The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 295 Want to impose a crime

"Who is it? How dare you act evil in Yunlaicheng!"

Before Li Feiyu finished speaking, he saw a gloomy-looking Golden Core monk appearing next to him like a ghost.

"I am Tan Sijun, the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall!" After the visitor briefly introduced himself, he glanced coldly at Su Cheng, who was a guest, and then turned to Li Feiyu in an unwavering tone and said: "Elder Li, someone has reported There are serious problems with your personal style, now please come with us to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Hall!"

There are only about 300 golden elixir-level monks in the Wuliang Sword Sect. Although Li Feiyu is not familiar with Tan Sijun, who is also a golden elixir-level elder, he has indeed heard that there is such a golden elixir-level elder in the Law Enforcement Hall. Feeling the aura of the Wuliang Sword School technique emanating from the other party, Li Feiyu did not doubt the true identity of the other party.

But Tan Sijun's words really scared him.

"What does it mean that there is a problem with personal style?" Faced with Tan Sijun's illogical accusation, Li Feiyu immediately questioned, "Now is the critical moment for the change of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. Your law enforcement agency came to me with this unfounded charge for no reason. What are your intentions? What evidence do you have to prove your accusations?"

However, Tan Sijun ignored Li Feiyu's doubts at all, and said in a cold tone: "Elder Li Feiyu, our Law Enforcement Hall has obtained conclusive evidence. During the organization of the Zhongzhou Debate Conference, you secretly accepted huge bribes from many local sects, and paid bribes according to the law. I advise you to cooperate with us honestly and accept the investigation, otherwise if you really take action, it will not look good on both of you and me!"

Li Feiyu's heart suddenly "thumped" when he heard Tan Sijun announced that he wanted to be punished.

What does it mean to secretly accept huge bribes from local sects?

Among the entire Wuliang Sword Sect’s Golden Core Stage cultivators, which one has cultivated to the Golden Core Stage with his own salary?

Even if a top-grade spiritual root cultivator wants to cultivate to the golden elixir stage, he will have to burn nearly one million spiritual stone coins for heavenly materials and earthly treasures. However, for high-grade spiritual root cultivators and middle-grade spiritual root cultivators who want to cultivate to the golden elixir stage, At this stage, even if you spend millions of spirit stone coins, you may not be able to stop it. An ordinary monk in the foundation building stage without family background will find it difficult to save a million spirit stones even if he works in the Wuliang Sword Sect for a hundred years without eating or drinking!

Li Feiyu is very sure that there is no golden elixir-level monk in the entire Wuliang Sword Sect who has no gray income!

He, Li Feiyu, is pretty good. After all, he once relied on his professional ability to make a huge sum of millions of Lingshi coins by speculating on Lingshi vein stocks during the third Lingshi financial crisis. However, he is so rich and can The monks from the enemy country want to attack the Nascent Soul realm, but they are still financially strapped.

Despite this, the amount of black money he made was definitely among the few among the Golden Core Stage monks of the Infinite Sword Sect.

If an incorruptible cultivator like him were to be arrested and questioned, everyone from Zhongzhou Wuliangjian Sect leader Lin Jianxing to ordinary foundation-building deacons would all be imprisoned in Qishan Prison to eat!

Even if the Tan Sijun in front of him can cultivate to the golden elixir stage, he will only earn more gray income than himself, and will never be less than himself. Qiu Longbo and Lin Jianxing sent such a guy to catch him, and even arranged such a person for himself The ridiculous accusation, their intention to use the topic to their advantage, they didn't even bother to cover up!

In addition, Li Feiyu still clearly remembered that he was not the one who took the initiative to apply to organize the Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference.

Because this job is all about offending people!

Especially when it comes to red envelopes sent by local sects, you can't accept them even if you want to. If you don't accept them, you'll offend the other party to death. If you accept them and things don't get done, you'll offend the other party even more thoroughly.

If it weren't for the strong pressure from several Nascent Soul Stage monks represented by Lin Jianxing at that time, he would never have been able to take the initiative to serve as the host of this thankless Zhongzhou Sword Discussion Conference. Now it seems that Lin Jianxing probably didn't just want him to be regarded as the villain, but the other party may have already planned to use this as an excuse to kill him!

After thinking about this, Li Feiyu's face became increasingly grim: "Do you know who asked me to rearrange the lottery through their connections? Elder Cheng Shuying, Elder Wen Hanqing, Elder Ren Tianyuan, which one of these people didn't say hello to me in advance? When your Law Enforcement Hall arrests me openly, aren't you afraid of offending all the Supreme Elders?"

Tan Sijun said with a faint smile: "So, Elder Li admitted that he manipulated the game?"

Li Feiyu said angrily: "Whether I rigged the game, you should ask the Supreme Elders and see what they say!"

Tan Sijun's face instantly darkened: "Well, you Li Feiyu, you actually want to drag the Supreme Elders down! Let me tell you, I came to arrest you today for fixing the game. As for what you said, Our Law Enforcement Hall will naturally conduct verification in the future, so may I ask, do you admit your guilt now?"

Verify afterwards?

Li Feiyu is not a three-year-old child, and this kind of talk about doing Tai Chi cannot fool him at all.

It was obvious that Tan Sijun was here for him. If he confessed on the spot, the other party would definitely make this matter a solid case, and it would be impossible to verify these things for him afterwards.

So Li Feiyu immediately angrily said: "I am an elder of the Golden Core Stage of the Infinite Sword Sect and a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. How dare you force me to plead guilty without any evidence? Is there any king's law in Zhongzhou?"

Tan Sijun said with disdain on his face: "In Zhongzhou, the order of head Lin Jianxing is the king's law!"

Li Feiyu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Did Elder Mo Yunlan and Elder Cheng Shuying know about this matter?"

Tan Sijun seemed to have heard a big joke and laughed loudly: "Elder Li, when our Law Enforcement Hall arrests corruption suspects, when do we need to ask the Duzhi Hall and the Gongde Hall for instructions?"

Li Feiyu said: "I can go with you, but I need to report to Elder Mo Yunlan first."

However, Tan Sijun rejected his request again: "Sorry, you are not allowed to contact anyone while the Law Enforcement Hall is handling the case."

"You are simply being disrespectful and acting against the rules!"

"Elder Li's words are wrong. We are doing this precisely to enforce the law impartially."

"How on earth can you let me go?"

"Now that things have come to this, I suggest that Elder Li be lenient if he confesses and admit his crime of corruption and bribery as soon as possible!"

"I, Li Feiyu, am not guilty!"

"Whether or not you are guilty or not, our Law Enforcement Hall has the final say. Head Lin has the final say, but Elder Li does not have your say."

Seeing that his protest had no effect, Li Feiyu was completely desperate. The other party was just rushing to make him confess!

As long as he pleads guilty, not to mention the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, even his original position will probably be thrown away. I have worked conscientiously for the Lingshi Reserve Bank for so many years, but just because I blocked the path of Lin Jianxing's disciples, the other party wanted to throw dirty water on me, ruining my reputation for the rest of my life.

Thinking of this, Li Feiyu's voice trembled slightly: "So if I refuse to plead guilty, your law enforcement agency will use force on me?"

Tan Sijun crossed his arms in front of his chest and said in a cold voice: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. What do you think, Elder Li?"

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