The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 285 Hidden Arrow

Early the next morning, the battle in the loser group began.

Facts have proved that Li Feiyu and Su Yuanfeng, the old conspirators, are finally at their wits end this time.

The arena match is not like a knockout match. There is very little space for black-box operations. In addition, Ye Chen's fighting method is very special. He uses his body strengthened by innate treasures to withstand the opponent's killing moves. The fighting endurance is amazing, so they He could only watch helplessly as Ye Chen used a pair of iron fists to knock to the ground one after another those who tried to kill him in a wheel battle.

After all six major relations were settled, Li Feiyu had no choice but to turn his attention to Li Qingning again.

However, Li Qingning had long made up his mind not to join in the fun. Elder Li Feiyu had no other choice but to pull his old face and reluctantly announced that the last winner of this Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference was Ye Chen from the Mountain Eagle Sect. .

This Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference, with extremely fierce competition on and off the stage, has officially come to an end here.

Seeing that he got his wish and joined the Wuliang Sword Sect, Ye Chen smiled from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

Because this time he eliminated his mortal enemy Haiya Chamber of Commerce player Su Cheng completely through his "own efforts", and then broke through all the shady secrets to successfully seal the victory. It was like "the light of the righteous path was shed on the earth"!

However, except for himself, no one else seemed very happy.

Not to mention the six major eliminated households and their backers, everyone has worked hard to plan for several years, but in the end, because of the stupid young man who came out of nowhere, everyone will feel angry. .

Li Feiyu and Su Yuanfeng were also the undoubted losers, and all the previous calculations turned into a laughing stock.

Even Chen Ming, the apparent big winner, felt that he was under great pressure because he had offended too many local cultivation forces.

If sending Ye Chen to the Wuliang Sword Sect was not an important part of his plan to hijack the Haiya Sect, he would not be willing to do such a blind show-off thing. This would simply be putting himself on the fire.

In fact, Ye Chen's victory today was not entirely because of Li Qingning's betrayal.

Just after saying goodbye to Yang Lu and Li Qingning last night, Chen Ming urgently sent a message to his ally Fang Jiancai, asking him to help contact Cheng Shuying, the supreme elder of Wuliangjian Sect, to stand for Shanying Sect. It was precisely because Cheng Shuying temporarily sent Li Feiyu a message After receiving a summons, Li Feiyu held his nose and allowed him to enter the ring.

Otherwise, according to Elder Li Feiyu's original plan, he had already planned to directly disqualify Ye Chen from the competition on the grounds of "not obeying the arrangements of the event organizer."

In other words, the so-called personal struggle is completely overthinking by Ye Chen. Behind it is the historical process!

In fact, if Tianshu City had not suffered heavy losses due to the pilot reform of the cultivation social security system, and Cheng Shuying felt the need to compensate Chen Ming, a loyal chess piece and pawn, Cheng Shuying would not have been able to personally support the Mountain Eagle Sect.

No matter what everyone is thinking, when things have developed to this point, the dust of the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference has been settled, and the people who are silently paying attention to the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference are actually far more than the forces that appear on the surface.

While everyone was watching Li Feiyu read out the final results of the sword competition with various expressions, on the side of the arena, in a secret box that was perfectly covered by illusions, there were two special guests secretly observing the results of the competition.

One of them, with a golden sword on his seat, was wearing the same golden elixir monk robe of the Infinite Sword Sect as Li Feiyu. He was another popular candidate for the next vice president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, the Master of the Infinite Sword Sect. Liu Hanxing, the first disciple of Menlin Swordsman.

Such a big shot secretly came to watch the Zhongzhou Sword Competition. If word got out, it would definitely stir up people's imagination. It is not known whether this person came to watch the competition or if he had other purposes.

Silently observing the competition venue, Liu Hanxing soon noticed Chen Ming standing next to Ye Chen with a gloomy face, which made him frown slightly.

Rubbing his temples and thinking silently for a moment, he turned to a young monk who was standing respectfully beside him and ordered: "Zhu Ziming, you are from the southeastern coastal area of ​​Zhongzhou. You should be familiar with the situation of the Mountain Eagle Sect."

It's not surprising that Zhu Ziming appears next to Liu Hanxing.

After his plan to backstab the Haiya Clan and Duzhitang was exposed, the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce was expelled from Haiya City by the two major forces of the Haiya Clan and Duzhitang.

Of course, the Haiya Chamber of Commerce will definitely not use violent means to forcefully expel the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce. Simply terminating the cooperation between all Haiya commercial entities and the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce will be enough for the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce to lose its foothold in Haiya City.

After the Haiya Chamber of Commerce and Duzhitang made such statements, other cultivation chambers of commerce naturally knew that doing business with the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce was equivalent to giving eye drops to the two superpowers, so they all took the initiative to cut off cooperation with the Zhu Family.

