The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 260 Luoxia City

With the convening of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, Luoxia City has been crowded with cultivators from all over Zhongzhou.

Yang Lu and others took the flying spirit boat of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. It took less than an hour to cross a distance of more than 2,000 miles and arrived at this legendary cultivation city where two ascended immortals were born.

Luoxia City is famous for its developed agriculture. Unlike commercial seaports like Haiya City, or forest mountain cities like Tianshu City, Luoxia City is located on the east side of a vast flat plain, and looking to the west is endless farmland. , looking to the east, you can see the western end of the Tianshu Mountains. If the weather is fine, you can vaguely see a huge body of water as open as the sea in the distance on the skyline northwest of Luoxia City. This is the first place in Zhongzhou. A large lake, Luoxing Lake.

The water area of ​​Luo Xing Lake is no less than that of the earth's oceans, but it is really just a freshwater lake.

Luoxing Lake is fed by water systems originating from multiple mountain systems around the southeastern plains of Zhongzhou. Its downstream flows into the Qinglan River, the largest river in Zhongzhou, through the tributary Luoxing River. Ships can go straight down the river and enter the Eastern Ocean from Haiya Port along the Qinglan River. , when He Mingyuan came to Qingning Chamber of Commerce to report work, he took this waterway.

The moist water vapor emitted from this open water profoundly affects the microclimate of the entire southeastern plain of Zhongzhou, making its water and heat conditions extremely favorable, making it suitable for the development of planting and animal husbandry.

The main body of Luoxia City is an ancient city, surrounded by a three-foot city wall made of bluestone.

But it seems that the development speed of the local economy far exceeds the city's early planning. Similar to most ancient cities on the earth, most buildings in Luoxia City have been built outside the city walls. There are even several sections of city walls that have been directly destroyed because they hindered urban traffic. After being demolished, the originally boxy urban planning turned into an irregular polygon.

If it weren't for the buildings inside the city walls that still retain the ancient oriental architectural style, it wouldn't feel out of place to say that Luoxia City was a modern restored ancient tourist city.

Due to the influx of a large number of cultivators from other places, streaks of meteor-like escaping light would flash over Luoxia City from time to time. In terms of the intensity of the escaping light alone, Luoxia City at this time had far surpassed Haiya City at the time of the Immortal Ascension Conference, and cultivators The average cultivation level of the people was significantly higher, and the excitement was comparable to that of the Wuliang Sword Sect headquarters.

Fortunately, the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is a grand event in the world of cultivation, and the participants are all cultivators, unlike the Ascension Conference where hundreds of thousands of mortals flocked in. Therefore, Luoxia City only has a higher density of cultivators, and there is no feeling of chaos.

Su Yuanfeng's luxurious spirit boat was like the Rolls-Royce of the spirit boat world. It attracted the attention of all the cultivators as soon as it appeared. Even those who didn't know Su Yuanfeng knew that a wealthy person was here.

However, the destination of Yang Lu and others this time was not Luoxia City.

Since the two ascended immortals were born, the cultivators of Luoxia City have seized the business opportunities and discovered Luoxia City's second pillar industry besides agriculture-immortal-themed tourism.

The Luoxia Sect's martial arts performance venue is located on a hilltop on the east side of Luoxia City, not in the downtown area of ​​Luoxia City. In order to better develop the martial arts performance industry with Luoxia City characteristics, a large number of luxuriously decorated cultivators were built around this remote martial arts performance venue. The inn can fully accommodate thousands of cultivators and their accompanying persons who come to participate in the competition.

With the resounding time-honored brand and the complete martial arts infrastructure, it is no wonder that various martial arts competitions in Zhongzhou will specifically choose Luoxia City, which is obviously located in the southeast and is nearly ten thousand miles away from the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Since Yang Lu and Li Qingning were following Su Yuanfeng, there was no need to consider accommodation issues.

As the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce, Su Yuanfeng can be said to have friends all over the world. Yang Lu clearly remembered that the shareholders of the Yangjiang Port project included the Luoxia Sect, the host of Luoxia City.

