The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 235 Low-interest Loan

Although the risk-free rate of return of Jiuzhou Cultivation World has been artificially lowered to an extremely low level of 0.01% by the Lingshi Reserve Bank, this does not mean that the actual borrowing cost of Jiuzhou Cultivation World is really low.

In fact, the logic here is exactly the opposite. It is precisely because the Kyushu Cultivation World does not make money in any business, the risk of banks borrowing from outside is very high, and the spread income cannot cover the risk of bad debts at all, so the Lingshi Reserve Bank needs The risk-free interest rates are kept very low to ensure that the credit spreads of cultivating commercial banks such as Haiya Bank are enough to cover bad debts.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Haiya Bank does not pay interest to depositors.

If we consider that the real risk-free interest rate in Jiuzhou Cultivation World is 0.01%, then the actual deposit interest rate of Haiya Bank is actually -0.01%. Despite this, Haiya Bank's loan interest rate can still reach an average of more than 2%.

Although the interest rate difference between deposits and loans is so large, Haiya Bank's enthusiasm for external loans is still very low. This is because there are too few opportunities to start a business in the cultivation world. All profitable industries have long been monopolized by major cultivation forces, except for war-torn areas and legal systems. Only underdeveloped areas can give Cultivation Capital the opportunity to lick its blood, and the risks of such investment opportunities are also conceivably high.

Due to the lack of low-risk and stable investment opportunities, and the Cultivation Financial Supervision Commission expressly stipulated that bank assets are not allowed to be invested in stocks, in order to ensure the safety of its own operations, Haiya Bank will even transfer a large amount of depositors' deposits to the Lingshi Reserve Bank account. , and the reserve interest rate offered by Lingshi Reserve Bank to Xiuzhen Commercial Bank is only 0.005%. This level of reserve interest rate can only barely prevent Xiuzhen Commercial Bank from starving to death.

Yang Lu also considered borrowing money from Haiya Bank, but in the end he did not proceed with the matter, mainly due to two considerations:

The first reason is that he did not expect Su Yuanfeng to offer such a favorable interest rate.

Even if calculated according to the most optimistic scenario, Yangjiang Port has prospered since it was taken over by the Haiya System, and the investment income of the Yangjiang Port project can barely cover 2% of the capital cost at most.

If Haiya Bank provides a loan interest rate of more than 2% as usual, Qingning Chamber of Commerce will work for Haiya Bank for nothing. If there is some black swan event in the middle, such as the collapse of Tian Daxiao who promoted privatization reforms, and the successor Shenhuo Sect leader If you don't recognize your ex's account, not to mention the investment income will be wasted, and even the principal will be lost.

The second reason is more realistic.

According to the relevant regulations of the Cultivation Financial Supervisory Commission, all commercial loans must be mortgaged by corresponding assets. Since the liquidity of Cultivation Assets is extremely poor, a large discount is required when mortgaging assets to banks. The Qingning Chamber of Commerce itself was organized by Miss Li borrowing money from everywhere, and the asset-liability ratio is simply unsightly high, even if the major creditors have already One of them was killed by Yang Lu, and the Haiya Group was willing to cooperate with them to give the assets of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce the highest possible valuation. With the current asset-liability ratio of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, it is still difficult to meet the minimum standard for applying for a loan.

Therefore, after hearing this solution, Yang Lu was a little surprised and said, "President Su, you probably know the assets and liabilities of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. Doesn't applying for a loan directly from Haiya Bank violate the regulatory regulations of the Lingshi Reserve Bank? ?”

However, Su Yuanfeng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I'll just ask the Haiya Chamber of Commerce to guarantee it for you!"

Hearing this, Yang Lu felt even more wrong.

Haiya Chamber of Commerce is the major shareholder of Haiya Bank. The major shareholder directly acts as a guarantor to obtain funds from the holding bank. This is a highly suspicious related transaction no matter how you look at it. Yang Lu was not an expert in Zhongzhou law, but he knew that if this kind of behavior were done on Earth, it would definitely be an illegal operation that could land him in jail.

So he frowned and expressed his worries: "Haiya Chamber of Commerce is the major shareholder of Haiya Bank..."

