The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 266 Focus Battle

As the saying goes, life and death depend on the Gou Li sect.

No matter how reluctant Elder Li was, under the huge pressure from the Nascent Soul stage bosses, he could only bite the bullet and take the hot potato of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference.

This is not the most speechless thing.

What's even more speechless is that as soon as these Nascent Soul stage monks finished saying that they would hold the competition fairly and justly, they turned around and handed over their own notes and asked him to figure it out by himself. This made Li Feiyu's hair almost worried. White.

He now feels more and more that the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect are deliberately trying to harm him by assigning him the position of organizer of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, and this group of Nascent Soul Stage monks also have sufficient motives to harm him.

Li Qingyang, the president of Lingshi Reserve Bank, is about to pass away. The competition for the next president of Lingshi Reserve Bank has become fierce. All forces hope to arrange their own people at the top of Lingshi Reserve Bank.

If there is a stalemate between all parties, Li Feiyu, a late-stage Jindan monk who has no clear camp and is qualified to compete for the top position of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, is very likely to end up benefiting from it. Now the big guys have given themselves this hot potato. , just deliberately letting yourself offend others so that he can eliminate himself early!

This is almost a conspiracy on the table!

Li Feiyu is not paranoid about being persecuted. Political struggles have always been so cruel.

Li Feiyu also found out through his own connections that choosing him as the organizer of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference was a unanimous decision of the six Nascent Soul Stage monks of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

Since the monks at the Nascent Soul stage have already studied and decided, he can't do it even if he doesn't take on this dirty job. Therefore, Li Feiyu has no choice but to offend as few people as possible.

According to Li Feiyu's original plan, it was best for the top sixty-four contestants to all be related households.

As long as he keeps his relationship with the top sixty-four and avoids other strong opponents, his relationship will be barely in place.

In order to achieve this goal, he deliberately dispersed all the seeded players to different competition areas through careful arrangements. Unexpectedly, in the end, there were still a few dark horses who did not follow the routine and eliminated the planned relationship households.

For example, Wen Mo, a player from the Qingyun Sect, was the one who Li Feiyu and Liu Hanxing had promised to advance to the top 64. However, this person was ruthlessly eliminated by Ye Chen, the dark horse of the Mountain Eagle Sect. Now Li Feiyu not only wants to return the benefits in full, but he might also come to apologize, otherwise he will offend the other party to death.

Even if they are both dark horse players, their nature is completely different for Li Feiyu.

Wild card players like Hanguang Sword Faction Ling Yang and Arctic Han Palace Mu Sen are force majeure. If related people are eliminated by Mu Sen and Ling Yang, no one will say anything bad about Li Feiyu.

After all, the six sects in the Far North are not under the control of the Wuliang Sword Sect. It is really inconvenient for him, the elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect, to manipulate their lottery positions in secret. If done improperly, it might cause a diplomatic incident!

Even other backdoor players who handed in notes can understand Li Feiyu's difficulties, which is why Su Yuanfeng insisted on finding foreign aid all the way from the Arctic State, just because by doing so, he could offend as few people as possible.

But dark horses like the masked female cultivator of Penglai Pavilion and Ye Chen of the Mountain Eagle Sect are different in nature.

Every time they eliminate a related household, it shows that Li Feiyu’s behind-the-scenes work has not been done well. The big guys standing behind the related household will think that this is because you, Li Feiyu, did not do a good job in the lottery arrangement and the due diligence of the contestants.

So every time these two dark horses who don't follow the rules eliminate a person they have arranged for, the invisible pressure on Li Feiyu becomes heavier. He is extremely lucky now that he originally assigned Ling Yang and Ye Chen to the lottery. Bit.

Elder Li now only hopes that Ling Yang can be a little more forceful and quickly eliminate the troublemaker Ye Chen.

Under the close attention of all parties, this focus battle has officially begun.

It’s also very interesting to say.

Ling Yang of the Hanguang Sword Sect has a magic weapon but never uses it, while Ye Chen has no magic weapon at all. The two of them stood on the ring with bare hands. It didn't look like they were here to compete, but rather like they were here to participate in a debate. .

When the bell for the competition rang, Ling Yang cupped his hands at Ye Chen and said, "I am Ling Yang of the Light Sword Sect, please give me some advice from fellow Taoist Ye."

Ye Chen had already learned from Chen Ming how powerful the Hanguang Sword Sect's [Edgeless Sword] was. He did not return the favor at all, but directly bullied him forward. He was as fast as lightning and attacked his opponent with fierce punches.

