, he will take good care of Li Qingning, President Lu's old friend. Even if President Lu has any conspiracy, it is always the right choice to increase his favorability first.

While thinking wildly, Yang Lu's cultivation progress bar had increased to 6%, and then Yang Lu felt his consciousness sink. When he opened his eyes again, he found Li Qingning standing at the head of his bed again.

"Yang Lu, are you really okay? You slept for most of the day again this time!"

" should be fine!"

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