The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 269 Su Cheng VS Ye Chen

Since Ye Chen eliminated Ling Yang and Su Cheng secretly manipulated Ye Chen, there was no room for politeness between the two parties.

As soon as the bell rang to start the game, both sides rushed towards each other like cannonballs.

Among them, Ye Chen's fists once again lit up with a dazzling metallic light, while Su Cheng's long sword was also equipped with a rich aura of water and fire attributes. Water and fire complemented each other, endlessly. After a moment, golden light and brilliant The water, fire and light collide fiercely!

However, the result of this fierce confrontation was not evenly matched:

Ye Chen was actually vulnerable. As if he was hit hard, he flew backwards, and even the golden light attached to his right fist suddenly dimmed. After he finally stabilized his body, he found that his right fist, which could blast ordinary magic weapons with force, had a large bloodstain on it.

Ye Chen's heart suddenly sank:

The Coral Heart is indeed a weapon that Governor Lu once used. Its power is so powerful that it can no longer be measured by ordinary people!

Seeing that Ye Chen suffered a big loss, even Chen Ming stood up from his chair nervously.

This is the first time that Chen Ming has shown such a nervous expression since the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference was held.

You must know that the biggest advantage of the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique is that its frontal destructive power is far superior to that of the same level. Even Ling Yang's edgeless sword energy can only force Ye Chen back but cannot cause substantial damage to him. I didn't expect this The head-to-head confrontation that was supposed to have the upper hand ended with Ye Chen being injured. How could this not surprise people?

Su Yuanfeng breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although Ye Chen is incredibly strong, he is probably still a little inferior to his own abilities.

This is a supreme magic weapon purchased with a total of 1.4 million spirit stone coins. It is a magic weapon used by Tian Shangcheng, the head of the Shenhuo Sect, to assassinate the founder of the Spirit Stone Reserve Bank. If even a mere monk in the Qi Refining Stage cannot break through the defense, it is not worthy. His name was left in the history books.

Seeing that Coral Heart could hurt Ye Chen, Su Cheng also became more confident. The aura of the flying sword in his hand became even more powerful. He aimed at the position where Ye Chen fell and continuously activated his killing moves. The originally extremely hard granite floor above the arena was filled with stone. The crumbs were flying everywhere like confetti, and the loud sound was like a thunderbolt from the blue, deafening, and even the high-level cultivators who were watching couldn't help but be moved.

Since the start of the Sword Discussion Conference, there has never been a competition like today. It was so fierce from the beginning. In just a moment, the huge arena was turned upside down by the violent power of Coral Heart.

Ye Chen, who was in the eye of the storm, was even more miserable.

Although his body is already harder than ordinary flying swords, Coral Heart will still leave a wound on him every time it chops. Although most of the wounds are skin injuries, if there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant. . What's more, most of the pain-sensing nerves in the human body are located on the surface of the skin. If he hadn't practiced Gengjin Body Transformation Technique, and his ability to endure physical pain was far beyond ordinary people, he would have fainted from the pain at this moment.

Feeling the pain in his body, Ye Chen felt an unparalleled anger rising in his heart. This was an extremely unwilling anger:

You Haiya City cultivation capitalists, can you do whatever you want if you have money?

He had suffered so much inhumane pain since he was a child, but with a flying sword worth one million yuan of spiritual stone coins, Su Cheng could easily suppress the effort he had put into practicing the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique for so many years.

This is simply not fair!

If even Su Cheng, a junior of the Su family, couldn't defeat him, why should he seek revenge from the Haiya clan?

If he can't stop Coral Heart, what's the point of his lifelong efforts?

Although Ye Chen was extremely unwilling, Su Cheng's coral heart proved a simple truth with facts:

Sorry, you can really do whatever you want with money!

The Gengjin Body Transformation Technique is indeed a divine skill that defies heaven and changes destiny, but it is not a cheat in the world of cultivation.

When it comes to cheats, Lu Xingchang's "Infinite Heart Sutra - From Beginner to Mastery" is the real cheat. Gengjin Body Transformation Technique is not a very rare skill, and anyone who is willing can get it.

Although Su Cheng's Haiya sect's ultimate move is not as high-end and classy as Ling Yang's Hanguang Sword sect's ultimate move, but with the blessing of Coral Heart, its frontal destructive power is even stronger than that of Ling Yang, which is just right to restrain it. With Gengjin Body Transformation Technique, a head-to-head forbidden technique, Ye Chen tried to exchange injuries for attacks several times, but was avoided by Su Cheng's flexible movement. Then this act of proactively revealing flaws only ended. It would make him even more seriously injured by Coral Heart.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if the fight continues like this, Ye Chen will definitely lose!

