The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 135 The Great Five Elements Golden Light Array

"Elder Fei, are you okay?"

Seeing that Fei Fan was unsteady on his feet, the disciple from the Weapon Refining Hall who was responsible for reporting quickly stepped forward to support him.

Fei Fan took a few deep breaths and finally recovered a little.

With a bitter look on his face, he shook his head and sighed: "Three Demon-Breaking Crossbows, just three Demon-Breaking Crossbows. Shoot at the Black Pool Dragon King continuously. Even if you can't shoot him, you will still eat him alive!" "

The disciple from the Weapon Refining Hall who supported Fei Fan said cautiously: "These three magic-breaking crossbows were not sold back then because they had hard-to-repair flaws. If they were shot continuously, they could easily be completely scrapped..."

Hearing about the good deeds that Master Chen had done back then, Fei Fan felt a million horses running through his heart, but he had no choice but to say: "Then you can shoot as many rounds as you can. Anyway, we can't let it continue to cause such destruction... By the way." , in our sect’s public warehouse, don’t we also have the ‘Big Five Elements Golden Light Formation’ formation flag specially used to trap enemies? We can take advantage of the Black Pool Dragon King not paying attention and organize the elders to activate the power of this set of high-level formation flags. Yes, try to work together to trap this beast!"

Hearing Elder Fei's soul torture, cold sweat broke out on the backs of the disciples of the Refining Hall, and he hesitated: "Uh... I would like to report to Elder Fei, the set of five-element golden light array flags you mentioned, as early as 100 It was broken many years ago, and as for the budget for repairing the formation flag...the sect has never approved it."

"This is impossible!" After hearing such an outrageous statement, Fei Fan categorically denied, "I remember that the sect's finance department issued several batches of 'special debts for magic weapon maintenance' specifically to repair damaged public magic weapons. Master Ming personally approved it!"

Seeing Elder Fei getting furious, the disciples of the Refining Hall immediately knelt down and said, "Elder Fei, you are right. But the guys in charge of the sect's finances insist that financial expenditures must be spent on the cutting edge. The array flag cannot If you eat dead food that you cannot drink, you can repair it in time when it is needed. Ensuring the operation of the sect is the top priority of the Mountain Eagle Sect's finances!"

"What guarantees the operation of the sect..."

Fei Fan obviously wanted to complain about something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He had been the leader of the law enforcement hall for decades, so he didn't know clearly in his heart that the so-called "guaranteeing the operation of the sect" was just an elegant way of saying "giving more spiritual stones to the brothers of the sect."

After all, the operation of the sect requires cultivators to work. If you want cultivators to work, you need to pay more!

For the senior officials of the Mountain Eagle Sect, if there is suddenly an extra sum of money in the sect's account, whether the money should be divided among everyone or used to repair public magic weapons is not even a question that needs to be considered.

Since these damaged public magic weapons are temporarily unusable, why should we spend our own money on repairs?

Isn’t it okay who is responsible for repairing it when someone wants to use it?

This kind of high-level magic weapon will not be used once in hundreds of years. By the time it is needed, we, the senior leaders of the sect, may have already exhausted our lifespan. Then if we spend money to repair the magic weapon, isn't it equivalent to giving Does someone else make the wedding dress?

Fei Fan asked himself, if he were the financial leader of the sect, he would also misappropriate the money from the special debt to pay everyone's wages.

In this way, not only will you get benefits, but other colleagues in the sect will also be grateful to you. If you insist on using the sect's budget to repair public magic weapons, not only will you have less money in your pocket, but you will also easily ruin your reputation.

It doesn't matter if his own reputation is ruined, but don't his descendants need the care of his colleagues in the Mountain Eagle Faction?

If his reputation is ruined, how can his family survive in Tianshu City?

But no one expected that something like the Black Pool Dragon King would suddenly happen today!

After the tide receded, Fei Fan suddenly discovered that the huge mountain hawk had been swimming naked for so many years!

