If Fei Fan hadn't lied, the debt of gratitude held by Haiya Department could definitely be called a nuclear weapon.

It is estimated that many of the powerful leaders of the Wuliang Sword Sect do not know that their ancestors had signed such a reciprocal agreement with the Haiya Sect many generations ago. When the Haiya Department had these reciprocal agreement texts in front of them, they had to help even if they wanted to, and even if they didn't want to help!

Not to mention, these reciprocal agreements are a deterrent in themselves. Anyone who wants to touch the Porcelain Sea Cliff series must consider whether he can offend the big guys who have signed a reciprocal agreement.

If Yang Lu was here, he could understand why Su Yuanfeng lent the Qingning Chamber of Commerce a low-interest loan of 10 million yuan in spirit stone coins so easily, and he was not worried at all that she would not be able to repay the money. He even wished that Li Qingning would sign a reciprocal agreement with the Haiya Chamber of Commerce in the name of the Li Qingyang family and even the Golden Blade Sect!

The Zhu family in Haiya City is just a nouveau riche in cultivation that has emerged in the past few hundred years. They have never heard of high-end drawer agreements such as reciprocal agreements. However, to the senior officials of the Mountain Eagle Faction, who have been close neighbors of the Haiya Department for thousands of years, this is nothing. secret.

Zhu Ziming took a deep breath and asked very eagerly: "Then what?"

"Then it's gone." This time Elder Fei just spread his hands and said helplessly, "The rest are nothing more than random speculations. For example, according to rumors among the top officials of the Mountain Eagle Sect, this room stores all the trump cards of the Haiya Sect. Only the heads of the major families of the Haiya family should be eligible to enter the secret archives. Maybe Ye Chen, as a descendant of the Ye family, also has the qualifications. But where is it specifically and how to find its location, I'm afraid you can only ask Chen It’s Naru himself!”

Zhu Ziming also didn't expect that his unintentional move of interviewing Fei Fan in private would lead to him digging out such important information.

He couldn't help but said with some excitement: "Elder Fei, the information you provided is very important! I will truthfully feedback your situation to Senior Liu. By then, we may have opportunities for further cooperation!"

Fei Fan also breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I will fully cooperate with Commissioner Liu's work!"

At this moment, Zhu Ziming seemed to have thought of something on the spur of the moment, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Chen Ming has spent all his efforts to cultivate Ye Chen, a tool man, shouldn't it just be through emotional win-win? Does he have any other way to control Ye Chen?" means?"

Fei Fan was stunned for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty: "This... I'm not sure..."

Zhu Ziming didn't think Fei Fan had any motive to deceive him. After hearing Elder Fei's answer, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he nodded and hurriedly said goodbye to him and left.

However, after Zhu Ziming left, Fei Fan did not get up.

When Zhu Ziming's figure disappeared completely, Fei Fan murmured to himself: "If I had known that the head of Lin Jianxing valued Ye Chen so much, I shouldn't have told Consultant Yang of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce the secret of the Shared Wealth and Suffering Gu yesterday... That's all. First come, first served, who told you Zhu Ziming to be late!"

Elder Fei just sat in his seat, not touching the table full of food, just silently calculating the gains and losses of the recent period. After waiting alone for a period of time, another disciple of the Mountain Eagle Sect in the Qi Refining Stage came hurriedly He hurried over.

This person is none other than Elder Fei's direct disciple, Rong Sheng, the rising genius of the Mountain Eagle Sect who is destroying the world.

It was precisely because Rong Sheng and several fellow disciples secretly resold the core of the Mountain Eagle Sect's treasure "Big Five Elements Golden Light Formation" and used the stolen money to open the Black Shantang that the Tianshu City was almost destroyed by the beast disaster. Yu Yiyuan, Rong Sheng was still worried about this for a long time, fearing that what he secretly did would be discovered by the sect, resulting in his death without a burial place.

Fortunately, this matter was done quite covertly, and no one discovered the flaw until the end.

