The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 283 Declined

Elder Keqing of the Cultivation Sect is a bit like an independent director of a listed company on Earth, but unlike the positions of advisor to the Cultivation Chamber of Commerce and independent director of a listed company, which can be big or small, Elder Keqing is definitely not an honorary title.

Although this kind of Keqing elder token cannot allow Yang Lu to receive salary from the Mountain Eagle Sect, it is a kind of credit endorsement in itself, proving that Yang Lu is an officially recognized friend of the Mountain Eagle Sect.

As long as Yang Lu holds this token, not only all the disciples of the Mountain Eagle Sect who are in the Qi Refining Period must observe the senior etiquette and treat him according to the etiquette they treat Fei Fan. Even if Chen Ming has no legitimate reasons, he cannot casually talk to the elders of his sect. Falling out would otherwise be equivalent to a slap in the face of one's own sect. Therefore, the title of Keqing Elder is also equivalent to the official certification issued by the sect to its closest allies.

Only the heads of each sect are qualified to issue this kind of guest elder token. Even if Yang Lu has a very close relationship with Su Yuanfeng and Han Fulai, he can't get the guest token of the Haiya sect. After all, the leader of the Haiya sect is Jiang Hua'an. Not only did Yang Lu and Jiang Hua'an have no friendship, they even had potential conflicts of interest.

You must know that the interests of various factions within the Haiya Sect are very conflicting. He has to be very careful to avoid capsizing both the Su family and the Han family. Even if he was an acrobat in his previous life, he would never be able to step on both sides at the same time. Jiang Hua'an's third boat.

Not only that, in order to unite the Su family and the Han family at the same time, he must also stand opposite Jiang Hua'an on certain issues. City Lord Jiang can tolerate him wandering around Haiya City and does not take the initiative to cause trouble for him. In fact, he has already seen it. Li Qingyang and Lingshi Reserve Bank lost face.

Chen Ming gave a heavy gift in front of Li Qingning and named it to Yang Lu. This was obviously a bit unusual, so Yang Lu quickly looked at Li Qingning with questioning eyes, fearing that his beautiful boss might have something special. idea.

However, Li Qingning is born with a heartless character.

Not only did she not realize the difference between Chen Ming giving her the Keqing Elder Token and giving Yang Lu the Keqing Elder Token, she also persuaded her with a smile: "Junior Brother Yang, since this is specially sent by Master Chen. Gift, please don’t live up to Master Chen’s kindness! Our Golden Blade Sect doesn’t have so many rules, nor does it have so many sectarian opinions!”

Chen Ming sent this guest token with the intention of driving a wedge between Yang Lu and Li Qingning.

But I didn't expect that Li Qingning didn't care about it at all. He had an attitude of "You can poach someone in front of me, but if you poach me, I lose." This made Chen Ming speechless:

Could it be that the rumors in the market are indeed true, that Yang Lu has given Miss Li "sleeping clothes"? Otherwise, why would Li Qingning dare to trust his subordinate Yang Lu without reservation?

He didn't know that Li Qingning simply had a straight temper and didn't think about so many crooked things in his head.

But it was difficult to take back the things that had been given away. Now that the matter had been settled, a few people exchanged polite words (mainly Yang Lu and Chen Ming, while Miss Li and Ye Chen basically couldn't get a word in), and Chen Ming He took the initiative to stand up and say goodbye.

Before leaving, Chen Ming also said meaningfully to Yang Lu: "Consultant Yang, our original agreement still stands!"

Yang Lu knew that Chen Ming was talking about the original invitation to join the Mountain Eagle Faction, but the old Yin Yang man obviously didn't have any good intentions when he mentioned this matter in front of Li Qingning.

Fortunately, the eldest lady was naturally stupid and restrained the scheming leader. She didn't understand what Chen Ming was implying at all. She thought he was explaining about tomorrow's competition, so she quickly patted her chest and assured her: "Chen Ming Don’t worry, Master!”

Beauty Li made this move. Several men were stunned on the spot.