When things have developed to this point, the Zhujia Chamber of Commerce, which has been engaged in maritime trade for hundreds of years, has basically ceased to exist in name only, leaving only a large number of real estate properties of the Chamber of Commerce that are difficult to realize in a short period of time and are unwilling to be sold at a discount.

Without upstream and downstream partners, these real estate properties such as cargo yards and warehouses will not be able to generate any profits at all.

If Liu Hanxing hadn't taken the initiative to protect Zhu Ziming, I'm afraid the remaining assets of the Zhu family would have been wiped out long ago!

Although it is not easy for the Haiya Clan to directly come forward to snatch the assets of the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce, this group of cultivation capitalists are all cannibals. It is estimated that no chamber of commerce would dare to provoke the Haiya Clan on their own territory and openly acquire the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce had real estate in Haiya City, so they planned to use drag tactics to force the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce to sell their assets at a low price.

Although the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce has been admitted to the ICU, Zhu Ziming himself was kept by Liu Hanxing's side because of his bright mind, strong work ability, and status as a cultivator.

It's not that Liu Hanxing trusts Zhu Ziming much.

No matter in which era, using descendants to check and balance local factions is a common method used by leaders. This is just like the Three Kingdoms period. Shu and Wei both liked to use subordinates such as Zhang Liao, Zhang He, and Jiang Wei to restrain local aristocratic families. After all, they rebelled. The ruler is like a lost dog, and it is difficult for him to collude with the ruler's original faction.

Liu Hanxing has been running errands for Lin Jianxing all year round, and controls a large number of cultivation forces including the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce. The relationships among the forces under his command are intricate. In addition, he has very limited time to deal with mundane affairs. In order to avoid being confused by those below him, Liu Hanxing Audio-visual, clever use of various forces under his command to check and balance each other, is also a very useful and necessary political method.

Glancing at Yang Lu and Li Qingning full of hatred, Zhu Ziming turned around and changed his face, and replied respectfully: "I do know a little bit about the situation of the Mountain Eagle Sect. I wonder if my senior can teach me anything?"

Liu Hanxing asked directly: "You must have read the information on the winners of the Zhongzhou Sword Competition, right?"

Zhu Ziming nodded and said that he had already studied these contestants.

Seeing that Zhu Ziming's intelligence work was very solid, Liu Hanxing continued: "We have already investigated the backgrounds, backgrounds, and motives of most of these people for joining the Wuliang Sword Sect, except for Chen Ming's motives. Very strange. Why did he not hesitate to offend so many people and send Ye Chen to the Wuliang Sword Sect? Su Yuanfeng wanted to send Su Cheng to the Wuliang Sword Sect. He probably planned to wait for Su Cheng to advance to the foundation building stage and then pass the Wuliang Sword Sect. Due to the internal connections of Duzhitang, he was brought to work in Haiya City as an external deacon to replace Lu Anping's current position, but what is the purpose of Chen Ming forcing people to go to the Wuliang Sword Sect?"

Regarding his biggest supporter and boss, Zhu Ziming did not dare to be negligent and honestly expressed his opinion: "Senior, I have good advice! In fact, this junior also has this question. After all, Chen Ming is willing to be Cheng Shuying's pawn, and he already has As an ally, Fang Jiancai from Tianshu City would not be able to bring Ye Chen to Tianshu City to cooperate with him. Therefore, pushing Ye Chen into the Wuliang Sword Sect would not be of any benefit to the Shanying Sect. You should be able to tell from Ming's expression that he actually doesn't look happy..."

Liu Hanxing waved his hands casually and said, "You don't have to be so reserved. If you have any ideas, just tell me. I kept you by my side because of your abilities. I don't want you to act like one when you speak." Others are so submissive!”

Zhu Ziming's expression moved slightly, and then he came up with a plan: "If you want to know what Chen Ming is planning, I have a clever plan. You are usually busy with work and practice, so you may not have noticed that the Shanying Sect has recently A cultivator who has established the foundation-building Dzogchen realm has been sent to the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect to serve as the representative in the Infinite Sword Sect’s office.”

Liu Hanxing suddenly raised his eyebrows: "A cultivator who has established the Dzogchen Realm? Such a cultivator is qualified to serve as an elder of an ordinary vassal sect. How could he be sent by Chen Ming to serve as a casual post at the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect?"

"This person is Fei Fan, the former acting leader of the Mountain Eagle Sect and the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall." Seeing that his strategy successfully aroused Liu Hanxing's interest, Zhu Ziming explained with a smile, "This elder Fei was a member of the Tianshu family because he was in Tianshu." He acted cowardly during the city chaos, so he was beaten to the end by Chen Ming and sent to the headquarters of the Wuliang Sword Sect as a casual post. He was deeply prejudiced against Chen Ming. This old guy has been the second-in-command of the Mountain Eagle Sect for decades. Chen Ming's Many secrets cannot be hidden from his eyes, we only need to ask him out in your name, and he will definitely explain things clearly."

