The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 203 Ready for war

As soon as Yang Lu finished speaking, he saw a figure as fast as the wind rushing over at high speed from the direction of the beach.

Although this person did not control the escape light, he moved as fast as Superman. He could leap dozens of feet in one jump. With the help of the exposed rocks on the sea surface, he jumped onto the ship leading the sea cliff fleet in a few clicks.

Seeing the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet surrounding him, the visitor immediately activated the lion's roar and shouted: "I, Lin Muhu of the Yufeng Sect, have no ill intentions towards your friends from Zhongzhou. I need to see the top person in charge of your fleet. !”

When Han Fulai heard Lin Muhu introduce himself to his family, he turned to Yang Lu and asked, "Is this the Yufeng Sect disciple you mentioned?"

"That's right, Tian Beixi won't dare to chase after this Fellow Daoist Lin from the Yufeng Sect."

"Is this person trustworthy?"

"Now that he wants something from us, he wants to take the same boat with us to leave the island. Do you think he still has any choice?"

Han Fulai nodded and ordered to the left and right: "Invite this immortal master of the Yufeng Sect to come up!"

When Lin Muhu was taken to the Ruicheng, the flagship of the Shanghai Cliff Fleet, his expression was obviously surprised when he saw Yang Lu, a monk from the Golden Sword Sect.

Not only did he not expect that the Wuliang Sword Sect would send two cultivators to support the outlying island at the same time, but he also didn't expect that the fight in front was so fierce that the Golden Sword Sect monk had no reaction at all and just sat back and watched Lin Dong being killed by Tian Beixi.

However, Lin Muhu's city residence was obviously deeper than Lin Dong's. His apparent surprise only lasted for a moment before he bowed his hands and said, "I, Lin Muhu of Yufeng Sect, are disciples of my sect's supreme elder, Zhang Huaqing. I don't know how to call you two." ?”

Yang Lu immediately responded: "I am Yang Lu of the Golden Blade Sect, and next to me is Han Fulai, the commander-in-chief of the Haiya Fleet!"

Lin Muhu had obviously never heard of their names, but he still greeted them enthusiastically: "I just fell into the plot of the enchantress Tian Beixi. Both the spiritual energy reserve and combat power in the body are only 50-60% of what they were in their heyday. If it weren't for The two friends from Zhongzhou are helping each other out of kindness, and I, Lin Muhu, may be in trouble this time!"

Also a disciple of the seven major sects, Lin Muhu didn't have Lin Dong's domineering attitude at all. Instead, he seemed to be very good at building relationships.

Yang Lu has read countless people and knows that status has a huge impact on people's behavior. Although he doesn't know the embarrassing situation of Brother Lin Muhu in the Yufeng Sect, he can also see that this person is definitely not Lin Dong's kind of person who is praised by all the stars. genius. It is difficult for a person in power who is used to being flattered by others to put down his posture and flatter others!

If Lin Dong were to face Lin Muhu's situation, even if he knew that he needed the protection of the Haiya Fleet, he would not be as humble and polite as Lin Muhu.

Although he was silently profiling Lin Muhu's character in his heart, Yang Lu did not show anything strange on the surface. Instead, he smiled and waved his hand and said: "You are welcome, Fellow Daoist Lin. If you don't assist the Haiya Fleet, we will face Gu Hong next." When the island army launches a general offensive, I’m afraid no one will be able to check that witch Tian Beixi!”

Lin Muhu was stunned when he heard that Yang Lu was still preparing to launch an attack on Tian Beixi.

The two were so close, and Lin Muhu also saw that Yang Lu was only a second-level Qi refining monk. Even if the two of them worked together, they might not be able to defeat Tian Beixi, who was still in low health. What's more, Tian Beixi also had the kind of spirit energy that didn't need to be consumed. Weird magic that can be performed.

