The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 233 Sword Discussing in Zhongzhou

Not to mention that Han Fulai was curious about what Su Yuanfeng wanted to do, in fact Yang Lu himself was a little confused.

It stands to reason that he helped Su Yuanfeng in Tianshu City, and Su Yuanfeng also made corresponding repayments. Both parties no longer owe each other anything. Now it seems that Su Yuanfeng's recent unusual enthusiasm may have an ulterior motive behind it!

Yang Lu also wanted to know what kind of medicine Su Yuanfeng sold in his gourd, so he nodded and said: "Then I will go to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce first. If there is any new situation, I will tell Brother Han as soon as possible."

Han Fulai picked up the teacup and said with a smile, "Then I won't give it away."

"As for the flying spirit boat..."

"I will contact my uncle right away, and he should personally accompany you to meet with President Li Qingyang."

"Thank you. Then I'll go see President Su first."

Han Fulai nodded and said nothing more.

He was just curious about what Su Yuanfeng wanted to do, and was not worried about any collusion between Yang Lu and Su Yuanfeng.

If Su Yuanfeng really had any collusion with Yang Lu, it would be impossible for him to send out the invitation through himself. He would have directly and secretly paid a visit to the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. Since he chose to be introduced through himself, he obviously wanted to avoid suspicion.

As the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, Su Yuanfeng still has some emotional intelligence in handling matters. We are all high-end players. In many cases, we don’t need to explain things too clearly. It’s good to keep things tacit.

After saying goodbye to Han Fulai, Yang Lu rushed to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce headquarters next to the city lord's palace. After handing in his name card, he was introduced to the attic where Su Yuanfeng was retreating.

It stands to reason that Su Yuanfeng is a dignified Foundation-Building Dzogchen monk and is in the critical period of breaking through the bottleneck of the golden elixir stage. Most of his time should be spent practicing in seclusion. Trivial matters such as welcoming people and sending them off can be left to his subordinates. , you can just be a hands-off shopkeeper, just like Han Xinhe entrusted all his daily work to his nephew Han Fulai.

However, the recent times that Su Yuanfeng came to Yang Lu were all because of his own personal matters, which resulted in Yang Lu meeting the second-in-command of the Haiya Department more often than Han Xinhe, a close ally.

Seeing Yang Lu appear, Su Yuanfeng immediately stood up to greet him and said, "I heard that Advisor Yang's trip to the island was a great success!"

After all, Su Yuanfeng is a great monk with a half-step golden elixir. How could Yang Lu dare to show off with him? He quickly said humbly: "Isn't it thanks to President Su that he helped relieve our worries!"

Su Yuanfeng knew that Yang Lu was thanking him for supporting the Han family's proposal recently, so he laughed and said: "These little things are all what I should do. Logically speaking, a separation between Consultant Yang and Miss Qingning is better than a wedding. I shouldn't have taken the liberty Excuse me, but I do have a troublesome matter recently that I need to discuss with you two."

What the hell is a little separation better than a newlywed?

Forget about Han Fu coming, where did you hear the gossip?

This is really a good thing that doesn’t go out, and the gossip spreads thousands of miles!

Yang Lu couldn't help but said speechlessly: "I can only help you pass on the message. If President Su has any requests, I will convey them truthfully. However, whether the matter can be finalized or not depends on the eldest lady herself."

"Then Consultant Lao Yang will convey it on your behalf!" Su Yuanfeng said with a smile on his face, but he didn't know how much he believed it in his heart, "The truth is, our Su family has a junior Su Cheng with a middle-grade spiritual root qualification. It has been nearly twenty years since he entered the Immortal Sect, and he has now reached the state of perfect Qi refining. Unfortunately, during the Immortal Ascension Conference, he failed to be favored by the Immortal Master of the Wuliang Sword Sect and had no chance to become a disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect. , this matter is also the biggest regret of our Su family in recent years..."

If you want to become a disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect, you must have middle-grade spiritual root qualifications as the minimum requirement, but this does not mean that all cultivators with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications can join the Wuliang Sword Sect.