Liu Hanxing's eyes suddenly lit up and he praised: "This is indeed a good idea! Since you came up with the method, I will leave this work to you. Find out for me as soon as possible what Chen Ming is doing. ghost!"

Zhu Ziming immediately responded: "Okay, I'll do it right away!"

Liu Hanxing nodded and said: "You must pay attention to this matter. Now is the critical period for the change of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. We must deal with these small actions of the direct relatives of the senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect with great vigor!"

Although Liu Hanxing never said it clearly, Zhu Ziming also noticed something unusual.

Liu Hanxing is a great monk at the Golden Core stage, and he possesses the highest quality spiritual root qualifications. Most of his time should be spent in seclusion and practice. However, during this period of time, he has not even bothered to do such small things as the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference. , they all came to ask in person, this is obviously not a normal behavior.

If there is anyone at the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference who deserves Liu Hanxing's personal attention, it is undoubtedly the host of the Sword Discussion Conference, Li Feiyu. Combined with some recent rumors from the Roadside Club...

Could it be that Lin Jianxing wants to appoint Liu Hanxing as the next president of Lingshi Reserve Bank?

After all, Li Feiyu is also a popular candidate to be the next vice president of Lingshi Reserve Bank. There are many popular voices among the people than Liu Hanxing. Could it be that Liu Hanxing secretly came to watch the game this time just to catch elder Li Feiyu?

The more Zhu Ziming thought about it, the more it made sense.

And if Liu Hanxing can become the vice president of Lingshi Reserve Bank, coupled with Lin Jianxing's support, it will be equivalent to mastering the real power of Lingshi Reserve Bank. When the time comes, he can arrange any position for himself, and I am afraid that he will be able to do it. Reach the sky in one step!

Thinking of this, Zhu Ziming became even more respectful: "Don't worry, Elder Liu, I will definitely handle this matter properly!"

Seeing that Zhu Ziming looked neither arrogant nor impetuous, and quite like a general, Liu Hanxing couldn't help but feel a little worried while admiring it, so he decided to take the initiative to beat the other person: "Zhu Ziming, how do you feel when you work beside me?"

High-level cultivators' time was precious, and Zhu Ziming realized instantly that Liu Hanxing was definitely not chatting with him. He carefully considered his words and replied carefully: "Thanks to Elder Liu's care, I have learned a lot from you recently!"

However, this answer was obviously not what Liu Hanxing wanted to hear.

He smiled and said: "I would rather be the head of a chicken than the queen of a cow. Don't you, a smart person like you, understand such a simple truth?"

Zhu Ziming lowered his head slightly and said: "Choice is a very luxurious thing. I am not Li Qingning or Yang Lu. I don't have a great grandfather who is the president of Lingshi Reserve Bank. Some things are not what I can choose! I want to win against the sky. Son-in-law, I have to gamble everything, and Elder Liu is willing to give me this gambling opportunity, which already makes me grateful!"

Zhu Ziming's words can be regarded as true and false.

The first half of the sentence came from his feelings, but the so-called gratitude was nonsense.

Zhu Ziming knew very well that Liu Hanxing just wanted to use him as a tool. But for a guy like Zhu Ziming who would do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if Liu Hanxing is a demon who eats people without spitting out bones, as long as he is given a chance to make a comeback, he will choose to make a deal with the demon without hesitation.

Liu Hanxing showed a noncommittal smile, and then suddenly changed the subject: "Then do you want to return to Haiya City?"

Hearing these words, Zhu Ziming's heart suddenly beat wildly: "I think, of course I hope to return to Haiya City!"

Seeing that Zhu Ziming's expression finally changed, Liu Hanxing also showed a smile: "Follow me well, and the day when you can return to Haiya City upright will not be too far away... But you also know that many Opportunities will not come around a second time. If you do something I don’t want to see, then don’t blame me for not saying ugly things first!”

Liu Hanxing's words were half threatening and half encouraging, which made Zhu Ziming look stern.

He quickly said seriously: "Helping Elder Liu means helping myself. I will never let you down!"

However, after Liu Hanxing turned around with a satisfied expression, Zhu Ziming turned his attention to Yang Lu and Li Qingning again, with a hint of coldness and severity flashing across his face:

Do you think that driving the Zhu Family Chamber of Commerce out of Haiya City counts as a victory? When the battle over Zhongzhou's social security system is settled, it will be the day when Zhu Ziming will make a comeback carrying the banner of the Wuliang Sword Sect!

Since Liu Hanxing dares to make a promise, this day is probably not far away!

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