"This fellow Taoist, even fellow Taoist Lin Dong from the Wuliang Sword Sect, has already fallen into the hands of Tian Beixi. With all due respect—"

Yang Lu immediately raised his hand to interrupt Lin Muhu: "You can rest assured that we are more than 90% sure that we can win this battle. I have just fully communicated with Manager Han and he has agreed to my action strategy. ."

Lin Muhu reacted quickly and immediately asked: "Can Fellow Daoist Yang break Tian Beixi's evil spell?"

"When Taoist Fellow Daoist fought Tian Beixi just now, the reason why I didn't take action was because I was secretly observing the flaws in his demonic skills!"

"So, Fellow Daoist Yang has already discovered something?"

"Yes, I have successfully discovered the reality of this banshee method!"

"I don't have much knowledge, can you give me some advice?"

"This is a secret that the Golden Knife Sect does not pass on. Please forgive me for having no comment!" Yang Lu directly raised the banner of the Golden Knife Sect's secrets and choked Lin Muhu speechlessly on the spot.

Han Fulai next to him also showed a smile when he heard this. Yang Lu didn't tell this secret to the direct disciple of Yufeng Sect, but told him, an ordinary mortal, which showed that Yang Lu valued him.

He didn't expect that Yang Lu's explanation just now was completely made up and could not withstand the scrutiny of real cultivators...

Lin Muhu pondered for a moment and felt that Yang Lu would not make fun of his own life.

Under Yang Lu's half-smiling gaze, Lin Muhu finally handed over his hand and said: "Since you two have reached a consensus, as a guest, I naturally have no right to interfere with your actions, but if something cannot be done..."

"If nothing can be done, we will definitely give priority to ensuring our own safety. We will never rush to put up all the chips like gamblers and fight to the death with Na Tian Beixi." Yang Lu saw through Lin Muhu's concerns at a glance and fed him directly It gave me reassurance.

The biggest advantage of the Haiya Fleet is its control of the sea. If it cannot be defeated, it can retreat at any time. Lin Muhu naturally knows this very well. After hearing Yang Lu's guarantee, he nodded silently, which was regarded as approval of Yang Lu's arrangement.

Despite this, Lin Muhu had an unsolved doubt in his heart:

Since you have such a mature and prudent strategy for a long time, why did you just let that reckless Lin Dong challenge Tian Beixi to a duel? What did you two do when you just sent your friendly troops to their deaths?

However, Lin Muhu also knew that Lin Dong's death was a very sensitive topic. He was currently living under someone else's roof, so it was best not to offend the two people in front of him by talking too much.

After all, there is no protection from the Heavenly Law of Nine Provinces on the outlying island, and he is alone. If these two people command a mortal army to kill and silence them because they know too much, he will have no place to reason.

So Lin Muhu quickly put on his smile again and said, "In that case, when do you two plan to launch an attack?"

Han Fulai observed the sky again and said in a confident tone: "It will rain here at the latest two hours. According to Brother Yang's arrangement, when the heavy rain pours, it will be the time for our entire army to attack!"

"You actually plan to attack in the rain? Although I don't understand ordinary people's art of war, this is a taboo for military strategists-"

Before Lin Muhu finished speaking, Yang Lu raised his hand and interrupted him: "We have already studied and decided to wait until it rains before we start attacking. Our Haiya fleet has enough troops. Even if it rains, we can still crush it. These outlying island natives!”

Han Fulai also echoed: "That's right, Tian Beixi is no match for us in a pure competition with mortal means!"

This time the benefits of Lin Dong's death were revealed.

Since the supervisor of the Wuliang Sword Sect has died, Yang Lu and Han Fulai can almost do whatever they want with this fleet, and even if Lin Muhu is full of doubts about their strategy, no one can complain.

So he had to hold his hand again and said: "Then I will obey your arrangements for the time being!"

Yang Lu waved his hand casually and said: "The main force in this war is still mortal soldiers. Fellow Daoist Lin only needs to stay with us on the flagship to prevent Tian Beixi from beheading us!"

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