The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 254 Bidding Successful

After giving up the bidding, Pan's Trading Company offered to actively cooperate with the actions of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, which was regarded as a free favor to Li Qingyang and Haiya Department.

In addition, Pan's Trading Company has lowered the transaction price of Yangjiang Port, and can also gain a good reputation for safeguarding the overall interests of Zhongzhou.

Anyone is willing to do this kind of business without capital!

After getting the full cooperation of Pan's Trading Company, the next thing will be relatively simple.

Since the Yangjiang Port project is of great importance and is almost larger than all the existing businesses of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce combined, Li Qingning personally took the Feitian Spirit Boat of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce to Huoyun Prefecture for negotiation this time, while Yang Lu was in charge. The headquarters of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce in Haiya City communicates remotely with the eldest lady through communication spells.

The Yangjiang Port equity bidding process was completely within Yang Lu's expectations, and was even smoother than he imagined.

To participate in the Yangjiang Port bidding, at least hundreds of millions of Lingshi coins must be raised in cash, which is a considerable financial pressure for most chambers of commerce.

After hearing that Pan's Trading Company had paid the bidding deposit in full, except for the Haiya Group, which had seen its trump card in advance, other cultivation chambers of commerce that had the intention to acquire Yangjiang Port suddenly backed down.

Pan's Commercial Bank started out in the financial industry, and can use the power of leverage to leverage large amounts of liquidity. Its financial strength is beyond what ordinary chambers of commerce can contend with!

However, after the final bidding began, Pan's Trading Company only made a symbolic bid and announced that it would give up the bidding. In the end, the consortium led by the Haiya Department raised the price by almost dozens of dollars from the base price of 100 million yuan in spirit stone coins. Ten thousand, they took 10% of the equity of Yangjiang Port, a large port in the west of Huoyun Prefecture.

This result undoubtedly surprised many interested people.

The Haiya Chamber of Commerce acquired Yangjiang Port at such a low price. Of course, the original owner of Yangjiang Port, the Shenhuo Sect, suffered the most.

If it were other cultivation sects, they would definitely wait for an opportunity to retaliate after suffering this secret loss. Even if they did not dare to bear the punishment brought by breaking the contract, they would secretly stumble Yangjiang Port and use dirty tricks.

This is why other cultivation chambers of commerce were so easily scared off by Pan's Trading Company.

After all, none of these chambers of commerce expected that Haiya Chamber of Commerce and Pan's Trading Company would be so bold as to dare to join forces to defeat the overlord of the Fire Cloud State, the Shenhuo Sect.

In any case, Yangjiang Port is also doing business on the territory of the Shenhuo Sect. If you have offended your host, aren't you afraid that Tian Daxiao will close the door and beat the dog after he cheats your money?

But just as Yang Lu expected, Tian Daxiao's real goal was to buy horse bones for thousands of dollars.

Compared with the relatively reasonable management system that the Wuliang Sword Sect, the overlord of Zhongzhou, had gradually formed over the years, before Tian Daxiao came to power, the management model of the Shenhuo Sect, the overlord of the Fire Cloud State, had been in a state of ruin for a long time.

The biggest problem is that the top management of the Shenhuo Sect wants to take care of everything, but they are unable to cover everything. This results in the entire Shenhuo Sect having huge "owned assets", but operating efficiency is extremely low.

Take Yangjiang Port and Haiya Port as examples.

Haiya Port is completely managed independently by the Haiya Clan. The Wuliang Sword Sect only needs to focus on the two core contradictions between the Haiya Clan and the customs to obtain the highest returns at a very low cost and build Haiya Port into the most prosperous place in Kyushu. One of the commercial ports.

However, the Yangjiang Port in Huoyun Prefecture has been directly managed by the Shenhuo Sect for a long time.

Since Huoyun State is as vast as Zhongzhou, although the cargo throughput of Yangjiang Port is not small, if placed in the entire Huoyun State, it is an insignificant place. Sometimes the top leaders of Shenhuo Sect do not even remember that their own company still manages With such a port, under these circumstances, trying to run Yangjiang Port well is nothing more than a daydream.

