The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 242 Rhetoric

How strong is the foundation of the Haiya system?

Han Xinhe, the elder of the Haiya Sect Law Enforcement Hall, can establish relationships with Xiuzhen Financial Weekly and Pan's Trading Company, the richest man in Zhongzhou; Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, can not only handle the organizing committee of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, but also the top management of the Wuliang Sword Sect. There are still friends inside.

Just the strength they displayed was enough to impress Yang Lu, not to mention the power that the Su and Han families had not yet surfaced, and Jiang Hua'an, who was able to suppress them in all directions!

Hearing Li Qingyang put forward similar opinions, Yang Lu immediately admired and said: "President Li really saw blood when he saw the problem!"

However, Li Qingyang has seen a lot in many battles, and this level of rainbow fart is of no use at all: "This is not how serious the problem is. Since the Qingning Chamber of Commerce has chosen to develop in Haiya City, I will naturally pay more attention to Haiya City. Things about the city.”

At this point, Li Qingyang's tone suddenly became serious: "Okay, I'm going to officially start asking you questions. You have to remember that you must answer my next question within one second, and only Can answer yes or no.”

Yang Lu also nodded and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Li!"

Li Qingyang's first question was beyond Yang Lu's expectation: "Yang Lu, have you ever studied calculus-related knowledge?"

Yang Lu has long heard that Jiuzhou cultivators have knowledge of calculus. Han Fulai once mentioned when using star maps to navigate the Haiya fleet that it was precisely because the cultivation mathematician Dongfang Jiu invented calculus 1,500 years ago and calculated the trajectory of celestial bodies based on calculus that mortals and low-level cultivators Only by using star maps can we position and navigate the four oceans of Kyushu with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Therefore, Yang Lu replied categorically: "I know a thing or two!"

Li Qingyang nodded, accepting the answer, and then continued to ask: "Then can you find the limit?"

If you know calculus, you will definitely be able to solve the limit. This seems to be nonsense, and lying seems to have no meaning, so Yang Lu didn't even think about it: "I know some basic methods of finding limits."

Li Qingyang continued to ask casually: "There are many ways to find limits through calculus. You should know this, right?"

Yang Lu nodded and said: "Of course I know this. Does Mr. Li come to me just to discuss mathematical problems with me?"

Li Qingyang smiled: "What? Do you think there is anything wrong with talking about mathematics?"

Yang Lu quickly raised his hands and said, "It's nothing, just ask!"

Li Qingyang hummed slightly and continued to ask questions casually: "Since you know many ways to find limits, you must have heard of Lópida's Law!"

López's law is an introduction to calculus.

But almost no one who has studied calculus and knows how to find limits does not understand Lópida's law.

Yang Lu had just claimed that he knew calculus, so he replied without hesitation: "Of course I know L'Hopital's law!"

But after hearing this answer, Li Qingyang's muddy old eyes suddenly opened. He no longer had the majesty of the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank before. Instead, he stared at Yang Lu with disbelief and said tremblingly: " say it again? You actually know the Law of Lópida?"

Seeing Li Qingyang's expression as if he had seen a ghost, Yang Lu immediately reacted -

I have fallen into the other party’s trap!

The tone of Li Qingyang's conversation just now was very natural and kind, like that of a respected elder. This made Yang Lu relax his vigilance. He never expected that Li Qingyang would play such a deceptive word game with him when asking questions:

Although people who have studied calculus must understand Lópida's Law, there is no senior master like Lópida in the Kyushu cultivation world!

Realizing that he had spilled the beans, Yang Lu hurriedly explained: "I don't know if the L'Hobida's Law you are talking about is the L'Hobida's Law that I know, but my L'Hourbid's Law is indeed based on the ancient mathematician It is named after Senior Luo Bidu. But the real inventor of Luo Bidu's law is not him, but another mathematician, Senior Bo Lili..."

The Bo family and the Luo family are both famous cultivation families in Zhongzhou.

Luo Shen, the master of sect management, was born in the Luo family of Zhongzhou, while the Bo family of Zhongzhou had two leaders of the Wuliang Sword sect—Bo Qing, who split up the Haiya sect, and Bo Nanke, who founded the Kyushu Monetary Alliance.

In order to make the story more realistic, Yang Lu even used the allusion to the Earth's Law of Lópida to magically change it.

"Senior Bo Lili, haha..."

After hearing Yang Lu's explanation, Li Qingyang showed an extremely complicated smile, which looked a little bitter and a little sarcastic: "Are you still going to tell me that this senior Luobida is just a person who is just trying to gain fame and reputation, and he has no mathematical skills? It's so different. It's just that in order to obtain the merits of heaven, Luobida spent a lot of money to buy this law from senior Bo Lili, who was living in poverty, and then named it after himself. This is how Luobida is now. law?"

Now it was Yang Lu's turn to be shocked: "How do you know about the Law of Luobida?" At this moment, he even suspected that Li Qingyang was a time traveler!

However, Li Qingyang showed a smile of unknown meaning and sighed: "Because... Governor Lu also lied to me like this back then!"

Hearing this explanation, Yang Lu was stunned on the spot.

He never expected that President Lu would use the story of "Lópida and Bernoulli" to deceive the young Li Qingyang!

Today, Li Qingyang is already in charge of the highest financial power in the Kyushu cultivation world. But after hearing the familiar names of Bernoulli and Lopida, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first met President Lu Yang. At that time, he was just a down-and-out casual cultivator in the Qi refining period and knew some basic mathematics. Knowledge is wandering around in search of a living. Looking back now, that was already five hundred years ago...

It has been almost three hundred years since I last met Governor Lu!

I never expected that after such a long time, another young man similar to Mr. Lu would try to use the same method to deceive me, but I was no longer the ignorant young man back then, but an old man who was dying...

Looking at Yang Lu's young face, Li Qingyang suddenly felt a sense of confusion in time and space. Even President Lu Yang's appearance, which had been blurred in his memory, seemed to gradually overlap with the young man in front of him.

Seeing the look of reminiscence on Li Qingyang's face, as if he had fallen into long memories, Yang Lu planned to make a final struggle: "Well, what if, I mean what if President Lu didn't lie to you? After all, before the second Tiandao crisis The history is incomplete, and perhaps Senior Luobida and Senior Bo Lili were buried in the long river of history because of this."

Yang Lu's nonsense explanation finally woke Li Qingyang out of his memories. Looking at his hands that were like dead wood, Li Qingyang finally realized that he was no longer the young man from the Golden Sword Sect, and the person in front of him was not the President Lu who helped him change his fate against the odds. Despite this, Yang Lu's way of speaking, unique to earthlings, did make him feel a rare sense of intimacy——

It has been hundreds of years since President Lu ascended in the daytime, and no one dares to fool him so shamelessly!

Li Qingyang sighed, shook his head helplessly and said, "Are you still planning to lie to me now? Not to mention the subject of calculus, which was invented by Dongfang Jiu, the head of the Wuliang Sword Sect 1,500 years ago. Over the past 400 years, I have reviewed all the documents and materials of the Bo family and Luo family in Zhongzhou, and there are no two people named Bo Lili and Luobida at all!"

"Maybe it's because of the age -"

"Nonsense!" Although Li Qingyang interrupted Yang Lu's nonsense on the spot, his tone did not have the slightest sense of anger. Instead, there was a sense of comfort in a big dream, "Those who have a long history like the Bo family and the Luo family In a cultivator family, the names of all cultivators will be recorded in the family tree jade certificate. Do you want to tell me that Luobida and Bo Jianli are actually mortals?"

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