The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 278 Shocking Change

This game, I, Ye Chen, want to win!

After regaining his belief in victory, Ye Chen started to charge again. However, the moment of hesitation provided Ren Yi with the most precious escape window.

After angrily scolding Ye Chen several times without getting any response, Ren Yi finally realized that the guy opposite him might have gone crazy, so he quickly yelled: "Still as motionless as a mountain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, thick khaki halos appeared around Ren Yi.

These protective auras composed of rich spiritual energy protected Ren Yi like a shrunken turtle.

The Guyun Sect itself is good at earth-attribute defensive spells, and Ren Yi is also an earth spirit root monk. When Ye Chen's iron fist struck again, the earth-yellow halo and the golden fist collided fiercely.


This time Ye Chen was directly knocked back half a step, while Ren Yi was directly knocked back two steps and almost fell out of the ring.

Anyone can see that Ren Yi can't beat Ye Chen at all!

Ye Chen, who possesses the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique to protect his body, is no less powerful than the direct disciples of the seven major sects of Kyushu. Although Ren Yi's Guyun Sect Yeluzi is also quite good at training, he obviously cannot withstand Ye Chen's iron fists. .

After this collision, Ye Chen didn't give Ren Yi any chance to breathe, and followed up with a second punch.

This time Ren Yi adjusted his position and was not directly kicked out of the ring, but his protective spell called Immovable Mountain had already flashed a dangerous light, and it was obvious that he could not last long.

Faced with an extremely dangerous situation, Ren Yi quickly calmed down his mind and took up the sword technique with both hands again. His momentum suddenly increased. Even Elder Li Feiyu, who was originally anxious, couldn't help but widen his eyes again——

Because what Ren Yi activated this time was not the Guyun Sect’s ultimate move, but the genuine Wuliang Sword Sect’s ultimate move:

Heavenly Sword, Qi Yan Slash!

The Heavenly Sword is one of the four supreme inheritances of the Wuliang Sword Sect, and is famous for its terrifying frontal lethality.

Currently, the Wuliang Sword Sect has two Nascent Soul stage monks who are practicing the Heavenly Sword inheritance. They are Wen Hanqing, a first-level Yuanying monk and Supreme Elder of the Internal Affairs Hall, and Ren Tianyuan, a second-level Yuanying monk and Supreme Elder of the Sustained World Sect.

Although Ren Yi has not officially joined the Wuliang Sword Sect, everyone knows where he secretly learned the supreme swordsmanship inheritance of the Wuliang Sword Sect.

This fierce sword intent appeared very suddenly, and with a scream of "swish", a streak of blood instantly spilled out of Ye Chen's chest.

With the blessing of the ultimate move of the Wuliang Sword Sect, even Ye Chen's Gengjin body couldn't resist it!

However, how fierce Ye Chen is, this level of skin trauma will not affect his actions at all.

Ren Yi originally thought that his killing move would be able to stop Ye Chen for a moment no matter how bad it was. Unexpectedly, when he raised his head again, a big black foot appeared on his forehead and stepped down mercilessly.


At the critical moment, a bell suddenly sounded outside the court.

Then I heard Li Feiyu, the elder of Wuliang Sword Sect, yell: "This competition has already seen blood. In order to protect the personal safety of the two contestants, I declare that the competition is temporarily suspended and we will fight another day!"

Although Li Feiyu's reasons were high-sounding, everyone knew that he was favoring Ren Yi. After all, the person who saw the blood was not Ren Yi who was beaten, but Ye Chen who was beaten.

Looking at Ye Chen's crazy look, how could he care about his personal safety at all?

Ye Chen knew that he had no way out. He actually ignored Elder Li Feiyu's request to end the game and stepped on Ren Yi's face with his big foot. He was about to kick Ren Yi's body-protecting energy away. break.

But something strange happened.

At this critical moment, Ye Chen suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain. This pain was extremely terrifying, countless times more painful than the injury on his chest, and even worse than the pain he felt when refining the innate treasure.

The severe pain made Ye Chen's body freeze instantly.

Then the audience saw him slumped to his knees, his whole body twitching like a mad dog.

This look was as if Ye Chen had been subjected to one of the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. He scratched his body painfully, and the strong finger force even scratched his own skin with blood marks, and even the blood was visible to the naked eye. It seeped out from the wound.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers were all stunned.

Could it be that an expert secretly took action against Ren Yi?

However, in order to prevent spectators outside the venue from affecting the results of the game, after the competition at the Zhongzhou Sword Competition begins, the arena will be surrounded by a magic barrier. Even if outsiders want to intervene, they must first break the magic barrier...

Thinking of this, everyone cast their suspicious eyes on Li Feiyu, the host of the event, obviously wondering what the referee had done. However, at this time, Li Feiyu was also confused and didn't know what happened.

Yang Lu also immediately turned his head and asked, "Miss, what happened to Ye Chen?"

Li Qingning wrinkled her delicate brows and said, "I don't know, maybe the technique he practiced went too far. After all, the Gengjin Body Transformation Technique is a famous forbidden technique in Kyushu, so it's not surprising that it has some side effects!"

Although Li Qingning gave an explanation, Yang Lu narrowed his eyes and still felt that things were not simple.

It is said that Ye Chen went crazy because of his injuries, but when Ye Chen faced off with Su Cheng, his injuries were much more serious than now. Why didn't he go crazy earlier and later, but why did he go crazy at this critical moment?

So he turned his attention to Chen Ming not far away, only to find that Chen Ming's right hand was hidden in his sleeve, and seemed to be activating some kind of immortal technique. However, when Yang Lu wanted to take a closer look, he found that Chen Ming had stopped. Little moves.

Seeing Chen Ming's weird behavior, Yang Lu couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression...

But Ye Chen suddenly fell ill, and Ren Yi finally escaped.

If Ye Chen's foot had stepped firmly just now, Ren Yi would not only have been kicked directly to break the body's protective energy, but his whole face might have been stepped into the ring ground by the opponent, which would have been completely embarrassing and thrown into his grandma's house.

Looking at Ye Chen who was twitching all over, Ren Yi got up in shock.

Lifting his legs, he kicked Ye Chen, who was lying on the ground, off the ring like a dead dog. He spat hard at Ye Chen's ferocious face and cursed: "You shameless mad dog, I'm bah!"

Seeing this, Elder Li Feiyu announced loudly on the spot: "What did I just say? I knew it would be dangerous if I continued to play, so I kindly stopped the game temporarily. Who knew that Ye Chen would not listen to the advice and ended up harming him? Others harm themselves! In this case, I will officially declare that the winner of this competition is Guyun Sect Ren Yi! Head Chen Ming, how does your Shanying Sect discipline your disciples? Hurry and drag this guy who doesn’t obey orders to me. Get down!"

Anyone can see that Li Feiyu is really angry this time.

If Ren Yizhen had been eliminated by Ye Chen just now, he would have died in front of Elder Ren Tianyuan. Therefore, he completely ignored Chen Ming's identity as the leader of the faction, and pointed at Chen Ming's nose and cursed him in public.

Chen Ming also knew that he had made a serious political mistake.

He did not refute Li Feiyu, but walked to Ye Chen who fell off the ring with a sullen face.

Just when everyone thought Chen Ming was going to check Ye Chen's injuries first, Chen Ming's actions shocked everyone.


There was a loud slap.

Just as Ye Chen managed to raise his head, he was slapped to the ground again by Chen Ming.


Seeing his disciple covering his face and looking at him with disbelief, Chen Ming said with a cold expression: "You evil disciple! You have simply disgraced our Mountain Eagle Sect!"

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