The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 208 Close combat

As the distance between the two sides gradually approached, the soldiers of Guhong Island finally began to use crossbows to fight back.

It's just that the Haiya Fleet's budget of six million spirit stone coins was not in vain. In order to organize the battle in the rain, these landing soldiers were equipped with raincoats and light armor, and the heavy rain also seriously affected the power of light projectile weapons. Guhong Island The bows and arrows on the other side were unable to effectively penetrate even the outer raincoats of the landing troops. However, the Haiya City landing troops' counterattack with strong bows and crossbows was still very sharp, turning the soldiers of Guhong Island upside down.

The quality of the weapons on both sides is decided!

This also fully proves that there is an essential gap between the monkey version of foreign trade weapons and genuine weapons no matter which world they are in!

Just when the two sides were approaching a distance of about a hundred steps, Han Fulai immediately issued an order, and the ten centurions at the forefront immediately formed a formation to attack the opponent's position.

He had no idea of ​​conserving his strength. The humid environment, the deterrence of the crossbows, and the repeated strikes of the crossbows had already caused the morale of the Guhong Island army to be extremely low.

This kind of army, whose internal organization has become seriously chaotic, is absolutely unable to resist the frontal impact of the dense formation of Haiya mercenaries.

Nearly half of the wooden fence outside the Guhong Island position had been destroyed by ballistae. The remaining wooden fortifications could not withstand the sharp blade chops of the soldiers of the Haiya Fleet and were quickly and completely cleared.

The ability to destroy the remaining fortifications so easily was thanks to the sharp black iron weapons equipped by the vanguard of the Sea Cliff Fleet.

Black iron is a special metal that is unique to the world of cultivation and contains spiritual energy inside. It can even resist the flying sword attacks of cultivators. Although the mortal weapons of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce are only mixed with a trace amount of dark iron, they are not as common as wooden stakes. In front of items, it can also be called a magic weapon.

At the cost of only a dozen casualties, the Haiya soldiers broke through the fence with the crossbow arrows from Guhong Island. Only a few unlucky ones were hit by arrows and fell to the ground.

Just before the two sides came into contact, a trumpet sounded suddenly, and countless spears were erected in the front line of the Haiya mercenaries. These were not the kind of hastily cut wooden poles with iron heads, but densely packed with very reasonable weights. Array spear.

The most important thing in cold weapon warfare is the formation and formation. Both Guhongdao soldiers and Haiya soldiers lack systematic military training, but sailors' daily training itself pays attention to orders and prohibitions. Therefore, Haiya soldiers have obvious advantages in organization and can use their individual strength on the battlefield. to the maximum.

Looking at the gleaming spear tip, a few brave Guhongdao soldiers tried to rush up and cut it off with their knives.

However, the weapons in their hands were obviously not as sharp as the soldiers of the Sea Cliff Fleet. They often didn't even have time to completely cut off one or two spears before being stabbed to the ground by the spears raised side by side.

Facing the dense forest-like gun formation of Haiya soldiers, the Guhongdao soldiers in the rear also tried to set up a gun formation to organize a counterattack.

However, the spears of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce are stronger than ordinary outlying island natives in terms of weight and material. Therefore, the gun body can be made longer. The length alone is nearly one foot longer than the spears of the outlying island natives. This is already on the battlefield. It is the decisive length advantage. If the two sides are stabbing each other with spears, assuming they both insist on not retreating, one foot longer is enough to kill the other side without the other side stabbing you.

In the confrontation in the first row, the Guhong Island soldiers could hardly touch each other's body, so they were stabbed to death by the Haiya mercenaries on the spot.

During the confrontation in the second row, the Guhong Island soldiers barely caused some damage to the Haiya soldiers, but they soon fell into collapse. By the time the third row arrived, the Guhong Island soldiers were no longer holding spears, but mixed There are some soldiers holding swords and shields and other close combat short weapons. This kind of competition between short weapons and long weapons is useful on a chaotic battlefield. However, when advancing in formation, if short weapons want to cause damage to the opponent, then there is only one option. Throw the weapons out and hit people.

