The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 263 Seed Players

The battle between Mu Sen and Wu Neng ended too suddenly. The winner was determined almost instantly. Even if Li Qingning had a preliminary guess, he had no chance to verify it.

Except for Li Qingning, the few golden elixir-level monks in the audience seemed to be unable to spot Mu Sen's heel.

Seeing that the monks of Yue Yun Villa were so helpless and collapsed after being poked twice by the opponent, everyone just sighed that the disciples of Arctic Cold Palace were indeed well-deserved. The owner of Yue Yun Villa forced his disciples to use the Judge's Pen to fight against the enemy. It was simply outrageous for him. Mom opened the door for Li Ke, and Li Ke came home, and then turned her attention to several other closely matched duels.

In fact, this kind of one-sided battle is not common, and most of the duels at the Zhongzhou Sword Conference are still very interesting to watch.

Except for a few local sects that really couldn't find suitable disciples and were forced to fail, most of the Zhongzhou sects sent their most powerful disciples in the late stage of Qi refining to participate in the competition. The audience was dizzy with all kinds of moves with full special effects. , and it also opened the eyes of Yang Lu, who rarely had the opportunity to watch cultivators fight.

As the game continued, it was soon the turn of the second star seed player Ren Yi to appear.

Ren Yi's opponent was from the Lingjian Sect in the eastern part of Zhongzhou.

As Ren Tianyuan's favorite junior, Ren Yi's strength is actually quite good. Even if he relies on his strength to win, it is not difficult. Yang Lu just wants to see how strong Elder Ren's connections are and is not interested in the outcome of the competition.

After all, Ren Yi's identity is there. Even if he sticks like a wooden stake and doesn't move, others won't dare to defeat him!

Although the outcome of this battle was no longer in suspense early on, the course of the battle still exceeded everyone's expectations.

The two of them had just started to have a tentative fight. Ren Yi just lightly handed out a sword forward, and had not activated any killing moves. His opponent was as if he was hit by a giant hammer and flew away. The whole process was worse than the Arctic Han Palace. Muson is even more fantasy-like when he takes action.

Not only that, while the man flew backwards like a broken sack, he did not forget to say a powerful explanation: "Fellow Daoist Ren is indeed very powerful. The magic power contained in this sword is as powerful as an overwhelming mountain. Just one move can kill him." I was severely injured internally, this time it was my Spirit Sword Sect Yan Yuan who was defeated!"

Seeing this extremely fake scene, the onlookers who were about to watch the show suddenly booed. Even Li Qingning put her hand on her forehead and said, "The acting skills of this disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect are too exaggerated!"

Yang Lu curled his lips and said: "What is this? If President Su is willing to give me the opportunity to perform on stage, as long as I give you enough spirit stone coins, I guarantee that my performance will be ten times more exaggerated than this Yan Yuan!"

Seeing Yan Yuan's embarrassed appearance being laughed at by all the people, Li Qingning couldn't help but look troubled and said: "You I have to let Su Cheng off like this when the time comes?"

Yang Lu smiled and replied: "It depends on your acting skills. Anyway, as long as the other party wins in the end!"

"But... this is too embarrassing!"

Yang Lu chuckled and said, "Just think more about the benefits that President Su has given us. What is there to be ashamed of when it comes to making money? Even though everyone is booing Yan Yuan, who doesn't envy him for being able to give Ren Tianyuan The junior who betrayed him? On the contrary, it was Wu Neng from Yueyun Villa just now. No one said anything on their lips, but they despised him to death in their hearts."


Li Qingning nodded thoughtfully, not sure if he listened to the advice.

After all the games in the Eastern Division where Ren Yi is located are completed, the next ones to appear are the two major seeds (Guan) Selection (Department) (households) in the Southeast Division - Su Cheng of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and Ling Yang of the Hanguang Sword Sect.

Needless to say, Ling Yang, the Qi Refining Dzogchen disciple of the Hanguang Sword Sect, did not even draw his sword. He just stood there with his hands behind his back and used invisible sword energy to fight his opponent head-on for more than ten rounds. The opponent was defeated by a powerful The sword energy was shaken out of the field.

Throughout the entire fight, Ling Yang did not use any other killing moves. He simply relied on the sword-less sword inherited from the Zhen sect of the Han Light Sword Sect, slashing towards the opponent's head with one sword after another. He majestically eliminated the opponent with his strength. Even his opponent was convinced of his defeat and repeatedly praised the Hanguang Sword Sect as a famous sect in the Arctic State, and their behavior was worthy of the word "above and aboveboard".

Su Cheng, on the other hand, fully demonstrated to everyone what "money power" is, and when he came up, he took out a legendary flying sword worth more than one million spirit stone coins.

This flying sword is called [Coral Heart]. It is a water attribute flying sword made using Fire Cloud Fine Gold, a high-grade refining material unique to Fire Cloud State, and relying on superb refining techniques. It is born with two different attributes: water and fire. The two powers can be switched at will according to the flying sword owner's wishes.