On one side, Ye Chen was complaining endlessly, but on the other side, Su Cheng was also quite surprised. Not to mention that the opponent was actually able to temporarily resist Coral Heart's attack, and when he hit the opponent's body, he still felt a faint shock. The force caused him to surge with energy and blood, and his body floating in mid-air made mistakes several times. Fortunately, Ye Chen's resistance was getting weaker and weaker, so he didn't show any fear on the spot.

As if he was worried that Ye Chen would do something wrong again, after Su Cheng forced Ye Chen back with a sword, Coral Heart suddenly flew back.

Then Su Cheng quickly reached out with his right hand and grasped the Coral Heart. The legendary flying sword instantly radiated thousands of rays of light, engulfed his figure, made a loud noise like a dragon's roar, and stabbed Ye Chen with the most explosive force.

Even a layman like Yang Lu could tell that Su Cheng was ready to use his trump card!

Ye Chen looked solemn and watched helplessly as the screams grew from far to near, from being silent and inaudible until they were so deafening that no one could hear any sound anymore. Under the condensation of the Coral Heart, the spiritual light all over the sky merged into one at this moment, forming a huge red and blue light beam that hit the head. Looking at this momentum, it almost blasted the entire arena into dust.

At the critical moment, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly flashed with a sharp light, and he raised his hands and aimed at the flying Coral Heart and volleyed——


Seeing this outrageous style of play, the cultivators in the audience suddenly exclaimed, and even a trace of confusion flashed across Su Yuanfeng's face:

The flat A hit you just received from Su Cheng would have been injured. How could you catch Coral Heart's strongest blow with your bare hands?

When everyone was stunned, only Chen Ming suddenly had a thoughtful expression on his face.

As Ye Chen slapped his palms hard in front of him, the majestic two-color spiritual light was suddenly tightly held between his palms. Then, the brilliant golden light of his palms suddenly lit up, as if he Really succeeded in controlling Coral Heart.

However, it only lasts for a moment!

The power of the Coral Heart is so majestic. Even though Ye Chen's iron palms are as strong as stone and not inferior to ordinary magic weapons, they are still as fragile as paper in the face of the violent power of the Coral Heart. As time passed, the golden light attached to Ye Chen's hands and the skin on his palms began to crack every inch visible to the naked eye!

Under Su Cheng's nervous gaze, the golden light gradually dissipated, and the red and blue aura became stronger and stronger.

After about a few seconds, Coral Heart finally gradually escaped Ye Chen's control!

With a muffled sound of "Puff", the Coral Heart suddenly came out from between Ye Chen's palms, and then stabbed straight into Ye Chen's chest. A blood arrow suddenly burst out from the wound and bloomed in the air. A bloody flower.

Ye Chen was seriously injured!

Just when all the audience couldn't help but take a breath, and even thought that Ye Chen would be the only contestant to die on the spot in recent sword competitions, the person involved, Su Cheng, suddenly felt something was wrong.

It stands to reason that I have penetrated the opponent's body-protecting Qi and stabbed the opponent's body. The opponent should have fallen from the air long ago. Why can this person continue to fly in the air with a flying sword stuck in his chest? ?

Su Cheng's doubts did not last long.

After Ye Chen's body was pierced, he actually showed a cruel sneer to Su Cheng.

This gave Su Cheng a bad feeling.

He quickly recalled Coral Heart, preparing to launch another fatal blow to completely end this battle. However, he was horrified to find that he couldn't pull out his natal flying sword!

Ye Chen's body seemed to have turned into a huge magnet, tightly holding onto the Coral Heart. Su Cheng wanted to inject more spiritual power into the Coral Heart, but found that all the spiritual power was lost in the sea, and there was no reaction at all.

How can this be?

This is your own magic weapon!

No one understood why the two of them suddenly stopped moving. Only Chen Ming understood what was going on.

Due to the practice of the Geng Metal Body Transformation Technique, Ye Chen's body strength is completely equivalent to ordinary magic weapons of the same level. Even the Coral Heart cannot destroy its body structure from the inside without the supply of external spiritual power. The reason why Su Cheng was unable to continue injecting spiritual power into the Coral Heart was actually because Ye Chen was activating the Geng Metal Transformation Technique to refine the legendary flying sword on the spot!

Of course, the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique to truly refine the Coral Heart is just a daydream.

But the purpose of Ye Chen running the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique in his body was not to refine the Coral Heart, but to temporarily cut off the connection between the Coral Heart and Su Cheng's consciousness and prevent Su Cheng from continuing to activate this artifact.

