The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 206 Broken Commander Flag

While the senior officials of the Haiya Fleet were chatting, each ship's ballistae was being prepared one after another.

Seeing the flag bearer at the mainmast observation deck asking for his next order, Han Fulai immediately shouted:

"Ballista fire!"

Following Han Fulai's order, the flag bearer immediately followed the instructions and raised the flag.

The flagship of the Haiya Fleet, the Ruicheng, has a deck height of more than ten meters, and the height of the mainmast observatory from the water is close to eighty meters. After the chess player signals, all ships within a few miles can The commands issued by the flagship Ruicheng were clearly observed.

Haiya City is based on ocean trade, and semaphore is almost a second foreign language and basic survival skill for the residents of Haiya City. The command system established by Haiya Fleet based on semaphore has shown amazing efficiency, and it also made Yang Lu truly feel that Han Fulai confidence.

Although the Haiya Fleet is corrupt, it is indeed powerful enough!

After receiving the firing command from the flagship, hundreds of arm-thick iron-clad crossbow bolts were fired straight at their chosen targets like tactical missiles.

But perhaps due to the heavy rain, the effect of this round of ballista salvo was not ideal.

With the help of the Eagle Eye Technique, Yang Lu only saw an unlucky guy on Guhong Island whose body was penetrated by a crossbow bolt and died on the spot. In addition, a watchtower was hit by a crossbow bolt and its support beams were hit, and it swayed twice and collapsed. , causing minor casualties.

The other ballistae either stuck their heads into the soil, or flew out from above the opponent's position.

Because the movement of the watchtower's collapse was so loud, even Han Fulai, a mortal commander, noticed it.

Seeing that his side's hundreds of rounds of valuable ballista ammunition only hit two, causing slight damage, Yang Lu originally thought that Han Fulai would be furious, but unexpectedly, he was full of excitement and shouted to the lookout beside the flag bearer. He asked loudly: "I didn't expect that our crossbowmen could shoot so accurately. Whose general is this?"

The lookout on the main mast immediately replied: "It seems to be Qin Tai, the No. 2 ballista crew leader of the Yuxiang!"

"Everything will be rewarded!" After Han Fu finished speaking, he immediately continued to order the flag bearer: "Show the flag, each ballista group adjusts the scale, and prepares for the second round of shooting based on the impact point of the first round of shooting!"

The Haiya Chamber of Commerce organizes fleets to sail in the four oceans of Kyushu all year round. The fleet command system is very efficient. In less than three minutes, the second round of ballista attacks was reloaded and aimed at the direction of Guhong Island. passed.

Probably because of the specially adjusted scale, the accuracy of this round of ballista volleys is much better.

More than ten crossbow bolts hit the defensive civil engineering works head-on. The huge impact smashed the wooden fence directly into pieces. The broken wood splinters flew out in all directions like grenade shrapnel.

After receiving splash damage, twenty or thirty of the Guhongdao soldiers hiding behind the fence fell to the ground on the spot. The killing effect was quite astonishing.

This terrifying lethality also caused obvious commotion in the Guhong Island camp. These slave soldiers had no idea that the ballistae of the Haiya Fleet could shoot so far, be so powerful, and be so accurate!

It wasn't that Tian Beixi didn't want to arrange the defensive positions further back, but the depth of the entire beachhead was only so long. If he organized the defense further back, he would not be able to ensure that the Zhongzhou soldiers would be led to the intended battlefield, and the power of gunpowder would not be unleashed.

When facing the outlying coalition forces with mediocre equipment, the formation flaws of the Guhong Island army were not a big deal, but when facing the Haiya Fleet with strong ships and powerful artillery, this formation flaw was infinitely magnified.

Just like the Haiya Fleet didn't expect Tian Beixi to use gunpowder, Tian Beixi didn't expect the Haiya Chamber of Commerce's crossbow technology to be so sharp!

Not to mention that Tian Beixi and the outlying island lords underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Haiya Fleet. Without Han Fulai's proactive explanation, even Yang Lu would not have known that the Haiya Chamber of Commerce had such a trump card!

Seeing the powerful shocking effect of the second salvo, Han Fulai nodded with satisfaction.

When the flag bearer once again asked for instructions on the next battle plan, Han Fulai was like General Van Fleet before going to Ganling. He ordered with a heroic tone: "First fire a few rounds of volleys with the crossbow to completely break up the enemy's morale." , and then the landing troops will press forward in full force!"


Along with the sound of batches of crossbow arrows piercing the air, the entire Guhong Island position exploded.

The high-speed flying iron-clad crossbow carries no less kinetic energy than a solid cannonball. Even in a windy and rainy environment, its flight stability is not greatly affected, and it still maintains acceptable hit accuracy.

All buildings and enemies hit by the ballista were almost instantly blown to pieces by the huge force. After several rounds of volleys, the sentry towers and wooden fences outside the Guhong Island camp had been blown to pieces.

Although the absolute number of casualties among the soldiers on Guhong Island was not heavy, with only two to three hundred people losing combat effectiveness in total, the shock and deterrence effect was astonishing. The indigenous soldiers on Guhong Island had never seen such a violent one-sided bombing, and they cried and screamed on the spot.

This situation of being beaten but unable to fight back is a very fatal blow to the morale of the army.

During the Gulf War, the U.S. Air Force continued to bomb Iraq's ace armored division, which led to a complete psychological collapse of the Iraqi armored division soldiers, and eventually there was a phenomenon of large areas abandoning equipment and fleeing. It was not until after the war that the US military discovered that the number of tanks directly destroyed by US bombings was not even one-tenth of the number of abandoned tanks.

The fighting will of the soldiers on Guhong Island is only slightly weaker than that of Comrade Lao Sa's Republican Guard.

After several rounds of long-range ballistae bombings, the frontline troops of Guhong Island were already on the verge of collapse. Even if Shi Yi, the lord of Guhong Island, came to the front line and killed several soldiers trying to escape, he still could not completely curb the declining morale of the frontline troops. the trend of.

Han Fulai's tactics are simple and crude, but they are really effective!

Just when the morale of the soldiers on the front line of Guhong Island was wavering, a faint blue light blade suddenly flew out of Tian Beixi's camp.

The aura of this light blade was very weak, but its speed was astonishingly fast. Lin Muhu and Yang Lu tried to intercept it, but found that although the light blade was shot in the direction of the Ruicheng, it was not aimed at the two of them, so they reacted Just half a beat too slow.


With a loud sound of wood breaking, the main mast of the flagship Ruicheng was instantly cut into two pieces by the light blade.

Then Yang Lu saw that the flag bearer and lookout who had been issuing flag messages for Han Fulai fell from the top of the mast on the spot and fell heavily into the deep sea.

In such a windy and rough environment, falling into the water in such an awkward position, Yang Lu knew without guessing that these two unlucky guys would most likely not survive.

The mainmast of the flagship was cut off, just like the flag of the commander of the army was cut down.

The Guhong Island position, which was originally demoralized, suddenly burst into cheers, while Lin Muhu said with an ugly face: "I was careless this time. I have been guarding against Tian Beixi's sneak attack on the three of us. I didn't expect that she would choose to attack us." Si Qi is going to take action! This witch never plays her cards according to common sense. If she hadn't acted decisively, the soldiers of Guhong Island might have collapsed soon!"

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