The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 143 Winners and Losers

The Black Pool Jiao King was severely wounded by the Mountain Eagle Sword and was at the end of his strength.

It hurriedly turned around and spat out a jet of dark venom, trying to interfere with Chen Ming's attack rhythm. Then it didn't even look back, dragging its body and continuing to run wildly without any thought of revenge.

Facing the venom of the Black Pool Dragon King, Chen Ming didn't even dodge. He saw a bright halo suddenly light up around him, which must have been the activation of some defensive magic weapon. Then, after the black venom was poured on it, only The half-inch of spiritual light that corroded the outermost layer of the halo was completely annihilated by the majestic spiritual energy.

This kind of venom, which can turn magic weapons in the Qi refining stage into ashes, was blocked by Chen Ming in an understatement!

At the same time, Chen Ming raised his hand and struck out the second sword.

Chen Ming showed no mercy for this sword, and the Black Pool Dragon King did not have a second tail to resist. The sharp sword light cut directly through the center of the black shadow. The Black Pool Dragon King was running at high speed. , and instantly lost the momentum to move forward.

"Bang - bang -"

After two muffled sounds of falling to the ground, the body of the Black Pool Dragon King, which was like a hill, was split in two by the sharp sword light, and fell to the ground into two broken parts. It was obvious that he was completely dead.

Feeling the disappearance of the Black Pool Dragon King's aura, all the monster beasts driven by the Black Pool Dragon King panicked and began to retreat towards the nature reserve like a tide. The monks from all sides who were huddled behind the energy barrier were greatly boosted in morale. They all jumped out from behind the barrier and began to chase the monsters and beat up the drowned dogs.

Under the circumstances, there was soon no trace of monster activity in the outer area of ​​Tianshu City.

Under the command of acting head Fei Fan, the extinguished energy barrier outside Tianshu City was quickly re-erected. Even if the tide of monsters attacked again, it would never be able to cause the kind of damage just now.

It seems that everything is going in the right direction.

However, Chen Ming, who had just demonstrated his power, had a gloomy face, staring at the dilapidated Tianshu City, without the joy that a winner should have.

Although Tianshu City's direct property losses can be made up for by the corpses of monsters, and even a slight surplus can be achieved, after the Tianshu Mountain Nature Reserve's vitality is severely damaged, it will take at least several decades of recuperation to fully recover. In the future, the financial income obtained by the Mountain Eagle Sect from the nature reserve, and even the entire monster hunting industry chain, will inevitably suffer a heavy blow.

What's even more terrible is that due to the serious damage to Tianshu City's infrastructure, the pilot program for the new generation of cultivation social security system has been completely ruined. Chen Ming never imagined that the reform pilot plan that he had been preparing for a long time would end in such a disastrous way.

"Fei Fan, Huan An, you two come with me back to Yingxiangding. I need an explanation!" Chen Ming casually named the two elders of the Mountain Eagle Sect, then transformed into Changhong again and shot towards Yingxiang. The summit hall of the Mountain Eagle Sect is at the highest point.

Obviously, now that the beast tide in Tianshu City has subsided, it is time to settle accounts after the fall.

According to preliminary statistics, this Tianshu Beast Tide caused a total of six foundation-building stage monks and more than thirty Qi-refining stage monks to be killed on the spot. Most of them were non-local monks who did not obey orders. This is simply dozens of people in Zhongzhou. A serious and vicious event that is rare in years.

Not to mention that Fei Fan and Huan An, the Mountain Eagle Sect elders, are in bad luck, because those few foundation-building monks from other places who unfortunately died, and Chen Ming himself will inevitably be held accountable by the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Chen Ming didn't even have time to organize the aftermath, so he anxiously consulted with several elders in order to unify his voice as soon as possible to deal with the next series of troubles.

And as the situation calmed down as expected, Yang Lu finally no longer had to be a coward. He pretended to be nonchalant and quietly blended into the monks who went out of the city to beat up the drowned dog, and then took advantage of the chaos to return to Songjian Pavilion.

Taking good care of the demon pill obtained in this adventure, Yang Lu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Although this operation took some risks, the result was still satisfactory.

Chen Ming rushed back to Tianshu City early, which was certainly not a coincidence.

Yang Lu had already told Li Qingning in Haiya City about the Black Pool Dragon King's attack on the city through a communication spell, and ordered Li Qingning to pass the information to the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect through the channel of Fang Jiancai. Chen Ming.

As a new partner of Gongdetang, Li Qingning must have a way to directly contact Fang Jiancai, and Fang Jiancai is Chen Ming's partner. The two of them also went to the headquarters of Wuliang Sword Sect to report their work this time and attack the monsters. Notifying Fang Jiancai of the city's information was equivalent to informing Chen Ming himself.