It is said that five hundred years ago, this sword was given by Tian Shangcheng, the former head of the Shenhuo Sect, to Lu Yang, who was a mid-stage Qi Refining monk at the time and had just become the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank.

Although the Coral Heart is extremely expensive, Governor Lu Yang is the financial emperor of the Kyushu cultivation world. Therefore, everyone generally believes that flying swords of this grade will not be distributed to Governor Lu at all, and even think that this is an insult to Governor Lu.

However, Tian Shangcheng did give President Lu such a slightly depreciated Qi Refining Stage Flying Sword that year, at least that is what the officials of Shenhuo Sect and Wuliang Sword Sect claimed.

It is said that because it was not easy to use, the flying sword was sold by Mr. Lu in exchange for spiritual stones not long after.

But the value of magic weapons is also compared with each other.

For President Lu, this Coral Heart is undoubtedly 24K pure garbage, but for ordinary monks in the Qi Refining Stage, it can definitely be regarded as the top magic weapon in Kyushu. Only a few magic weapons, including Xunfeng, can Barely better than that. Su Yuanfeng definitely spent a lot of money to equip Su Cheng with this legendary weapon.

Coral Heart showed amazing destructive power in its debut.

After Su Cheng used all his strength to unleash a killer move from the Haiya style swordsmanship, he actually made a gap in the opponent's magic weapon on the spot. The opponent was so frightened that he jumped out of the ring and quickly surrendered to Su Cheng.

If he doesn't surrender, he has no choice. If he continues to fight like this, not to mention that the chance of winning is slim, he might even have to pay for his own magic weapon. You must know that his life magic weapon is not only worth tens of thousands of spiritual stone coins, but it is also related to himself. The mind is connected, if there is any shortcoming, even the protective jade talisman of the Wuliang Sword Sect cannot prevent the internal injuries caused by this backlash.

When it was Li Qingning's turn to appear, the situation was even simpler.

Li Qingning is a well-known beauty cultivator in the Zhongzhou cultivation world, and although her opponent is also an elite of a certain sect near Haiya City, seeing this legendary white beauty standing in front of her, he almost couldn't even say polite words. Asked for it.

This worrying and useless performance made the elders of the division watching the battle shake their heads and sigh.

Li Qingning was not polite to this timid guy.

She took out a two-meter-long sword from behind and executed an orthodox wind-controlling killing move. Then, countless green wind blades were superimposed on each other, sweeping towards the opponent with an invincible momentum.

After getting along with each other for a long time, Yang Lu was already quite familiar with Li Qingning's spell library.

As a Fenglinggen cultivator, Miss Li learned most of her offensive spells from Xiao Nan, a cultivation economist of the Yufeng Sect, a former member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, and an elder in the early Nascent Soul stage. This Elder Xiao was also a One of the cultivation economists who conquered the world with Governor Lu, he has a pretty good relationship with Li Qingyang.

The Yufeng Sect is already good at wind-attribute spells, and Xunfeng is a top-level wind-attribute magic weapon. Li Qingning has even practiced quasi-celestial-level wind-attribute skills. The superposition of the three makes Li Qingning's strength even exceed the limit of the Qi refining period. .

As the saying goes, a man cannot admit that he is not good in front of a beautiful woman. Faced with Li Qingning's attack, her opponent actually wanted to struggle. He kept making seals with his hands like a marquee, throwing three consecutive moves in a short period of time. shield. Not only that, but a golden ring-shaped natal magic weapon flashed out of his arms and was firmly protected in front of him.

Defensive natal magic weapons are very rare, so no wonder this person dared to try to resist Li Qingning's attack.

However, this time Li Qingning let him experience what it means to fly with great strength.

Li Qingning's killing move was the top inheritance of the seven major sects, and coupled with the blessing of Kyushu's top magic weapon, the dense wind blades simply slapped on the opponent's shield like rain hitting banana trees.

Ordinary protective spells could not withstand such a violent attack. In just a moment, the triple shield flashed wildly and shattered into pieces, and then the wind blade collided with the defensive golden ring.

Facts have proved that the quality of the defensive magic weapon of this elite disciple of the local sect is still acceptable.

Li Qingning's killing move did not directly cut off the opponent's magic weapon, but the huge force knocked the golden ring away, causing it to fly back on the spot and hit his master hard at the speed of a cannonball. .

Then it looked like Li Qingning's opponent had been in a car accident, and his body flew out of the ring.

Unlike the Spirit Sword Sect Yan Yuan who was blown away just now and still managed to explain, this unlucky guy was shattered on the spot and his body was shattered. Half his life has been lost.

Li Qingning only used this one sword from the beginning to the end. Seeing that her opponent had been eliminated, she put the saber back behind her in a very chic gesture, ending this enjoyable and focused battle.

After Li Qingning left the stage, the sword discussion conference continued.

Due to the large number of participants, the fighting in the eight arenas almost never stopped. Fortunately, there were eight arenas competing at the same time in the Luoxia Sect's martial arts arena. In addition, the strength of the contestants in the previous rounds of competitions was quite different, and they could not leave each other. A few rounds would tell the difference, and it took six days for the first four rounds to be over.