With the overwhelming advance of Haiya soldiers, the first three rows of soldiers on Guhong Island were either killed or turned around and fled back.

Seeing that the battle ahead was going smoothly, the centurions of the Haiya mercenaries began to shout excitedly:

"The enemy is at his wits end. Let's form a formation and kill him. As long as we break through the opponent's camp, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce will receive many rewards. The hundred-man team like us in the front row will receive additional rewards!"

"Manager Han said that all members of the Centurion Team who do not retreat will be rewarded with an extra 20 yuan of spirit stone coins!"

"Brothers, Manager Han paid for this out of his own pocket!"

Under heavy rewards, there must be brave men.

Hearing the Haiya faction's promise of rewards based on merit, the morale of the landing troops was boosted, while the morale of the Guhong Island side was dampened. After all, if the opponent wins, there will be a huge reward, and they can even achieve financial freedom, and if you win, you will be rewarded. However, he could only continue to be the leader of the lord.

Although the new lord of the family has become a beautiful fairy, beauty cannot be used as food, and it has nothing to do with slave soldiers like them. Anyone who hears this kind of treatment gap will feel discouraged.

But the indigenous troops on the outlying islands are not without their merits.

The mortal warlords on the outlying island have been fighting for years. Although everyone is fighting at a low level of slave masters, the high-level officials on the outlying island have accumulated rich combat experience, and the soldiers on Guhong Island can be regarded as elites who have been killed in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Seeing that the front row defense of Guhong Island had collapsed, Commander-in-Chief Shi Yi quickly arranged for his personal guards to step forward and chop off the heads of several defeated soldiers, and then stood up and shouted:

"Hit them on both sides in a roundabout way, both sides!"

If Shi Yi's strategy can be implemented, it will indeed cause a lot of trouble for the Haiya Fleet.

However, in order to give full play to the power of gunpowder, Tian Beixi deliberately chose a small tidal flat to attack the Haiya Fleet. The Haiya Fleet's phalanx had completely filled the front, leaving no room for side detours.

Some Guhongdao soldiers tried to climb up the rock wall, but this operation was difficult even if it didn't rain, not to mention the heavy rain in the sky.

Shi Yi commanded his slave soldiers to rush left and right, but they were still unable to stop the advance of Haiya soldiers.

Han Fulai stood on the bow of the Ruicheng against the wind, his monster skin cloak rustling in the sea breeze. Seeing the Haiya City mercenaries advancing like a tide, the commander-in-chief of the Haiya Fleet said with high spirits: "No matter the organization, In terms of speed, fighting will, salary, physical fitness, and weapons and equipment, our soldiers in Haiya City have completely defeated each other. If these outlying island natives want to defeat us, they must besiege from all directions in the plain area with several times the force. In such a small place To engage in hand-to-hand combat in the area, and to be harassed by our fleet's ballistae from a distance, is undoubtedly asking for death. Everyone says that the demon Tian Beixi is full of wits, and when I saw her today, I feel that she is not worthy of her name!"

Lin Muhu also nodded in agreement: "Although I am not familiar with ordinary people's art of war, I also feel that Tian Beixi's formation problem is huge. The battlefield is arranged in such a small and cramped place. It cannot take advantage of the opponent's numerical advantage at all. Instead, it will destroy your sea cliff." The city’s equipment advantages are fully utilized!”

Hearing the two men's crazy complaints about Tian Beixi's level of art of war, Yang Lu just smiled and said nothing.

Gunpowder has great limitations, so it must be planted in advance. If Tian Beixi wants to use the power of gunpowder, she can only choose such a preset battlefield. Now that the heavy rain has not stopped, she doesn't know if she still has the power of gunpowder. How much?

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