The reason why Su Cheng was able to suppress himself and fight was only a secondary factor in practicing the Earth Level Kung Fu and the Haiya School's ultimate move. The main reason was relying on this legendary flying sword. As long as he could temporarily control it despite being injured, Su Cheng would be able to fight. He will become a tiger with his teeth pulled out, and he will be inferior to the elite disciples of ordinary local sects. After all, they at least have their own magic weapon to use.

The principle of this trick is actually not complicated, but definitely not everyone can use it.

You must know that the pain of practicing Gengjin Body Transformation Art is very terrible, which is equivalent to tearing your own meridians inch by inch, and then integrating the power of other innate treasures into your own flesh and blood.

Although Ye Chen is not really practicing now, the pain he endures has not been compromised, and he also has to bear the pain of being pierced by a flying sword.

If an ordinary person had used this technique, he would have been tortured to death by the double pain.

That is to say, Ye Chen has an extremely strong will and has experienced similar pain countless times, so he can withstand double inhuman torture while maintaining his combat effectiveness without declining.

At this time, Ye Chen could only hear the whistling sound of spiritual power in his ears. His vision was blurry, and the red blood almost covered his eyes. However, the fighting spirit in his heart was as high as ever. Deep in his heart, he was He let out waves of deep shouts, because he had been waiting for this moment for thousands of days and nights. Although Su Cheng was only a monk in the Qi refining stage, he was the first one to give to the Ye family on his road to revenge. A sea cliff monk who pays interest!

After so many years of pain and suffering, he finally got his reward!

Seeing Ye Chen with a flying sword stuck in his chest and blood oozing all over his body, he was like a demon that had just crawled out of the eighteenth level of hell and rushed toward him. Su Cheng, who had lost his most powerful magic weapon, was completely panicked.

Although Su Cheng was not a fool, he had never seen such a life-threatening lunatic. For a moment, he froze in mid-air without making any reaction.

If Su Cheng had more actual combat experience, he would definitely choose to fight to the death at this time.

After all, Su Cheng is also a Qi-refining Dzogchen monk who is in good condition and practices earth-level skills. If he uses all his offensive spells to interfere with the opponent, Ye Chen may not be able to lose all his energy in one go.

However, he wasted the precious time window. When he saw the opponent's bloody fist hitting him in the face, it was too late for Su Cheng to fight back. He could only watch his body-protecting Qi being blown to pieces. …

The moment the light of Su Cheng's Infinite Sword Sect amulet lit up, Ye Chen seemed to have lost all his strength and fell to the ground softly.

Although Su Cheng stood in the ring intact, while his opponent lost half his life, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Su Cheng lost this fight, and the winner was Ye Chen from the Mountain Eagle Faction!

It was only then that some well-informed onlookers noticed Ye Chen's heel and couldn't help but exclaimed: "I'm afraid what Ye Chen is practicing is not an ordinary body training technique, but a legendary one." Bei Mozhou Geng Jin Body Transformation Technique!"

Upon hearing the name of the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique, the cultivators present showed expressions of sudden realization.

However, this kind of hindsight statement cannot change the outcome of this competition. Since Chen Ming dares to bring Ye Chen to the competition, he is definitely not afraid that his practice of Gengjin Body Transformation Technique will be exposed.

The so-called forbidden arts in the Jiuzhou cultivation world are all used to restrain oneself, not to restrain others.

Things like the Geng Metal Body Transformation Technique are extremely painful, and the failure rate is as high as 90%. Moreover, to practice it, you also need to collect various innate rare treasures and forbidden techniques. If you can master it, you are awesome.

Not only does the Wuliang Sword Sect not have any rule that "everyone who practices forbidden arts can be punished", the vassal sect even sent Ye Chen, a genius who practiced forbidden arts, to enter the battlefield outside the territory and serve as a thug for the direct disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect. For the Wuliang Sword Sect, This is still a good thing that can only be wished for. After all, the Wuliang Sword Sect will not ruin its own disciples like this.

The Zhongzhou Sword Conference has been held for hundreds of years, and the rules of the competition are quite complete.

All of Ye Chen's current operations are in compliance with regulations. Whether from the perspective of competition regulations or the interests of the Wuliang Sword Sect, there is no problem with Ye Chen's victory.

Since Su Cheng was almost guaranteed to win, this wonderful battle might even be featured in the next issue of "Cultivation Financial Weekly". With thousands of cultivators from all over Zhongzhou watching, even if Li Feiyu received Su Yuanfeng's implicit (hong) hint (bao) is not easy to openly overturn the result of the game.

Dragging his broken body, Ye Chenqiang came to Chen Ming with energy. Under the gaze of everyone, this ruthless man who practiced forbidden arts and even dared to let the opponent stab the flying sword into his body knelt down straight on the ground and kowtowed to Chen Ming: "Master, my disciple did not give in." You are disappointed!”

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