However, according to the advice given by Yang Lu, Li Qingning did not pass the information to Fang Jiancai immediately.

After all, Yang Lu's ultimate goal is to make Fang Jiancai and Chen Ming owe him a favor. It is not to help Tianshu City solve the problem. His intelligence does not need to arrive too early, as long as it is slightly faster than the Shanying Sect's own intelligence channels. This Even if the favor is done well.

In fact, seriously speaking, the interests of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce and Liu Hanxing are highly consistent on the issue of destroying Tianshu City.

Now that Li Qingning has been deceived by Fang Jiancai and boarded the Gongdetang's pirate ship, if he wants to backstab the opponent immediately, it will undoubtedly lead to a complete break between the two parties. The Qingning Chamber of Commerce, which is about to lose Li Qingyang's protection, cannot afford the consequences of Gongdetang settling accounts later.

But if Li Qingning is labeled as a merit hall, Li Qingyang's plans will inevitably fall into a very passive situation. Therefore, the current situation of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce can be described as a dilemma.

However, the operation planned by Liu Hanxing gave the Qingning Chamber of Commerce an excellent opportunity to get out of trouble.

If Liu Hanxing can deal a heavy blow to Gongdetang and make Fang Jiancai and Gongdetang eliminated early, it will allow the Qingning Chamber of Commerce to stay away from the vortex of the high-level political struggle of Wuliang Sword Sect as soon as possible, and it will not offend Gongdetang.

Therefore, the time when Li Qingning conveyed the information to Fang Jiancai was only two hours earlier than when Liu Qi launched the operation. Even if Chen Ming got the news and ran with all his strength without saying a word, there would be no chance of getting back to Tianshu City in time. .

No matter how unreliable the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce is, if they make good use of this time difference, they can still cause a fatal blow to Tianshu City.

However, due to the lack of necessary information, Yang Lu still missed the special situation at the Wuliang Sword Sect headquarters.

In order to hold Chen Ming back, the head of Wuliang Sword Sect Lin Jianxing deliberately arranged the routine work report meeting of the vassal sect for today, and asked Chen Ming to report the work in person. Therefore, the information about Fang Jiancai was not conveyed to Chen immediately. Call here.

Fortunately, Lin Jianxing could hold off Chen Ming, but he could not hold off the Supreme Elder Cheng Shuying, who was also a monk in the Nascent Soul stage.

Although the information about monsters attacking the city was very unbelievable, because it was the information that Li Qingning personally sent, and Li Qingyang's secretary Wang Ziwei once again confirmed the authenticity of the information, Fang Jiancai chose to do so when he could not contact Chen Ming. Report the information directly to your immediate boss, Cheng Shuying, the general manager of Gongdetang.

In fact, Fei Fan, the acting head of the Mountain Eagle Sect, had already sent a communication spell to Chen Ming to report the news of the monster attack on the city, and asked him for instructions on whether he could use the Nine-turn Tianshu Formation to kill the Black Pool Dragon King.

It was a pity that the regular closed-door meeting held by Lin Jianxing could not be sent through the communication spells of the foundation-building monks at all. Therefore, Chen Ming did not know what happened in Tianshu City until Cheng Shuying, as the Supreme Elder, forcibly interrupted the meeting. After a meeting, Chen Ming woke up from a dream and immediately set off to Tianshu City to save the situation.

It was precisely because Yang Lu and Liu Qi had their own arrangements that Chen Ming finally arrived at Tianshu City nearly an hour later than Yang Lu expected, but two hours earlier than Liu Qi expected.

Although the timeline of the Tianshu City beast disaster did not go according to the established plan of either party, Yang Lu and Liu Qi finally achieved their main goals, and the Shanying Sect and Gongdetang were the biggest losers of this man-made beast disaster. .

The Tianshu City under the jurisdiction of the Mountain Eagle Sect was severely damaged, and more than 100,000 mortals were displaced as a result. Not only was the pilot work of the social security system of cultivation basically declared bankrupt, but the future finances of the sect will also be greatly affected, and it may even affect the Mountain Eagle Sect's The merits of the sect.

Not only that, as soon as the Mountain Eagle Faction announced the pilot practice of the social security system, they suddenly suffered a heavy blow. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Mountain Eagle Faction was deliberately retaliated by hostile forces.

Since Gongdetang cannot even protect the sect it protects, if any local forces want to cooperate with Cheng Shuying in the future, they will have to weigh whether they can afford the price of the Mountain Eagle sect.

After this battle, the prestige of Cheng Shuying and Gongdetang will undoubtedly plummet, and they can basically declare their formal withdrawal from the competition for the reform of the social security system of Xiuzhen.

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