Not surprisingly, the performances of several seeded players were invincible.

Although they occasionally encountered stubborn resistance, in the end they relied on hard power to crush them, especially Li Qingning. In the first four rounds of the fight, he made a total of five swords, which meant that only one person could resist the two eldest ladies. knife.

And the guy who forced Miss Li's second move actually won loud applause from the elders of his sect after the tragic defeat - after all, he resisted Li Qingning's sword head-on. This definitely gave his sect some face. !

In addition to these relationships that Yang Lu had known for a long time, there were also some other noteworthy players.

For example, a mysterious masked female cultivator appeared in the Zhongzhou Southeast Division. She claimed to be from Penglai Pavilion, an island sect in the Eastern Ocean. However, like Mu Sen, she was not accompanied by any elders from the sect.

This almost puts the word "suspicious" written on his face.

However, the highest reward of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is a few outer sect disciples and several magic weapons worth millions of spiritual stone coins. These rewards are undoubtedly sky-high for low-level cultivators, and for ordinary vassal sects It is also of great significance, but for the Wuliang Sword Sect with its huge family and business, it can only be regarded as a drizzle at best. The consumption of an offshore island war alone is more than ten times that of the Sword Discussion Conference.

Because of this, the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect pay very little attention to the Sword Discussion Conference. Otherwise, it would be impossible for even the Nascent Soul Stage monks to not show up, and instead let the Jindan Stage elders come forward to host it.

Therefore, there is no rule in the Zhongzhou Sword Competition that prohibits those with suspicious identities from participating. As long as there is a formal guarantee issued by the local sect, as long as the cheating is not excessive, the host of the event, Elder Li Feiyu, is not willing to offend these local sects, so he simply turns a blind eye. Close one eye.

This masked female cultivator wields a sharp ice sword, and her sword skills are even more fierce. It does not seem to be the inheritance of swordsmanship in Zhongzhou. Almost no opponent can persist for more than one minute under her violent sword skills. It passed the first four rounds with a devastating attitude.

In addition to this masked female nun, there is also a related person similar to Su Cheng in the Northern Division.

This person's name is Pan Yue. Just by looking at his surname, you can tell that this person is a cultivator from the Pan family, the richest man in Zhongzhou.

The Pan family in Zhongzhou became the richest man in this continent, mainly because of its close relationship with Pan Heng, the former head of the Pan family and the former Supreme Elder of the Weapon Refining Hall of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Although Elder Pan had exhausted his lifespan and died four hundred years ago, due to his dual status as "President Lu's good friend" and "the great monk of the Transcendental Sect" during his lifetime, Pan's trading company was no longer in the same position. Both the central bank group headed by Mo Yunlan and Li Qingyang and the worldly group headed by Ren Tianyuan and Qiu Longbo have huge connections.

Not only that, the female great monk Wen Hanqing, who is currently ranked last among the six Nascent Soul Stage monks of the Wuliang Sword Sect, is Elder Pan's direct disciple and granddaughter-in-law, and is also a major supporter of Pan's trading company.

Precisely because Wen Hanqing studied under the monks of the Transcendental Sect and also supported Pan's Trading Company with a background in the Central Bank Department, everyone generally did not count her as any faction, but regarded her as the largest neutral faction of the Wuliang Sword Sect. , even Lin Jianxing, the leader of Wuliang Sword Sect, is not willing to provoke her easily.

Normally, wealthy families like the Pan family in Zhongzhou decide their successors based on their cultivation and qualifications.

Pan Yue only has the ordinary qualifications of a low-grade spiritual root, which is not good among the younger generation of Pan's trading company. However, the descendants of the Pan family who have better spiritual qualifications than him are all from the side line of the Pan family. As the direct descendant of two great monks in the Nascent Soul stage, Elder Pan and Elder Wen, Pan Yue still has a high chance of becoming the head of the Pan family in Zhongzhou in the future.

However, the Pan family's major cultivation level must at least reach the Golden Elixir stage.

This time Pan Yue signed up to participate in the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference just to join the Wuliang Sword Sect in order to obtain better training resources and even marry some extremely talented female disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect, just like when Elder Pan asked Elder Wen to marry That's how my grandson gets married.

Only in this way can Pan Yue cultivate to the golden elixir realm as soon as possible and be qualified to compete for the head of the Pan family.

Therefore, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Master Pan’s participation in the competition must have been authorized by Elder Wen himself. It is precisely because of this that Pan Yue's level of cheating is no less than that of Ren Yi.

All the opponents who stood in front of Pan Yue were injured by the Pan family's money power from a distance without Pan Yue taking action. They could not last for two rounds and were "helplessly defeated". Then they happily ran off to discuss business with Pan's Trading Company. .

That impatient behavior is like a civil servant who clocks in to get off work at five o'clock on time, fearing that he will miss dinner if he walks too slowly.

Even Li Qingning couldn't help but lament that "only the rich can defeat martial arts in the world." This direct descendant of Pan's Trading Company paid out money too quickly, and each move contained too many spirit stone coins, which ordinary players simply couldn't resist.

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