After thinking about this, Fei Fan let out a long sigh.

Noticing the questioning eyes of his disciples, he waved his hands feebly and said: "That's all, try your best to use these three defective demon-breaking crossbows to hold back the Black Pool Dragon King. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it. ”

Seeing that Elder Fei's mood was relatively stable, the disciples of the Weapon Refining Hall quickly fled as if for their lives. Elder Huan next to him felt very strange when he saw this scene.

He was an elder of the Mountain Eagle Sect who was responsible for fighting, and he was no stranger to the Five Elements Golden Light Formation Flag. He grabbed the disciple of the Weapon Refining Hall who wanted to escape and asked sternly: "Come here! "

Seeing the fiery-tempered Elder Huan calling him out, the disciple of the Artifact Refining Hall trembled and said, "Elder Huan has something to do with me?"

Elder Huan stared at the disciples of the Artifact Refining Hall and said: "I remember that during the sect's actual combat exercises two years ago, I brought out this set of five-element golden light formation flags and practiced them carefully. At that time, you disciples of the Artifact Refining Hall also used this The Great Five Elements Golden Light Array was activated effectively and successfully trapped the imaginary enemy. Why didn’t I know that the Great Five Elements Golden Light Array flag was broken?”

The disciple of the Weapon Refining Hall showed a smile that was uglier than crying and explained: "Elder Huan, you also know that it is just an exercise, so everyone just gestures with the damaged formation flag and that's it. As for being trapped during the exercise The 'enemy monk' who lives there is originally played by a disciple of our weapon refining hall, so he will naturally act out the whole play and look like he is trapped by the formation!"

Elder Huan grabbed the disciples of the Weapon Refining Hall by their collars and angrily shouted: "You, the Weapon Refining Hall, are so brave, you dare to fake it in actual combat exercises!"

"Disciple has been wronged!" Seeing Elder Huan's eyes almost spitting fire, the disciples of the Weapon Refining Hall quickly begged for mercy, "Elder Huan, our Weapon Refining Hall has no choice but to do so! After all, according to the internal control procedures of our Shanying Sect, special debts It should all be earmarked for special use. If we don't pretend that the magic weapon is still usable, we won't be able to use this money to pay wages to all the uncles and uncles!"

When he heard that the weapon refining hall was doing this to pay himself more wages, Elder Huan's momentum suddenly weakened.

But he still said fiercely: "Why didn't you tell Elder Fei and me about such an important matter earlier!"

The disciple of the Weapon Refining Hall swallowed and explained: "Elder Huan, the scope of knowledge about this matter must not be too large. If there are too many people who know the matter, and if the protection is not complete, someone will report the matter to the Wuliang Sword Sect. The Wuliang Sword Sect likes it the most. Focusing on process issues, as long as our Mountain Eagle Sect’s behavior is leaked, we will definitely be severely punished by the Wuliang Sword Sect!”

What the disciples of the Weapon Refining Hall said are true.

The Wuliang Sword Sect rules Zhongzhou by dividing the feudal lords. What they are most worried about is that the vassal sects such as the Shanying Sect and the Haiya Sect deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates. Therefore, they attach great importance to the construction of the internal control system of the sect and will never tolerate illegal operations that violate the procedures. This move It was also to better limit the discretion of local princes and prevent these princes from evolving into lawless emperors.

This is the core of the contradiction in the central region of Zhongzhou, and it is also the counter scale of the Wuliang Sword Sect that must not be touched!

Although what the disciples of the Artifact Refining Hall said was reasonable, Elder Huan was still very unhappy and asked angrily: "Which bastard is in charge and instructs you to misappropriate magic weapons to maintain special debts? Is it Elder Wei Da who is in charge of the sect's finances? ?”

The heads of the disciples in the Refining Hall immediately shook like rattles: "How could Elder Wei be the one to decide on such a big matter of misappropriating special debt funds? This matter was personally ordered by Head Chen Ming!"

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