However, with the collapse of his biggest patron, Elder Fei, he, Elder Fei's eldest disciple, was forced to be exiled to Yunlai City along with him. There was definitely no hope of continuing to open the Black Shantang. In order to complain to the Wuliang Sword Sect, Elder Fei has been asking his direct disciple to find insiders of the Wuliang Sword Sect for public relations.

After seeing Fei Fan's figure, Rong Sheng quickly reported the good news: "Master, I have found someone who is willing to speak for us!"

Fei Fan was also very surprised by his disciple's ecstatic appearance. It had been several months since he came to Yunlaicheng to file a petition. In the past few months, he and several of his direct disciples had worshiped countless docks, but in the end there was no result.

I don’t know what kind of bad luck I got today. Not only did I achieve a breakthrough, but my incompetent disciple Rong Sheng also gained something.

He hurriedly called Rong Sheng over and asked, "What? Who did you ask for help this time?"

Rong Sheng said quite proudly: "Didn't you suddenly give me a sum of money yesterday and let me go to the Wuliang Sword Sect to run it? I held a banquet last night and invited a few disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect with whom I have business contacts, and then Pretending to be careless, I exposed the large pile of spirit stone coins. Then after the banquet was over, a disciple of the Wuliang Sword Sect took the initiative to come to me and said that he could help us!"

Fei Fan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who is looking for trouble?"

Rong Sheng then spit out a name: "This person is Yang Chenglong, an outer disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

"An outer disciple of the Enforcement Hall of the Infinite Sword Sect?" Fei Fan was stunned on the spot when he heard this rather big title, "Isn't this just a little monk in the Qi Refining Stage!"

Seeing the suspicion on his master's face, Rong Sheng smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't underestimate this fellow Taoist Yang. He actually has an unknown hidden identity, that is, he is the illegitimate son of Xi Jinhu, the editor-in-chief of "Xu Zhen Financial Weekly"!"

Xi Jinhu’s illegitimate son?

Rong Sheng's explanation was so outrageous that Fei Fan was so shocked that he didn't recover for a long time.

Rong Sheng seemed to know that this statement was too outrageous, and quickly explained: "This is true! In order to prove his identity, Fellow Daoist Yang showed me his natal magic weapon. On his natal magic weapon, there is indeed a The private magic mark of a golden elixir monk. This should be specially printed by Chief Editor Xi because he was worried that something might happen to his illegitimate son. If he is in danger, fellow Taoist Yang can take the initiative to show this spell mark to others to prove his identity!"

Fei Fan frowned and said, "Are you sure that's Xi Jinhu's magic mark?"

Rong Sheng said firmly: "I later verified that it was indeed Xi Jinhu's private spell mark. This kind of private spell mark has legal effect. Normal people will never give it to outsiders casually!"

If it was Xi Jinhu, it would really help him.

Thinking of this, Fei Fan continued to ask: "How much money is Yang Chenglong going to ask you for?"

Rong Sheng chuckled and said: "Originally, he planned to ask for a hundred thousand spirit stone coins, but after I bargained with him, in the end he only took us fifty thousand spirit stone coins!"

"The dignified editor-in-chief of Xiuzhen Financial Weekly only only needs such a small amount of public relations fees? Have you already given him this money?"

"I only gave him a deposit of five thousand spirit stone coins, and he hinted to me that the remaining money can be given after the matter is completed!"

"Then have you signed a contract with Heaven?"

"How can we sign a contract with heaven for this kind of transaction? It must be done secretly!"

Just when Fei Fan was a little doubtful, a newsboy suddenly ran past the door of the inn, shouting as he ran: "Excuse me, the latest issue of "Cultivation Financial Weekly"! Recently, some local sects have reported that there are low-level members of the Wuliang Sword Sect. A disciple pretended to be the illegitimate son of a high-ranking sect to defraud money. The Wuliang Sword Sect has stated that if the Cultivation Sect can produce evidence, it will pursue such behavior to the end. However, if no evidence can be produced, the Wuliang Sword Sect is not responsible for such fraud! "

The smile on Rong Sheng's face froze as soon as the fairy tale sound finished, and Fei Fan slowly turned his head to look at his direct disciple, gritted his teeth and uttered two words:


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