After Chen Ming and Ye Chen came to their senses, they found that Yang Lu had closed the door at some point.

Chen Ming has been the head of the Mountain Eagle Sect for hundreds of years, and has never seen a leader of the cultivation forces with Li Qingning's personality. He was directly troubled by Li Qingning's behavior of not following the routine.

But after all, he is a golden elixir-level boss, so he doesn't take this kind of thing to heart. Moreover, he just casually tested the relationship between Li Qingning and Yang Lu, and it was not a real attempt to sow discord. When Li Qingning refused to accept it, If he wanted to move, he would just give up.

Thinking of Yang Lu's all-round and exquisite way of doing things, and then thinking of himself as a mentally retarded and unscrupulous person, Chen Ming couldn't help but glared at Ye Chen fiercely, and then turned around and returned to his residence.

However, less than a quarter of an hour after Chen Ming left, Li Qingning's door was knocked again.

The person who came to visit this time was Su Yuanfeng, the president of the Haiya Chamber of Commerce. He and Chen Ming came to visit less than a quarter of an hour apart. This made Yang Lu break out in a cold sweat. If the two of them were in Li Qingning's room, Meeting face to face would probably be a lot of fun.

Fortunately, this embarrassing scene did not happen.

Exactly as Yang Lu expected, Su Yuanfeng made the exact opposite request from Chen Ming this time. He asked Li Qingning to knock Ye Chen off the ring and prevent Ye Chen from joining the Infinite Sword Sect at all costs.

Since Yang Lu dared to agree to Chen Ming's request, he naturally had already thought of a countermeasure. So he just said helplessly that Li Qingning was the most promising cultivation genius of the Golden Knife Sect. President Li Qingyang was determined not to allow her to join the Wuliang Sword Sect. Even if she eliminated Ye Chen, she would still have to give up this spot. In the end, Ye Chen Chen can still fill up the quota to join the Wuliang Sword Sect, but the result is the same.

Hearing that Yang Lu blatantly forged his great-grandfather's speech, even Li Qingning himself was shocked, because Li Qingyang had never given such an unintelligible order!

For Li Qingning, no matter which sect she joins, the biggest label on her body will always be Li Qingyang's great-granddaughter, just like she is now a monk of the Golden Knife Sect in name, but she practices all the seven major sects and techniques. The ultimate move has nothing to do with the Golden Knife Sect, so Li Qingyang would not mind Li Qingning joining any sect at all.

However, Yang Lu had already obtained Li Qingyang's tacit approval. When he raised the tiger's skin as a banner, he was very confident, and he had no psychological barriers when formulating Li Qingyang's instructions.

Although Su Yuanfeng has always been known for his great supernatural powers, he obviously did not have the ability to place an informant around Li Qingyang. Naturally, he had no way of knowing Li Qingyang's future arrangements for his great-granddaughter. Moreover, it was impossible for him to go to Baiyuge to seek confirmation from Li Qingyang in person. In the end, he could only He reluctantly accepted Yang Lu's remarks.

Since Li Qingyang did not allow Li Qingning to join the Wuliang Sword Sect, Su Yuanfeng knew that nothing he said would be of any use, so he had to ask Li Qingning again to kill Ye Chen in the ring.

However, Yang Lu and Li Qingning could not agree to this extremely excessive request. Not to mention Su Yuanfeng, even Lin Jianxing was not qualified to let Li Qingning come forward as his killer. Even if Li Qingning really agreed to Su Yuanfeng's request, Li Qingyang would never let go of Su Yuanfeng, a guy who was so angry.

Su Yuanfeng's question was just a dead horse. After being flatly rejected by Li Qingning and Yang Lu, he didn't have any disappointed expression on his face. He just sighed deeply, stood up and left in a hurry. Even Yang Lu gave him a message in advance. He didn't even have time to drink the tea he prepared.

Seeing his anxious and angry look, Yang Lu knew that he should be thinking of other ways to prevent Ye Chen from joining the Wuliang Sword Sect.

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