For example, Jiang Hua'an and Su Yuanfeng both had middle-grade spiritual root qualifications, but neither of them could join the Infinite Sword Sect, and Su Cheng obviously fell into this category of failure.

Even in Yang Lu's opinion, Su Cheng's failure may have been intentional by the Wuliang Sword Sect.

After all, Su Cheng is the descendant of Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. This matter is not a secret. The Wuliang Sword Sect itself is very wary of the power of the Haiya faction, and it is impossible to allow the children of such powerful princes to easily infiltrate their ranks.

Not to mention Su Cheng, among the three giants of the Haiya family, Su Yuanfeng, Han Xinhe, and Jiang Huaan, which one is not the best among people? But none of them could successfully join the Infinite Sword Sect and receive top-notch cultivation education, which explains the problem.

Suddenly hearing Su Yuanfeng mention this matter, Yang Lu couldn't help but frown and said, "You want to help him enter the Infinite Sword Sect? I'm afraid even President Li Qingyang can't do this in person!"

The Wuliang Sword Sect recruits disciples from the Immortal Ascension Conference. It has never been heard of recruiting disciples from other sects who have become monks. Since Su Cheng failed to enter the Wuliang Sword Sect at the Shengxian Conference, he has no chance now.

However, Su Yuanfeng waved his hands and said, "That's not what I meant. I wonder if Consultant Yang has ever heard of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference?"

Yang Lu has indeed heard of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference. This is a martial arts competition for monks in the Qi Refining Period organized by the Wuliang Sword Sect. All vassal sects in Zhongzhou, the Six Extreme North Sects in Arctic State, and various casual cultivating sects in Antarctic State are eligible. Sign up.

This martial arts competition is held every five years, and each time it is held before the trial on the battlefield outside the territory. It has a history of nearly five hundred years. The main purpose of the Wuliang Sword Sect's organization of the Sword Discussion Conference is to select actual combat types for their own sect. Talent.

For ordinary cultivators, the realm of cultivation is undoubtedly the core ability, but realm and ultimate moves are not the only criteria for measuring actual combat ability. Otherwise, when two cultivators meet, as long as they report their respective realms and techniques to each other, The winner can be determined directly.

However, this is not the case.

At that time, Li Qingning was almost overturned by Li Wen, the killer of Heyuge, because of his lack of actual combat experience and his overwhelming advantage in strength.

The Extraterritorial Battlefield Trial was originally a treasure hunting conference exclusive to monks in the Qi Refining Period. However, because killing people on the extraterritorial battlefield not only does not result in loss of merit, but can actually promote the accumulation of merit, the seven sects all want to take this opportunity to get rid of the rising talents of other sects. .

Along with the bloody killings on the battlefield outside the territory, the hatred between the various sects is also deepening. After all, you killed my senior brother last time, and I will kill junior sister Qin this time. Therefore, the trials on the battlefield outside the territory have become more and more cruel. . No matter how careful the Wuliang Sword Sect is, nearly half of the new stars in the sect's Qi refining period will still die on the battlefield outside the territory every time.

In order to prevent their own disciples from falling into a disadvantage in the battle, the Wuliang Sword Sect specially organized the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, trying to recruit cultivators from vassal sects with ordinary talents but strong practical skills to join the Wuliang Sword Sect and enter the battlefields outside the territory as thugs.

The Wuliang Sword Sect's status in Zhongzhou is extremely high.

Outer sect deacons like Lu Anping and Fang Jiancai can only be regarded as grassroots cadres in the Wuliang Sword Sect, but even local bosses like Chen Ming and Jiang Hua'an, who are in the golden elixir stage, have to give them some face when they see them.

If a member of a local cultivator family could join the Wuliang Sword Sect, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the carp jumped over the dragon gate.

Even if you fail to join the Wuliang Sword Sect in the end, as long as you can get a better ranking in the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, it will be a supreme honor for all the major cultivation families. Therefore, the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is not only a competition for the Wuliang Sword Sect to select practical talents, but also A stage where major vassal sects and cultivating families show off their military power and compete with each other for their knowledge.

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