The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 215 Convolutional Neural Path

The simplest example can prove how outrageous the "result-oriented" assessment is:

Before Yang Lu joined the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, the business with the highest gross profit margin of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce was undoubtedly the papermaking industry of the Tianshu City branch. This was mainly because the papermaking industry was a licensed business strictly controlled by the Shanying Sect. No matter how wealthy outsiders were, Can't intervene either.

However, because Li Qingning did not know the actual situation of the paper industry, the performance evaluation standards for the Tianshu City Branch were extremely unreasonable, which resulted in the entire Tianshu City Branch being in a state of collective failure for a long time.

According to Yang Lu’s subsequent investigation, although Li Qingning’s performance appraisal standards for the Tianshu City branch were higher than those of other branches, compared with this kind of franchise business, they were still significantly lower. Employees of the Tianshu City branch were casual If you cope with it, you can achieve the assessment objectives. With a lot of free time left, these Tianshu City branch employees generally engage in part-time side jobs. Even if they are unlucky, they can use their working time to go home and help with farm work to supplement their family income.

Working one job and receiving two wages is simply not that exciting!

Although Li Qingning promised Tianshu City employees that they would receive performance bonuses if they overcompleted tasks, Tianshu City employees were not stupid. If the performance benchmarks were significantly exceeded in the first year, wouldn't it just prove that Li Qingning's performance appraisal standards were set low? The Tianshu City Branch's performance appraisal target will definitely increase accordingly in the second year!

Instead of raking in the slack and coveting performance bonuses for one or two years, it would be better to pretend to work very hard every year to complete the task. In this way, the employees of the Tianshu City Branch will be left to rot every year.

But from Li Qingning's point of view, the Tianshu City branch is "working hard" every year, and often can barely complete the performance indicators until the last moment. In addition, these guys usually write good work ledgers and can take care of trivial matters. The writing was very hard and arduous. Sitting at the headquarters of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, Li Qingning couldn't tell that these cunning guys were deliberately messing up.

Similar in nature to the Tianshu City branch is He Mingyuan's Luoxia City branch. Although the Luoxia City branch has suffered losses year after year, He Mingyuan has made every detail of the face-saving project work. Even Li Qingning does not know whether the loss is due to the Luoxia City branch's difficulty in doing business or because of He Mingyuan. There is a problem with ability. After all, most branches of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce are losing money or not making money. Under such circumstances, Li Qingning certainly could not fire He Mingyuan rashly.

If a certain branch does not make money, Miss Li will abolish the entire branch. Then the Qingning Chamber of Commerce before Yang Lu took over will have to abolish at least two-thirds of the branches.

Even with the current size of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, it has just met the minimum standards for entering the supply chain system of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. Compared with chambers of commerce under other established cultivating forces, the scale is still very far from being able to enter the supply chain of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. The chain system can be regarded as the Haiya Chamber of Commerce showing mercy outside the law for the sake of Li Qingyang.

If Li Qingning abolishes a large number of branches, the remaining branches will not be able to meet the huge material needs of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. Then no matter how strong the background of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce is, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce will categorically kick it out of the supply chain system. This is not Yang Lu's subjective assumption. After all, before he joined the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, the relationship between Li Qingning and the Haiya Chamber of Commerce was quite cold. If there was such a legitimate reason, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce would definitely kick her out for causing trouble. open.

Therefore, "result-oriented" assessment does not mean that the harder you slam the table or the bigger your fist is, the more useful it is. The premise is that as a manager, you must be very familiar with the business details of your subordinates and know the approximate reasonable assessment goals. At what level, this is why it is very important for leadership to start from the grassroots level. Only leaders who start from the grassroots level can understand the tricks used by the grassroots to fool the higher-ups.

Grassroots experience is not everything, but it is better than nothing.

Despite this, professional and technical departments such as finance are still high-risk areas for subordinates to fool their superiors, because the more professional the scam, the harder it is for laymen to see through it.

Although Yang Lu has the advantage of earth experience in dimension reduction strikes, he has only been in the world of cultivation for one year. For the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, he is actually an airborne leader through and through. Not only does he not know the mystery of Luan Shicheng. What is the reasonable gross profit margin of the iron ore mine? Even the key evidence of Ji Sihan's corruption was obtained by He Mingyuan, a senior corruption master, and Yang Lu did not play a decisive role in it.

However, what makes Yang Lu smarter than Li Qingning is that he will not expose his ignorance easily, but will put great psychological pressure on Ji Sihan by speaking as little as possible.