Then Su Yuanfeng stretched out his right index finger, waved his hand gently and said: "To be precise, the major shareholder of Zhongzhou Haiya Bank is the Zhongzhou Headquarters of Haiya Chamber of Commerce. The financial supervision systems of the seven major sects in Kyushu are different, so in order to satisfy each The supervision requirements of the major sects require that both Haiya Bank and Haiya Chamber of Commerce operate independently within the sphere of influence of each major sect. I can completely persuade Xu Haihong, chairman of the Huoyunzhou branch of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, to allow the independently operated Haiya The Ya Chamber of Commerce Huoyun Prefecture Branch serves as the main body and provides guarantee for the Qingning Chamber of Commerce!"

Su Yuanfeng's explanation is only theoretically correct, but the problem is that the Haiya Chamber of Commerce operates ocean trade throughout Kyushu. It is not easy to transfer assets and profits between the Huoyunzhou branch and the Zhongzhou headquarters. Using the Glove White Wolf method, Haiya Chamber of Commerce can completely use Haiya Bank as its own cash machine.

Yang Lu originally thought that the sea cliff system was not simple, but now it seems that the water here may be deeper than he thought!

Looking at the smiling Su Yuanfeng, Yang Lu asked softly: "Is it really okay to do this?"

Su Yuanfeng didn't expect that Yang Lu would think of so many things in a short period of time. He just pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Consultant Yang is overthinking! The total assets of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce are more than tens of billions of spirit stone coins. How can there be any problem with guaranteeing a small business worth only 10 million spirit stone coins?"

That's true, but looking at how familiar Su Yuanfeng is, it's definitely not the first time he has done this kind of thing!

Yang Lu was very sure that what he saw now was just the tip of the iceberg. The entire Haiya Department stall is so huge that as long as Su Yuanfeng himself doesn't tell, outsiders can't tell how many shady and dark deeds are hidden under the gorgeous appearance of the Haiya Department.

Yang Lu thought for a while and finally didn't ask any more questions.

After all, as the saying goes, to make a fortune in silence, it is best to get money from Haiya Bank.

As the saying goes, the boss is the one who owes money. It is true that the Qingning Chamber of Commerce can owe Haiya Bank 10 million yuan in spiritual stone coins. Back then, in order to organize a chamber of commerce, a proud girl like Li Qingning begged her grandfather and grandma to borrow this much money.

So Yang Lu pretended not to notice anything, and said to Su Yuanfeng: "Then I will agree to this matter for the eldest lady, but our Qingning Chamber of Commerce does not have a mortgage, is President Su really not worried that we will not pay the money? "

However, Su Yuanfeng showed a mysterious and weird smile: "No creditor can owe the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and not repay the money. Even if you can't repay the money, we will teach you step by step how to deal with this debt!"

There is something in the other party’s words!

Hearing Su Yuanfeng's words that seemed threatening, but did not seem like a threat, Yang Lu suddenly became suspicious. He had a very strange intuition. It seemed that Su Yuanfeng hoped that he would not be able to pay back the money!

However, Yang Lu just asked casually. After all, with such a low-interest loan with favorable conditions, the Qingning Chamber of Commerce has no problem of not being able to repay the money. At least there is no problem in paying the interest on schedule.

So he took care of everything and said: "Then it will be a pleasure to cooperate!"

Seeing that the business was settled, Su Yuanfeng laughed loudly and said, "Consultant Yang is indeed a cheerful person!"

President Su felt happy from the bottom of his heart this time.

If he was asked to personally go to various sects for public relations, he would have to spend millions of spiritual stone coins to ensure that all competitors were dealt with. This would also be a huge burden for the wealthy Su family of Haiya City.

Now he only used a low-interest loan of 10 million spirit stone coins to help Su Cheng eliminate half of the opponents in the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference. He didn't even need to pay for this huge sum of money out of his own pocket. All of it could be helped by Haiya Bank. Advance payment.

Based on the operating conditions of Yangjiang Port, it is hard to say whether the loan of 10 million spirit stone coins can make the Qingning Chamber of Commerce make money. However, Haiya Bank should not have a big problem if it wants to protect its capital. Therefore, his operation did not even "distribute assets" The crime of "loss" is not even considered. From Su Yuanfeng's point of view, this can be regarded as a waste of money.

What is win-win?

This is called a win-win!

The two cultivation capitalists looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

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