The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 160 Return on Cultivation Capital

In the final analysis, the Jiuzhou cultivation world is still a world ruled by cultivators. Although the Wuliang Sword Sect has always held high the banner of law to punish vassal sects, this is all out of the need to maintain its own rule.

The core of the Jiuzhou cultivation world is still a human-ruled society with high-level cultivators as the core.

In a society ruled by man, the right or wrong of the matter itself is not important. What is important is the attitude of the big boss who holds the power towards the matter.

Although various evidences show that the culprit of the Tianshu City case is Lu Anping, as long as Mo Yunlan insists that the matter was maliciously framed by hostile forces, and the victim Cheng Shuying is unwilling to pursue and fight fiercely, the matter will be difficult to conclude. Just like other vicious cases in Zhongzhou, the Tianshu City case quickly reached a deadlock.

As the biggest victim, Cheng Shuying withdrew from the competition for the new generation of cultivation security system. However, he managed to obtain compensation from the Wuliang Sword Sect for the Mountain Eagle Sect. He could barely keep his pants. If he continued to hold on to this matter, he would only bring disaster upon himself. disgrace.

The Haiya Clan and Du Zhidang themselves were just trying to get rid of themselves. Seeing Cheng Shuying pretending to be deaf and dumb, of course they also wanted to get rid of the matter as soon as possible.

Lin Jianxing wanted to continue to hold Mo Yunlan accountable. However, under Yang Lu's deliberate guidance, Cheng Shuying had long suspected that he was the mastermind behind the scenes and would not follow his wishes at all.

Therefore, Liu Hanxing worked hard for a long time and created a huge momentum. In the end, he only achieved the goal of knocking down the mountain and intimidating the local forces, without gaining any substantial benefits. The vague hostility revealed by Cheng Shuying, who withdrew from the competition for social security reform in Zhongzhou, made the head Lin Jianxing feel a thorn in his back.

Due to the stalemate between all parties, the Tianshu City incident was ultimately determined by the Wuliang Sword Sect as a malicious sabotage by an "overseas sect".

Lin Jianxing, the head of Wuliang Sword Sect, also wrote a special article in Xiuzhen Financial Weekly, which can be regarded as a final conclusion on this matter:

"(Omit 200 words below)"

As soon as the statement was issued, the vassal sects in Zhongzhou spoke out one after another to condemn the despicable and shameless overseas cultivation sects.

Although the Wuliang Sword Sect passed the blame to overseas sects, the bad impact caused by the Tianshu City incident has not been eliminated.

In order to clear up his own suspicion, Mo Yunlan took a life-defeating attitude towards Lu Anping. Therefore, the special trade representative of the Infinite Sword Sect was ultimately fined ten years' salary for negligence, and his position was not even adjusted. This level of punishment is roughly equivalent to three drinks of fine wine.

Even if the Haiya Sect complained about this perfunctory approach, they were unable to oppose the Wuliang Sword Sect's decision.

After seeing Boss Lin's column titled "Three Nevers" published in Xiuzhen Financial Weekly, even Li Qingning, who has extremely low sensitivity, could see that the Tianshu City incident was "highly praised". "Get up, put it down gently", only Zhujia Chamber of Commerce became the biggest loser, and it was only because of Liu Hanxing's strong protection that it was not liquidated by all parties.

However, when Li Qingning talked about this, he didn't look very happy. Sensing that the eldest lady was worried, Yang Lu couldn't help but ask: "Miss, are you worried about anything?"

Li Qingning didn't mean to hide it, and confessed directly: "Recently, the relationship between the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the Duzhitang has been tense. I heard from Elder Han that even Jiang Hua'an and Su Yuanfeng were very unhappy because of the attack on Tianshu City. Jiang Hua'an also I planned to continue the cooperative relationship with Du Zhitang, but Su Yuanfeng disagreed..."

Yang Lu chuckled and said: "This is not surprising. After all, Su Yuanfeng and Lu Anping had a complete breakup this time. As a result, Lu Anping was not transferred by the Wuliang Sword Sect in the end. The two of them are still working in the same city. I can even imagine them. The embarrassing scene of meeting people.”

Li Qingning nodded and said: "That's right. Therefore, when Elder Han Xinhe proposed to expand the cooperation between the Haiya Department and the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, both parties did not raise any objections in order to win the support of his neutral faction..."

Yang Luqi said: "Wouldn't it be a good thing for us to expand cooperation with the Haiya system?"

However, Li Qingning became unusually shy: "As you know, our Qingning Chamber of Commerce does not have much capital, and it was all established with my own investment. Now if we want to continue to expand our business scale, it is... it is really..."

“It’s really that you have more than enough ambition but not enough energy?”

Seeing that Yang Lu had finished saying what he was embarrassed to say, Li Qingning blushed slightly and nodded to acknowledge it.

Yang Lu has long been aware of the financial problems of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. It was very expensive to start a chamber of commerce. Even after he took over the management of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, he did not expand the business scale of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce at will. The core reason is that the return on capital of the entire Kyushu cultivation world is very low. In layman's terms, To put it bluntly, nothing in the Kyushu cultivation world makes any money.

Modern people are accustomed to the rapid development of science and technology and the rapid progress of civilization, but few people realize that the exponential economic growth that has continued for two hundred years since the Industrial Revolution is actually not the normal development of civilization. For thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution, human civilization progressed at a linear rate.

In a civilization that develops linearly, it is difficult for the risk-free interest rate level to remain high for a long time. Some people may think that usury was rampant on the ancient earth, but that kind of private usury was not a sustainable business, but more like a means of exploitation. On the contrary, the land and the food produced by the land were more similar to the ancient version of the risk-free rate of return, while the feudal dynasty In the later period, the phenomenon of land output remaining unchanged but land prices soaring is itself a manifestation of the risk-free rate of return continuing to fall.

Because the level of central interest rates in the market can only reflect two and a half things. The first thing is the level of return on capital, the second thing is the level of investment discount rate, and the remaining half is the stance of the central bank. .

It is precisely because the interest rate first represents the rate of return on capital. When the development speed of the entire civilization decreases, the rate of return on capital will inevitably decrease. After all, if you can make money in any business, then economic development should be in full swing.

Cultivation itself has obvious anti-social characteristics.

In the Kyushu cultivation world, personal cultivation progress will not promote social development. Long-term stagnant economic development will inevitably bring about severe involution of capital and a significant reduction in return on investment. What’s more terrible is that Kyushu cultivation Not only has world civilization been stagnant for a long time, but the lifespans of cultivators are also ridiculously long.

This long life will in turn reduce investors’ investment discount rate!

For mortals whose life span is only a few decades, it is quite a feat to be able to open a century-old store. But for Nascent Soul monks who often live for thousands of years, even opening a thousand-year-old store is not difficult.

If you tell a mortal that a certain business will take a hundred years to make back the original investment, that person will most likely think you are a liar. But if you tell a Nascent Soul Stage monk that a certain business will take a hundred years to make the original return, On the contrary, he will be quite interested.

This is the impact of lifespan on the capital discount rate. High-level cultivators with long lifespans not only control the vast majority of social capital, but can also tolerate lower long-term investment returns than ordinary mortals.

The central bank can only intervene in the trend of interest rates in the short term, and it is only the recipient of long-term interest rates. For various reasons, the real return on capital level of the entire Jiuzhou Cultivation World has been extremely low.

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