Therefore, as soon as the Feitian Spirit Boat of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce landed, an elder from the Luoxia Sect named Murong came up to him with enthusiasm and welcomed Su Yuanfeng, the God of Wealth of Haiya City, to visit.

The Murong family is the largest family in Luoxia City.

Not only the golden elixir head of the Luoxia Sect was born in the Murong family, but even half of the elders of the Luoxia Sect in the later stages of foundation building were named Murong. This is why everyone who hears that Murong is from Luoxia City will assume that she is Murong. Murong said that he was not a member of the Murong family, but an orphan without a father or mother, which would surprise others.

The two big guys are not strangers, and they were polite on the spot after meeting. First, Elder Murong of the Luoxia Sect said, "Young friend Su Cheng of the Haiya Sect is indeed a young hero. I'm afraid he will definitely be among the best in this Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference." Then Su Yuanfeng also followed up with, "I heard that your Luoxia Sect Murong XX is also very strong, and his future prospects must be limitless." In the end, Su Yuanfeng and Elder Murong personally introduced friends from Li Qingning, the Hanguang Sword Sect, and Guyun Sect, which was enough to give all the allies of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce face.

When they met for the first time, everyone inevitably exchanged rainbow farts. It was not until Li Qingning was almost nauseated by these hypocritical guys that everyone was arranged by the enthusiastic elder Murong to rest in the top local inn.

Before they separated, Li Qingning couldn't help but complain to Yang Lu, saying how could you all be so good at farting rainbows.

Yang Lu had no choice but to spread his hands and explain that complimenting each other is an important way to close relationships. If everyone acted like a cold goddess with a straight face like you, the eldest lady, who would take the initiative to deal with you except those who are greedy for your body?

Even Su Yuanfeng himself had clearly admitted that if the Qingning Chamber of Commerce didn't have Yang Lu to bridge the gap, as a strong man at the half-step Jindan realm, he would definitely not be able to lose face and ask Li Qingning for help!

But I have to say that Li Qingning does have the capital to play a cold goddess. Geniuses such as Su Cheng and Ling Yang in the Qi Refining Period were actually quite well-educated and not second-generation dandy immortals. However, when Li Qingning was present, they couldn't help but look at Li Qingning frequently, and even looked at Yang Lu with a tinge. Feeling a little jealous, Yang Lu, who wanted to make friends with the two of them, had no choice but to lament that his eldest daughter did feel like beauty was a disaster!

While everyone was patiently waiting for the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference to be held, the results of the draw for the Sword Discussion Conference were officially announced.

The local sects in the southeastern region of Zhongzhou, such as Haiya Sect, Shanying Sect, Luoxia Sect, and Qingyun Sect, are all divided into the fourth division. The specific division positions of Su Cheng, Ling Yang, and Li Qingning are also the same as those of Su Yuanfeng. Exactly the same as the early leaks.

As for Ren Yi of the Guyun Sect, as expected, he was "temporarily transferred" to the third division where the eastern sect of Zhongzhou is located. It can only be said that President Su's banknote ability is really extraordinary, and he has arranged everything clearly for everyone. .

As for the disciple of the Arctic Cold Palace who was mentioned by Qu Jing, the foundation-building monk of the Hanguang Sword Sect, he was assigned to the first competition area. This person's name is Mu Sen, together with the Hanguang Sword Sect monk who was born in the Sixth Sect of the Far North. , and have never heard of this person.

But since this person is in the first division, he has nothing to do with anyone in Haiya City.

It is worth mentioning that when the group results were announced, Yang Lu and others happened to meet Chen Ming, the leader of the Mountain Eagle Sect.

The disciple Chen Ming, the head of the Mountain Eagle Sect, sent to compete this time was named Ye Chen. Even if Su Cheng had investigated the general situation of the Mountain Eagle Sect in advance, he still didn’t know where the unknown Ye Chen came from. .

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