The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 141 Targeted Clearance

Yang Road, Haiya City...

Recalling the situation where the brave man reported his family just now, Liu Qi couldn't help but be a little confused.

As the general manager of the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce in the southeastern coastal area, Liu Qi had heard that a mortal business wizard named Yang Lu emerged from the Qingning Chamber of Commerce in Haiya City.

However, since Tianshu City is more than 700 miles away from Haiya City, and there are many conflicts between Tianshu City's boss, Shan Ying Faction, and Haiya City's overlord, Haiya Faction, there is very little information exchange between the two places. Shopkeeper Liu had heard of the name Yang Lu and it was already very good. He really didn't know that he had tested the spiritual root aptitude.

In fact, Liu Qi still thinks that Yang Lu is a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. After all, before the information age, high-level business talents require rich experience accumulation, and a twenty-year-old business wizard does go against common sense.

Regardless, Liu Qi was still a little annoyed that Yang Lu from Haiya City suddenly appeared and ruined his good deeds. He used his spiritual consciousness to search the nearby area carefully several times, trying to find this ungrateful guy.

It's a pity that Yang Lu only activated the sword light remotely, which was far away from where the battle took place. Moreover, he also chose a secluded place and carefully restrained his aura. Liu Qi used his spiritual consciousness to search for several minutes, but finally found nothing. Return with success.

This situation made Liu Qi a little puzzled.

Isn't that guy named Yang Lu planning to escape?

He was hiding in the dark and motionless. Could it be that he just wanted to save Su Yuanfeng? How did he know that Su Yuanfeng was trapped by him?

He is hiding in the outer city, isn't he afraid that monsters will find him?

Really unable to understand the cause and effect of this matter, Liu Qi had no choice but to turn his attention to another battlefield again.

Similar to Su Yuanfeng, there is another monk in the late stage of foundation building who is also facing the dilemma of being madly besieged by monsters. This person is a seventh-level foundation building elder of Guyun Sect. He broke out from the outer city wall almost at the same time as Su Yuanfeng. And out.

After the energy barrier in the outer city was removed, the monks who still insisted on standing on the front line were basically all brave masters of this kind of skill.

As Liu Qi's key concern, this person was also surrounded by hundreds of monsters.

Although there was no Black Pool Python in the late stage of foundation building to participate in the siege, the Guyun Sect elder was far less powerful than Su Yuanfeng, so he was still firmly trapped several hundred meters away from the outer city wall, unable to make any further progress.

Behind the energy barrier in the inner city, someone has noticed the besieged Guyun Sect elder.

It's just that the place where the battle broke out was thousands of meters away from the inner city wall, and there was the God of Death, the Black Pool Dragon King, in the middle. Without using magic weapons, it would be difficult for rescue spells to bypass the Black Pool Dragon King. Accurately. Rescue the elder of Guyun Sect from the siege.

Although the support from the monks in the inner city destroyed dozens of monsters remotely, it could not keep up with the speed at which the surrounding monsters converged on it.

After several failed attempts to break out of the encirclement, the Guyun Sect elder showed signs of gradually failing.

Fei Fan on the inner city wall was also very anxious, but he had no idea what to do about the current situation.

At present, almost all the energy of the monks of the Mountain Eagle Sect is used to attract the attention of the Black Pool Dragon King. This golden elixir stage monster is too terrifying. It can collapse hundreds of houses with just one move. All other monsters combined , the damage to Tianshu City is not as great as it.

If the Black Pool Dragon King cannot be caught, the entire outer city of Tianshu City will be reduced to scorched earth when leader Chen Ming rushes back.

Three demon-breaking crossbows with serious flaws were not enough to attract the attention of the Black Pool Dragon King. Therefore, several elders of the Mountain Eagle Sect also took action to attack the Black Pool Dragon King when he wanted to cause damage. Carry out a sneak attack without moral ethics.