After all, Ji Sihan was driven all the way from Luanshi City to the outlying island strait by Yang Lu and He Mingyuan. In the end, he still failed to escape from the clutches of Consultant Yang. This made him almost have a psychological shadow on Yang Lu. Yang Lu was now so disdainful. The attitude of explaining to him more seemed to Ji Sihan like a cat playing with a mouse.

The evidence of his crime is already in Yang Lu's hands, and Yang Lu can get rid of him at any time now without any cost.

Although the experience of Comrade Zhu Yuanzhang has fully proved that harsh punishments cannot stop corruption, this does not mean that corrupt elements will eagerly go and commit crimes despite knowing that they will be exposed.

After all, Zhu Yuanzhang managed the entire country. Everyone knew that he was unable to punish all corruption criminals in the Ming Dynasty, but Yang Lu only managed the Qingning Chamber of Commerce with thousands of people. If we use a popular saying on earth, it is "I can't punish it." All the corruption criminals in Zhongzhou, can’t they cure you, Ji Sihan?”

Yang Lu's attitude of stopping at nothing really made Ji Sihan feel a little unsure.

If possible, he would have liked to ask Yang Lu on the spot what kind of performance goals he wanted me to achieve to be satisfied, but Yang Lu had an attitude of "I just won't tell you, or you'll bite me" , leading him to Tian Beixi's warehouse like a normal person, which made Ji Sihan feel a bit unspeakable.

However, Ji Sihan didn't know that Yang Lu was not thinking about how to deal with him at this time, but was thinking about another more important thing.

In the process of arresting Ji Sihan, Yang Lu had an increasingly strong feeling:

Kyushu Tiandao is not a rigid system of legal rules. On the contrary, Tiandao is very similar to a special convolutional neural network that can make extremely complex moral judgments. Yang Lu even had some doubts that this Jiuzhou Tiandao might be able to pass the Turing test and reach the level of strong artificial intelligence.

Through this period of observation, Yang Lu discovered that the high-demon system has a huge impact on human nature.

Capitalists on earth can control the wind and rain just by having money, while cultivators from Kyushu can control the wind and rain literally; shootings break out every day in the United States just by making it legal to hold guns, while cultivators from Kyushu are an army alone.

Human beings are social animals, and individual greatness is undoubtedly an anti-social existence.

It is precisely because of the essential conflict between personal power and human nature that without the existence of the Nine Provinces of Heaven, the Nine Provinces cultivation civilization will undoubtedly have an unstoppable tendency to disintegrate, and may even self-destruct at any time.

After all, the abilities of cultivators have completely surpassed those of society. To expect high-level cultivators to maintain game balance and social stability is equivalent to expecting tens of thousands of nuclear-armed countries to coexist peacefully without the outbreak of nuclear war. If the law of heaven is just a simple and rigid system of rules, it will be unable to reverse this tendency of collapse from within society.

In fact, Yang Lu has discovered through various signs that Jiuzhou Tiandao has a considerable degree of flexibility.

It is like a great judge with infinitely fast thinking. It puts the overall interests of the cultivating society as the highest priority at all times, rewards and punishes the various behaviors of all cultivators, and corrects the cultivators all the time. The behavior of those who undermine the stability of the cultivating society has led to a very strange and unnatural social stability.

Just like dealing with corruption offenders.

In the absence of any evidence, cultivators would not dare to persecute criminal suspects suspected of corruption at will. Even if the cultivators themselves do not take action and just instruct their subordinates to torture the suspects, they will still be deducted from heaven for undermining social stability. Merits are just like Jiuzhou Tiandao adhering to a certain idealistic judgment principle of "discussing the heart but not the deeds". Therefore, every time Yang Lu arrests a corrupt criminal, he must first catch the real person before taking action. He must ensure that he will not wrongfully accuse good people.

However, the principle of "discussing the heart but not the deeds" held by Jiuzhou Tiandao does not seem to be absolute. The paper gunner industry in Haiya City is another typical case.

According to the unwritten rules of the paper gun industry in Haiya City, if the paper gunman fails to submit a qualified paper in time, causing the paper broker to lose trust in the face of cultivators, these underworld paper brokers will inevitably interrupt the paper gunman's work. Legs as a punishment, and this kind of private court action seems to be regarded as "internal conflicts among mortals" by Kyushu Tiandao, and will not deduct the merits of those cultivators who are the employers of the thesis gunman.

