The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 171 Corruption

In the past, Shen Xiaotao followed Manager He in the Qingning Chamber of Commerce to handle cases as a bystander, watching Manager He use various means to bring the prisoners to justice. Now, he is also involved in a corruption case. This Shen Xiaotao felt a little itchy, wanting to practice the skills he had learned in the past few months.

So he pretended to be very curious and asked in a casual tone: "Team Leader Qin, what kind of unlucky way did those stupid young people you just mentioned happen to be unlucky in the end? It actually makes me happy to tell you! "

Team leader Qin saw that Shen Xiaotao had accepted his spirit stone coins and regarded him as one of his own, so he smiled and explained: "Those guys thought they could get me by snitching on the captain and the stewards. What, it’s a big joke! Do you think the captain doesn’t know that we are secretly making money? In fact, the captain knows it as well as the mirror! It’s just that he usually pretends not to see it. This is like no matter how loud you sound, You can never wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep!"

Shen Xiaotao humbly asked: "Why does the captain pretend to be asleep?"

"Because the darkest person on the Yuxiang is himself!" The old team leader looked at the captain of the Yuxiang in the distance, who was wearing a coat, holding a pipe, and concentrating on steering the ship, and explained with a sneer, "Our Haiya Chamber of Commerce Merchant ships often move on routes tens of thousands of miles away from Haiya City. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. Even ordinary sailors like us have the opportunity to make some extra money through petty theft. Do you think the captain is a gentleman with a clear mind?"

Hearing the old team leader introduce his captain like this, Shen Xiaotao couldn't help but think of a term that Manager He once mentioned:

The way is corrupt!

As a low-level newsboy wandering the streets and alleys of Haiya City, Haiya Department was once an extremely sacred existence in Shen Xiaotao's eyes.

Because there are too many haloes above the head of the Haiya system!

Whether it is the leader of the ocean trade in the eastern part of Zhongzhou, the business tycoon who monopolizes the major profit-making industries in Haiya City, or the powerful cultivation force with thousands of immortal masters, the patron saint of millions of Haiya residents...

Take out any one of these dazzling halos, and it is an existence that ordinary sea cliff mortals can only look up to.

However, when he personally participated in the actions of the Haiya Department, he suddenly discovered that the Haiya Department, which looked extremely glamorous on the outside, was actually so rotten on the inside that it was unimaginable for outsiders.

He originally thought that the Haiya Fleet refers to a war machine that fights wherever it goes. However, in fact, the Haiya Fleet ranges from Han Fu to Han Da Steward, to the captains of various ocean-going merchant ships, to ordinary sailors like Team Leader Qin, and even When it comes to low-level mercenaries like him, almost everyone has their own little calculations. Those with great power have their own ways of messing up, and those with little power have their own ways of messing up.

Shen Xiaotao even had a feeling that the Haiya Fleet was like a lame giant forcibly put together by inferior glue. It was a miracle that it didn't fall apart. It was a miracle among miracles that it could move towards the outlying islands.

Seeing that Shen Xiaotao was a little distracted, Team Leader Qin smiled and asked, "What? Don't you believe it?"

Quickly putting his random thoughts behind, Shen Xiaotao said with a smile: "I just think that our captain is usually quite decent, and he talks about all the principles. I didn't expect that he did so many dirty things behind his back."

Team leader Qin spat and said in a disdainful tone: "The most indispensable thing in this world is this kind of hypocrite! Every time the Haiya Chamber of Commerce holds a study activity, our captain is an outstanding student and introduces himself to the stewards. When I was learning about it, I could easily read those disgusting articles. It’s no wonder that this guy can become a captain. We roughnecks really can’t learn from this!"

"What does the disgusting article you are talking about look like?"

Team Leader Qin touched around his waist and finally took out a crumpled manuscript paper and handed it over casually: "This is what our captain wrote. It is all written on high-grade manuscript paper, which is better than the ones on our ship." The quality of the toilet paper is fine, I originally wanted to keep it for wiping my butt, but since you can read and want to know how disgusting our captain is, you can see for yourself!"

After taking the manuscript and glancing at it briefly, Shen Xiaotao was immediately surprised by the captain's literary talent.

In this article titled "Sample Essay on Learning Experience from the Haiya Chamber of Commerce", the captain of the Yuxiang wrote:

"By reading the "Integrity Education Manual for Captains and Stewardes of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce" written by President Su, my soul was baptized, and my thoughts were greatly shocked. I even burst into tears on the spot. President Su's sincere teachings are from a high level and closely connected. Sticking to business reality has enhanced the appeal, penetration and influence of ideas, making the Chamber of Commerce’s ideas more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Every member of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce must use this to warn themselves, guard against the slightest mistake, keep the alarm bell ringing, and firmly establish that I am Haiya Chamber of Commerce. Ya must be a good employee. We must have the sentiment of thinking for the interests of Haiya Chamber of Commerce, always think about the evils of greed, always think twice, always have the heart of self-discipline, always tighten the string of anti-corruption, and remember the lessons of blood , keep a clear mind, strictly demand yourself with practical actions, and truly live up to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and the people of Haiya..."

Seeing this, Shen Xiaotao couldn't stand it anymore.

He looked up at Team Leader Qin, who was smiling but not smiling, and couldn't help being shocked: "Is this kind of article that is so disgusting that it makes people's skin crawl all over, can it really be written by a normal person? Our captain is too... too……"

Limited by his poor vocabulary, Shen Xiaotao couldn't find a suitable adjective for a long time.

Team Leader Qin seemed to have expected such a reaction from him. He chuckled and said, "So I say our captain is not an ordinary person. Otherwise, how could he be the captain?"

Looking at this paper full of nonsense, Shen Xiaotao humbly asked for advice: "Team Leader Qin, how could such an outrageous article be selected as a model article? Are President Su and the others all idiots who can't see how outrageous this is? ?The author of this article has more emotions than a man and a woman in love. Is it true that anyone can read the "Integrity Education Handbook" and have tears in their eyes forever? "

This time Shen Xiaotao really didn't ask questions knowingly.

He really didn't understand why there were such magical things in the world.

"What's so difficult to understand?" Team leader Qin looked disdainful, as if this was just an obvious thing, "Of course President Su knows that this article is nonsense, but President Su just wants to recruit this kind of bottomless braggadocio. Article, select those subordinates who are the most obedient and obedient. Since our captain can sell his dignity to please the leader, what else can we not do for the leader? "

Hearing this explanation, Shen Xiaotao suddenly felt as if he had woken up someone in his dream. He suddenly remembered what his master He Mingyuan once said:

For those in power, corruption by their subordinates is not a fatal problem, but if you want to be disloyal, you are doomed.

When he first heard this sentence, Shen Xiaotao didn't know that He Mingyuan was actually summarizing his life experience, so he just nodded in vague understanding. But now when he heard Team Leader Qin talk about the example of the captain of the Yuxiang, he All understood.

The captain of the Yuxiang played, made trouble, flirted with women, and made money, but he always took the right side, always sat in the right place, always had tears in his eyes, and his status is still as stable as a mountain.

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