The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 264 Intelligent Flying Sword

In addition to a few seed players, Arctic Cold Palace monk Musen also received high attention.

After using unpretentious sword skills to eliminate four powerful enemies in a row, even the most arrogant person noticed something was wrong. It was as if Musen had seen his opponent's moves countless times in advance and could use them every time. The simplest attack accurately hits the enemy's weakest link, and no serious killing move is even used from beginning to end.

However, Musen's tricks were so ordinary that no one could understand how he did it. In the end, they could only make a hasty conclusion that "the Arctic Cold Palace monks have rich experience in actual combat."

However, after watching Mussen's fourth game, Li Qingning in the stands had a real expression.

Yang Lu knew that his eldest lady was the kind of person who couldn't hide things in her heart. Seeing her expression, he immediately asked: "Miss, have you already understood Mu Sen's routine?"

Li Qingning nodded with determination and said: "A few years ago, I read about an idea called [Intelligent Flying Sword] in President Lu's handwritten manuscript. After watching Mu Sen's four consecutive battles, I have basically It can be concluded that he should have used some kind of formation method to transform his flying sword into a so-called intelligent flying sword!"

"Smart... flying sword?"

Yang Lu couldn't help but feel ridiculous when he heard the very mixed term "Smart Flying Sword".

"This is a subversive concept proposed by President Lu in his handwritten manuscript back then!" Seeing that Yang Lu was very interested in the intelligent flying sword, Li Qingning explained softly using a secret voice transmission method, "You should also know that the formation is It is composed of many [basic functional units] and [basic logic units]. Cultivators can arrange and combine the basic units of different formations according to the basic principles of "Immortal Formation Logic" to form various large formations with complex functions. Some large formations The formation can even automatically perform complex logical tasks. Governor Lu calls this formation with complex logic a 'cultivation computer'..."

"What? Cultivation computer?"

Hearing this term, which was even more outrageous than a smart flying sword, Yang Lu almost laughed out loud.

"Is this name funny?" Seeing that Yang Lu's expression seemed a little unbearable, Li Qingning couldn't help but look at him strangely: "The calculation speed of the formation with complex logical functions is far faster than that of ordinary cultivators, and it can even be completed instantly. The calculation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of hundreds of digits. Governor Lu calls this special formation a cultivation computer. I think it is quite appropriate. The automatic accounting formation method invented by my great-grandfather was based on the idea of ​​a cultivation computer."

Good guy!

I just don’t know if this cultivation computer of yours supports floating point arithmetic?

Considering that the underlying logic of formations and spells in the Jiuzhou Cultivation World is all a technical black box, it must be that the Kyushu Cultivation World does not have the concept of floating point arithmetic and fixed-point arithmetic. Even if its underlying technology does include the ability to perform floating point arithmetic, this group of cultivators The reporter himself might not be able to figure it out, so Yang Lu didn't ask the question.

From this point, we can also see the weirdness of cultivation civilization.

They actually created the prototype of modern computers without even knowing the underlying logic and basic principles of computers.

In Yang Lu's view, the most magical thing about immortal arts and formations is not their cool effects, but their lowest principles. However, all cultivators in the entire Jiuzhou cultivation civilization have no idea about this basic principle issue. They all chose to turn a blind eye.

This group of cultivators is like Lego players on earth, and spells and formations are equivalent to Lego bricks.

LEGO players can build magnificent LEGO buildings with LEGO bricks, but they cannot make LEGO bricks, which makes cultivation civilization look like a castle suspended in mid-air.

Seeing that Yang Lu was hesitant to speak, Li Qingning couldn't help but ask, "Junior brother Yang, do you have any questions?"

"'s nothing. The name of Cultivation Computer is quite good!" Yang Lu quickly waved his hand and motioned for Li Qingning to continue the introduction.

Li Qingning glanced at Yang Lu strangely, and then introduced himself: "The basic functional units of the Xianjia formation are often very large in size and require a large deployment space, but the size of the basic logic unit is relatively small. Relatively small, so President Lu believes that cultivators can completely transplant the basic logical units of the formation onto the magic weapon, so that their own magic weapon can also have higher computing power. This is the so-called intelligent flying sword idea."

Yang Lu tried his best to hold back his smile and asked in a trembling voice: "Then, why have I never seen this kind of intelligent flying sword?"

"Because President Lu feels that the smart flying sword has no practical use at all." Li Qingning spread his hands and explained with a matter-of-fact expression, "The flying sword is used to kill people, not to count. Your smart flying sword will not count. It can do four very complex arithmetic operations within 0.0001 seconds, but it doesn’t increase any attack power!”

Yang Lu pointed at Musen on the ring and said, "Then what's going on with this guy?"

Li Qingning focused his attention on Mu Sen and said solemnly: "After seeing the strength of this player Mu Sen, I feel that there may be something wrong with President Lu's judgment back then. The idea of ​​intelligent flying swords may not be a castle in the air. This person He should have modified his flying sword using formation methods, giving it the ability to automatically find the enemy's weaknesses. This is the key to him being able to quickly hit the enemy's vital points every time without having to activate his killing move!"

"Search for loopholes automatically?"

"That's right!" Li Qingning nodded and said in a serious tone, "I seriously doubt that Musen's smart flying sword has some special functions, such as automatically finding the weakest point of the opponent's killing move. This is why no matter what the opponent uses, He can easily break such a killing move with just a stab of his sword."

"Hiss!" Yang Lu couldn't help but gasped, "We have met a cultivation programmer!"

Li Qingning wondered: "What is Chengxu Ape? Is it the name of some kind of monster?"

Yang Lu quickly waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, I'm just talking nonsense, you can continue talking..."

Li Qingning has become accustomed to Yang Lu's frequent nonsense, so he directly brought the topic back: "If my guess is correct, Musen probably has a very advanced foundation in "Immortal Formation Logic", even as good as our Golden Knife Sect. Zeng Zhiquan, deputy sect leader and chairman of the Wuliangjian Sect Stock Exchange, otherwise he would never have been able to build a logical array on the flying sword!"

Yang Lu sighed in an incredible tone: "I have never practiced formations, and I don't know much about "Immortal Formation Logic". I didn't expect that Jiuzhou cultivators can already achieve this level... Are you sure this is intelligence? Flying sword?"

Li Qingning said with a firm tone: "Mu Sen has never used a killing move. This is the most powerful evidence! Because the operation of the killing move will interfere with the operation of the calculation circle, he only uses a flat slash every time. In this way It can perfectly conceal one's heels, and at the same time, it can give oneself a combat power that is no less than the top killer move. Only my great-grandfather has the manuscript of President Lu on the intelligent flying sword. There are no other copies in the Kyushu cultivation world. This Musen I have never seen it before. I am afraid that this person independently invented the intelligent flying sword envisioned by President Lu from scratch entirely by relying on his own strength!"

"I see..."

Yang Lu nodded, silently keeping Mu Sen's situation in mind, and then returned his attention to the ring.

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