However, the reason why the thesis gunman industry in Haiya City exists is ultimately due to the cruel oppression of mortals by cultivators. As the saying goes, there is no killing without buying and selling. If Jiuzhou Tiandao really talks about the heart and ignores traces, it is impossible to just let the standing thesis go. The cultivator behind the gunfighting industry.

But the fact is that these cultivators will indeed not be punished for this, otherwise this industry would have died out long ago.

There are various signs that Jiuzhou Tiandao seems to have its own criteria for judging "what is good" and "what is bad". It is neither simply doing things according to the rules, nor is it a collection of laws as Yang Lu first thought. Instead, it is more like a living entity. A person, or more like a "highly result-oriented" strong artificial intelligence.

As for why Yang Lu believes that Jiuzhou Tiandao is very similar to artificial intelligence, it is mainly because its "result-oriented" assessment has reached an exquisite level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Just like the game between Ji Sihan and Yang Lu, the "result-oriented" assessment requires managers to grasp the results very accurately. If the grasp of the results is not accurate enough, it will lead to management accidents like Li Qingning's. Is this the case for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, let alone the entire human society?

Jiuzhou Tiandao is like an omniscient and omnipotent manager who has perfected the art of using merit (result-oriented assessment standards) to restrain cultivators (employees). No matter what cultivators (employees) do, as long as you do If you do something that damages the overall interests of Jiuzhou society (Chamber of Commerce), then Jiuzhou Tiandao (manager) will punish you, but if you do something that safeguards the overall interests of Jiuzhou society (Chamber of Commerce), then you will get Tiandao (management) (or) reward.

This kind of reward and punishment behavior must be extremely precise and flexible, otherwise if any heavenly bug is discovered by the Kyushu cultivators, the entire Kyushu cultivator society is likely to fall apart in a very short time. But as we all know, the Jiuzhou cultivation world has been operating stably for millions of years under the guidance of Heaven, without any major management accidents.

If Tiandao is really a human or artificial intelligence manager, then Yang Lu is even willing to call him the God of Management!

This discovery once made Yang Lu doubt the nature of the Jiuzhou cultivation world. After all, how could a god of management appear inexplicably in a perfectly normal human society?

And this God of Management doesn't even have an entity. He just controls the entire Kyushu cultivation world like a puppet through the rules he weaves, and works selflessly for the benefit of all cultivators.

Therefore, Yang Lu even thought that the Jiuzhou Cultivation World might be a virtual world similar to "The Matrix", but he did not have any evidence to support his guess, so he could only keep this judgment at the level of conjecture...

Seeing Yang Lu's stern look and uncertain expression, Ji Sihan wanted to speak several times, but failed to muster up the courage. The two of them stayed in silence all the way through the deserted Guhong Island camp.

According to the information provided by Shi Yi, the lord of Guhong Island, Yang Lu quickly arrived at the place where Tian Beixi stored gunpowder.

In order to keep the secret of gunpowder, Yang Lu only brought Ji Sihan with him on this trip. Han Fulai and Lin Muhu only knew that he was there for personal business, but they did not know that he actually wanted to take over Tian Beixi's secret weapon.

However, when he arrived at his destination, he was surprised to find that Tian Beixi had destroyed all the gunpowder before leaving.

Tian Beixi's method of destroying gunpowder is very simple, which is to remove all tarpaulins and expose all black gunpowder to the erosion of heavy rain. Because the charcoal in black gunpowder is extremely water-absorbent, it is very suitable for destruction by dissolution and will not be destroyed by heavy rain. After two hours of direct washing, a large amount of gunpowder had flowed into the sea along the rainwater.

The remaining remaining gunpowder has absorbed too much water and can no longer be used.

In this case, even if Yang Lu wanted to recycle the remaining gunpowder, it would be impossible, because it is very difficult for charcoal to dry naturally after absorbing water, and a special drying method must be used to dry it again as quickly as possible, and without temperature control means Trying to dry black powder under such circumstances is almost the same as committing suicide.

Tian Beixi obviously knew the physical and chemical properties of gunpowder very well and left almost no food left for Yang Lu, the victor.

Yang Lu picked and picked and found only a small amount of gunpowder that was still usable, and barely filled a small jar.

This made him feel a little regretful.

Yang Lu has never been the kind of person with very strong hands-on skills. Although he has tried to copy some of the earth's black technologies in the world of cultivation, the final results were not ideal. He wanted to be like Tian Beixi, a female cultivation scientist with amazing hands-on skills. Making black gunpowder worthy of use like that was still a bit out of line for him.

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