This disrespectful move immediately triggered bursts of boos from the audience, and even Chen Ming, the leader of the Mountain Eagle Sect, frowned slightly.

Although advancing to the top eight is Ye Chen's primary goal, the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference is also an opportunity for the major vassal sects to show their strength and image. Ye Chen's rude behavior obviously hurts the dignity of the Mountain Eagle Sect.

It's just that Ye Chen has been practicing the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique since he was a child, and all his social experience comes from the few "cool articles" written by Mr. Lu that he reads for leisure. It is normal to have no social common sense.

Qu Jing looked even more displeased and complained to Su Yuanfeng in a low voice: "Where did this wild boy come from? Does the Mountain Eagle Sect have any tutoring?"

Su Yuanfeng also turned his head and asked, "This person's body-building skills are ridiculously strong. Can he withstand Ling Yang?"

Qu Jing hesitated for a rare moment, and then said slowly: "Although Ye Chen is strong, our Hanguang Sword Sect is not a paper tiger. Ling Yang has not used a sword yet!"

At the same time, on the stage.

Ling Yang also didn't expect that Ye Chen would be beaten as soon as he asked.

Seeing that the opponent rushed across half the court in the blink of an eye, Ling Yang did not panic.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes on the spot, took two steps back slightly, and then heard a loud "bang" sound. Ye Chen's charging body seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and he was forcefully forced Stopped halfway.

Yang Luzheng was wondering what was going on, when he heard Su Yuanfeng exclaim: "The edgeless sword energy of the Light Sword Sect is invisible and traceless when it is activated. Ordinary monks cannot respond in advance. When I saw it today, it was indeed extraordinary!"

Just as Su Yuanfeng spoke, there were explosions one after another on the ring.

Just like what Su Yuanfeng said, there was no warning when Ling Yang's edgeless sword energy was activated. He just stood there silently with his eyes closed. However, Ye Chen seemed to be hit by various invisible sword energy from all directions, and these invisible sword energy The spiritual energy fluctuations of the sword energy are very strange. Only when it attacks Ye Chen's body-protecting energy, can he detect its trajectory, making it difficult for people to guard against it.

Moreover, the Wufeng Sword Qi not only has a weird trajectory, but its own power is also extremely powerful.

It is not that there have been other monks who have tried to protect their whole body with a full-coverage shield. However, the partial protection ability of that full-coverage spiritual energy shield is obviously not as good as that of condensed sword energy, and will soon be cut to seventy pieces by Ling Yang. Eight falls.

And Ye Chen didn't even have time to use his shield before he was hit all over his body by the sharp sword energy one after another.

Every time he was hit by Wufeng Sword Qi, Ye Chen would be knocked back several steps by the powerful force. As Ling Yang's offensive became more and more violent, Ye Chen soon became unsteady.

However, the sharp-eyed monk discovered that although Ye Chen was beaten very badly, bursts of golden light flowed from his body, so that he did not suffer any substantial damage.

Seeing this situation, Su Yuanfeng was terrified: "Why is this person's body-protecting Qi so strong? Is his whole body made of magic weapons?"

Qu Jing looked solemn and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as we step up the offensive, Ye Chen will be knocked out of the ring!"

Just as Qu Jing said, at this time, Ye Chen had been forced to the edge of the ring by the series of invisible sword energy at tricky angles. Moreover, Ling Yang found that it was difficult for his invisible sword energy to break through the opponent's body-protecting energy directly, so he also adjusted his attack. The strategy has been to focus the attack on the opponent's lower three lanes, which is to force Ye Chen to lose his footing and blast him out of the ring to win.

Yang Lu did not look at the arena at this time, but secretly glanced at Chen Ming, who was watching the battle in the distance.

He found that Chen Ming didn't look nervous at all.

Obviously, Ye Chen still has a hidden card that he hasn't used yet!

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to fall off the ring, at the critical moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, he let out a slightly painful roar, and his whole body shone like a magic weapon.

The scattered golden light actually directly dispersed all the invisible sword energy within a range of more than ten meters around him!

At the same time, he struggled to raise his right arm and then hit the ground with his fist with all his strength.

"Boom!" Several dull sounds came, and Ling Yang's expression changed. He felt that the ground under his feet was shaking. Suddenly, there were several loud noises, and the ground where he stood suddenly exploded. , the sharp spiritual spear condensed from countless metallic auras suddenly rushed out and stabbed directly into Ling Yang's heart!

"What the hell is this killer move?"

Seeing this strange killing move, the monks watching the battle were all shocked.