This fishing style of play of "when the enemy retreats, we advance, when the enemy is tired, we attack", finally temporarily restrained the Black Pool Jiao King, and temporarily controlled the property loss rate in the outer city of Tianshu City to a relatively low level. s level.

It's just that the Mountain Eagle Sect has already come up with all their methods, and the final magic weapon basically has flaws that are difficult to solve. Either it can only be used if the official leader Chen Ming comes forward, or someone needs to make sacrifices or take responsibility. No matter what kind of flaws, Fei Fan, as the "acting head", cannot overcome them.

If this group of exquisite egoists at the top of the sect could take the initiative to make sacrifices, there wouldn't be any monsters rushing into the outer city barrier just now!

Therefore, seeing the Guyun Sect elder trapped, the foundation-building monks of the Mountain Eagle Sect could only pretend not to see it.

Compared with throwing out a few indifferent spells, but still unable to save the person in the end, pretending not to see it, and retaining some dignity for the Mountain Eagle Sect, as for the trapped Elder of the Guyun Sect, that can only Blame him for being too greedy.

We, the Mountain Eagles, have already fulfilled our obligation to inform!

This Guyun Sect elder single-handedly attracted nearly half of the monsters in Tianshu City, which can be regarded as a contribution to the Mountain Eagle Sect!

Liu Qi, who was watching the battle silently, also had a smile on his lips. Although he failed to kill the main target Su Yuanfeng, killing an elder of the Guyun Sect could be regarded as barely completing the task of muddying the water.

Although they are both local cultivation forces, Guyun Sect, the boss of Luanshi City, is not as strong as Shanying Sect and Haiya Sect, but they also have many small calculations. The backer behind them is the leader of Wuliang Sword Sect's world sect and Yuan Yingqi Taishang Elder Ren. Tianyuan.

Although Ren Tianyuan can be regarded as half of Lin Jianxing's allies, he has long ignored secular affairs and rarely expresses opinions on the management of Wuliang Sword Sect. If it can intensify the conflict between the Yuanying Stage monks of the Transcendent Sect and Cheng Shuying, it will also be a problem for the head sect. A good thing.

There was no accident this time. He was attacked by the Black Pool Python in the late stage of foundation building. The unlucky Guyun Sect elder was unable to react in time. The protective aura was directly penetrated by the magic, and then his figure completely disappeared among the monsters swarming up. In the tide of beasts.

Seeing that the elder of the Guyun Sect had been eliminated, Liu Qi waved the black flag in his hand again, and the Black Pool Python immediately turned its head and ran towards another foundation-building cultivator who was being besieged.

There are still three monks who are still divided and surrounded by monsters. They are all targets carefully selected by Liu Qi. They rely on their high cultivation level to fight and retreat. Although there are many low-level monsters besieging them, they will not be able to do anything for a while. He couldn't defeat them, so Liu Qi planned to use the power of the Black Pool Python in the later stage of foundation building to get rid of all these people!

As Liu Qi waved the flag again and again, two more people became as angry as the elders of Guyun Sect, and the last target Liu Qi set his sights on was a lone Golden Knife Sect monk.

This person only has cultivation in the early stage of Foundation Establishment. As long as he is targeted by the Black Pool Python in the later stage of Foundation Establishment, there is no hope of survival!

While Liu Qi was commanding the monsters to kill, Yang Lu was also observing the situation of the war.

Finding that the beast disaster in Tianshu City still showed no sign of subsidence, a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

Yang Lu hid after rescuing Su Yuanfeng, not only to avoid the disaster of Chiyu, but also because he judged that the beast disaster in Tianshu City should be over soon, so he hid in advance to avoid being sent by Shan Ying to steal the stolen goods.

However, the duration of this beastly disaster has far exceeded his previous expectations.

He originally thought that after Su Yuanfeng escaped back to the inner city, reinforcements from the Mountain Eagle Sect would arrive soon, but why was it that half an hour had passed and no reinforcements had come to Tianshu City to help?

Could it be that there was an accident in my arrangement?

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