This is why Yangjiang Port has huge trade flows, but whether it is the level of urban construction, the per capita GDP of local residents, or the total profit paid to the sect, it is several grades behind Haiyacheng.

Therefore, after Tian Daxiao came to power, he immediately launched a public-private partnership, introduced private capital to strengthen the management of distributed assets, divested all the "distributed assets" that were too big to lose, and attracted overseas capital to flow into Huoyun Prefecture to develop its economy.

As the first batch of projects to be put up for auction, the Yangjiang Port project must serve as a benchmark and establish the credibility of Huoyunzhou's assets, so that subsequent Shenhuo Sect assets put up for auction can have higher valuations.

It was precisely because he saw through Tian Daxiao's strategic intentions that Yang Lu dared to blatantly play tricks on the Shenhuo Sect.

This was an upright conspiracy. Even if the Shenhuo Sect suffered a heavy loss, Tian Daxiao could only admit this fait accompli and maintain the positive image of the Shenhuo Sect that valued contracts and credit. He even prayed that the Haiya Sect would not encounter any trouble in Huoyun State, otherwise bad actors would definitely connect it with the Shenhuo Sect's deliberate revenge.

In fact, the Shenhuo Sect's style of doing things is more grand than Yang Lu imagined. Faced with the low-priced merger and acquisition by the Haiya Group, the Shenhuo Sect not only did not make any secret stumbling blocks, but also fully cooperated with the Haiya Chamber of Commerce in carrying out its work and gave the green light to the transfer of power between the management teams of both parties.

In just two months, the stationed managers of Qingning Chamber of Commerce and Haiya Chamber of Commerce have boarded ocean-going merchant ships and are ready to take office. This progress has even exceeded the best expectations of the Haiya City M\u0026A consortium.

Of course, no matter how smooth the handover between the two parties is, Yangjiang Port will not be able to contribute profits immediately.

This airborne management team from Zhongzhou still needs a long time to get started if they want to truly operate Yangjiang Port smoothly.

According to the original plan, the management of Yangjiang Port would be fully taken over by the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. However, as the second largest shareholder in the consortium, Yang Lu proposed on behalf of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce to send management personnel to participate in the management of Yangjiang Port.

Yang Lu's idea is very simple. Although it is great to be an LP and receive dividends like other members of the consortium, it is not conducive to further cooperation with the Haiya Group. Only by deeply participating in the management of Yangjiang Port can the Qingning Chamber of Commerce It was even more tightly bound to the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, and the two big bosses of the Haiya faction, Su and Han, wanted to show favor to Yang Lu, so they agreed to the request of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce.

In the past, the Qingning Chamber of Commerce would not have enough management personnel, let alone dispatched managers from its own chamber of commerce.

However, after subduing He Mingyuan and Ji Sihan, Yang Lu's management staff suddenly became abundant. After all, these two corrupt criminals were not mere commanders. They had each cultivated their own team of confidants in the Luanshi City Branch and Luoxia City Branch.

After Yang Lu's investigation, it was He Mingyuan's number one confidant Li Feng who finally got the qualification to go to Yangjiang Port to take charge.

This is not because Yang Lu favors He Mingyuan, but because He Mingyuan's subordinates are indeed more useful.

Although Ji Sihan's subordinates also had good professional abilities, when Ji Sihan engaged in corruption at the Xuantie Mine in Luan Shicheng, these subordinates were more or less involved, and they were all people with a history of corruption.

On the other hand, He Mingyuan has always been known for being strict in managing his subordinates. He demands himself and his subordinates almost according to the standards of a saint. As a result, his subordinates have a bit of "obsessive-compulsive disorder of integrity and integrity", and their mental state at work is quite like a cult. A sense of paranoia.

Just like drug addicts have a greater chance of relapse, even if expatriates with high status these days will have problems sooner or later, it is because the paranoia cultivated by He Mingyuan will corrupt more slowly.

Moreover, the Luoxia City branch is well-known for its integrity within the Qingning Chamber of Commerce. Yang Lu promoted Li Feng, a grassroots clerk, to the top of the expatriate staff on the grounds of his integrity. This will undoubtedly establish a positive reputation for other chambers of commerce clerks. example.

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