Only Chen Ming laughed as if he had expected it, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "The strongest point of the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique is that you don't need to use any magic weapons or killing weapons to fight against the enemy. It's a move, but it can be ever-changing, making it difficult for people to guard against it, because any innate treasure that is transformed into the body can be used as a magic weapon and a killing move!"

Fortunately, Ling Yang reacted very quickly and slapped his feet on the spot.

He saw two spiritual energy shields flashing out, temporarily withstanding the attack of the spiritual spear, while he himself took the opportunity to dodge to the side.

However, while Ling Yang's clone was fending off the enemy, he no longer had time to use the invisible sword energy. Seizing this rare window of time, Ye Chen quickly approached, and the protective spells that Ling Yang had secretly laid out before were shattered like brittle glass by his pair of iron fists shining with golden cyclones.

As Ye Chen moved forward with overwhelming momentum, the balance of victory and defeat in the battle seemed to begin to tilt!

Although Ling Yang's invisible sword energy offensive only stalled for a short time, the opponent had already taken the opportunity to force himself in front of him. Even if he tried to use the invisible sword energy to push back the opponent again, it could only slightly hinder Ye Chen's progress. .

Many monks have personally experienced how powerful Ye Chen's Iron Fist is before. Even the direct disciples of the head of Qingyun Sect were unable to resist it despite all their means.

Anyone can see that if Ye Chen accidentally gets close to him, Ling Yang, who is not good at close combat, will be completely doomed.

At this moment, Ling Yang had no choice but to use his strongest trump card.


As Ling Yang shouted loudly, a long and narrow flying sword flew out from the sword box behind him.

This flying sword looks a little old, but there is an extremely powerful sense of oppression faintly coming from its surface, and it seems that there are countless invisible sword energies entangled on it. This is the strongest killing move inherited by the Hanguang Sword Sect [Wujiang Sword] - —

Unsheath the hidden edge!

This sword condensed all the sword intent that Ling Yang had accumulated over many years of fighting. If even this strongest sword that could not be copied could not hurt Ye Chen, there would be no need for Ling Yang to continue fighting in this match.

On one side was a fierce fist formed by the innate golden wind, and on the other side was an ancient iron sword entwined with invisible sword intent. After the two collided, Ling Yang's strongest blow prevailed.

I saw the golden light on Ye Chen's fist being slowly broken by the iron sword. Soon the iron sword had penetrated into Ye Chen's fist. Even the amulet of the Wuliang Sword Sect around Ye Chen's neck lit up, as if to protect him. Ye Chen was not further harmed.

However, a shocking scene occurred.

Ye Chen actually used his free left hand to tear off the life-saving amulet of the Wuliang Sword Sect. Then he pressed the iron sword with his right fist and continued to pounce on Ling Yang like a tiger, not caring that his right fist was about to be hit by the opponent. The iron sword was stabbed to pieces.

Ling Yang saw Ye Chen's amulet light up, and he was ready to give it up.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen didn't play according to the routine at all, and actually threw away the life-saving trump card sent by the Wuliang Sword. He didn't care that his right fist had been poked by the Wuliang Sword, and continued to hit his chest hard.

Ling Yang wanted to parry, but it was too late.


Under Ling Yang's disbelieving gaze, Ye Chen's bloody fist hit him hard in the chest, knocking Ling Yang's whole body out of the ring like a sandbag.

Due to the protection of the Wuliang Sword Sect's talisman, Ling Yang was not substantially harmed. However, according to the rules of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, if the Wuliang Sword Sect's special talisman is activated, it is equivalent to defeat.

Ling Yang looked up at the ring with great reluctance and shouted: "Are you crazy? How dare you destroy the life-saving amulet of the Wuliang Sword Sect!"

But Ye Chen just said a few words coldly: "According to the rules, I won this time!"

After saying that, he jumped off the ring without looking back and walked to the smiling leader Chen Ming. He ignored Ling Yang at all and did not take his bleeding right hand seriously. It seemed that the pain was not worth it at all. Worth mentioning.

Seeing this scene, Yang Lu couldn't help but smacked his lips.

Why does the rhythm of this sword discussion conference seem to be a little off?

Why is it that the more Ye Chen looks at him, the more he looks like the protagonist of a novel who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, while he, Su Yuanfeng, Qu Jing and others are actually the villain boss who tried every means to plot against the protagonist but failed to succeed, and in the end he stole the chicken but lost the rice?

He cast a sideways glance at Su Yuanfeng and Qu Jing beside him. As expected, the faces of these two big guys in the cultivation world turned a little green.

Qu Jing clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! This Ye Chen destroyed the amulet of the Wuliang Sword Sect to protect the contestants without authorization. Didn't he violate the rules of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference?"

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