The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 747 Materialism Attack!

Although the killing move of the ancient heaven came from thousands of miles away, its majestic momentum suppressed it early.

Looking at the silver-white fairy power attached to this super killing move, even the most inexperienced cultivator can realize its horror.

For a time, the entire Wuliang Mountains were in chaos.

Some cultivators with quick reactions took off almost immediately and fled in all directions quickly; some cultivators launched the earth escape technique, trying to get into the ground to seek shelter; and some cultivators were looking for themselves I hope the nearest remaining restrictions around me can protect myself.

However, no one of the Yuanying bosses present moved.

As the beings with the strongest spiritual consciousness present, they had a very real sense of the power of the ancient heaven’s killing move. They had realized that an area hundreds of miles away was locked by this huge killing move, even though the ancient heaven was only a few feet away from Kyushu. There are hundreds of thousands of kilometers, but it only takes a few seconds for this killing move to cross this distance!

In other words, even with the super high escape speed of the Nascent Soul cultivator, no one can escape at all!

As for seeking asylum, that makes even less sense.

The Nascent Soul cultivator itself represents the strongest combat power in the Jiuzhou cultivation world. It is very rare to be able to compete with the prohibition of the Nascent Soul cultivator, even if you look at the entire Zhongzhou.

Even though Jiang Hua'an controlled the "National Refining Formation" built from thousands of years of wealth accumulation in Haiya City, he was unable to compete with Lin Jianxing for too long. In the end, Tian Daxiao needed to intervene in person.

Although the Wuliang Sword Sect has a deeper foundation than the Haiya Sect, after the destruction of the Spirit Tribe ancestor Wang Sandao and the Wuliang Sword Sect's worldly master Shu Yingwaihe, there are very few Nascent Soul level restrictions that can be used immediately, so the current Wuliang Sword Sect has a deeper foundation than the Haiya Sect. There is probably no place safer than the Wuliang Golden Summit in the Sword Sect headquarters. After all, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou are gathered here!

Although the killing move launched by the ancient heaven was ridiculously strong, even more terrifying than what Mo Yunlan and others had seen when Lu Yang and Ma Tianyi made their move, it still locked onto a radius of hundreds of kilometers. They It is not completely impossible for these Nascent Soul cultivators to protect the small area around them.

If they can't resist it together, then I'm afraid no restriction can resist it!

Just as the Nascent Soul cultivators raised their hands to cast their strongest protective spells, the super killer move from the ancient heaven finally hit the atmosphere of the Kyushu world head-on.

However, the expected explosion did not happen.

Although the power carried by this ancient heavenly killing move was unprecedentedly huge, even Nascent Soul was as small as an ant in front of it. However, after it came into contact with the atmosphere of Kyushu, it did not explode, but set off a huge invisible ripple, as if Someone threw a stone from the universe into the pond of Kyushu.

The reason why it is said to be invisible ripples is mainly because this ripple cannot be caught by mortal eyes, but occurs at the level of the boundless sea of ​​​​void, and only cultivators with high concentration can detect it.

Sensing this bizarre scene, Lin Jianxing, Mo Yunlan and other older monks seemed inexplicably familiar.

Five hundred years ago, when Ma Tianyi, the former leader of the Infinite Sword Sect, visited the Immortal Realm in the ancient heaven and returned to Kyushu, there was once such a huge invisible ripple that swept across the entire Infinite Sea.

When Ma Tianyi was asked about this by people around him, he simply replied with a few words:

"This is how the rules of heaven have been changed."

It was from then on that a few high-level cultivators realized that the Heavenly Way of the Nine Provinces could actually be changed. It was precisely because of this that several Nascent Soul bosses heard from Yang Lu that the Ascension Immortal left the ability to modify the Heavenly Way to Later generations did not have too much doubt. After all, this statement was completely consistent with Ma Tianyi's hint at the time, and it would be difficult for outsiders to make it up out of thin air.

Because except for a few senior officials of the Wuliang Sword Sect and several close disciples of President Lu Yang, I am afraid that more than 99.999% of cultivators will firmly believe that the Heavenly Way of Kyushu should be an eternal existence!

Are you telling me that the Heavenly Way of Kyushu can be modified?

What a joke!

Although several cultivators who learned the truth were also curious about what had been modified in the rules of Kyushu Tiandao five hundred years ago, the Ascension Immortals were unwilling to say more, and their own investigations did not yield any substantive results. .

This is normal.

After all, the Heavenly Way of Kyushu is so vast that it can almost be said to affect every aspect of cultivation society. If only some minor rules are changed, it will be difficult to detect.

So this time the same ripples of the Infinite Void Sea appear, are there new rules that have been modified?

Before the big bosses had time to think deeply about this issue, new changes occurred.

As the white spiritual light of the ancient heaven continued to be injected, the scale of this invisible ripple became larger and larger, and soon it rippled from the distant sky to a position close to the surface.

Although this killing move does not seem to be used for attack, most cultivators still dare not neglect it.

After all, this is a killing move from the ancient heaven!

But even though the ripples had spread thousands of meters above everyone's heads, none of the monks saw its effect until the ripples came into contact with the barrier that blocked the headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect!

Then something shocking happened.

This huge magic barrier used to seal off the entire Wuliang Sword Sect was directly wiped out by the huge ripples.

This is not to say that the spell barrier has been broken. If I have to use words to describe it, the effect of this huge ripple is like some kind of eraser, directly "delete" the spell barrier it touches. .

"What the hell is this killer move?"

Except for Yang Lu, who was spoiled in advance, everyone present had ghost expressions on their faces.

However, the huge invisible ripples in the sky did not give them time to react. Instead, they swept across the entire Wuliang Mountains with the momentum of wind and lingering clouds, allowing everyone to experience the supreme power of the ancient heaven.

The first ones to be hit by the ripples were those cultivators who were flying in the air.

These cultivators were originally fleeing outwards with all their strength using colorful escaping light. However, after being swept by invisible ripples, their escaping light was deleted by the ancient heaven on the spot just like the previous magic barrier.

Some cultivators who are flying upward are okay. Although they have lost their escape light, their original inertia is still there, so their bodies are like cannonballs being blasted straight out into space; while some are flying in the direction of The cultivator below was so unlucky that he hit the ground without even a chance to change direction.

Although these unlucky guys had desperately cast spells to change directions and use shields, they suddenly discovered that they had lost all their magic power like mortals, and could only watch as they crashed to the ground!

This is probably the most embarrassing way to die in history!

However, before the cultivators watching on the ground could understand why a good cultivator would be killed alive by his own escape light, the huge invisible ripples had been completely suppressed. The headquarters of the Infinite Sword Sect, which was originally flashing with various auras, It was like a city experiencing a sudden power outage, "extinguishing" one by one along the direction of the ripples.

If I have to describe it, this ripple is like a "materialistic eraser".

Almost all the extraordinary powers related to cultivation were instantly wiped out by this ripple. It seemed to have completely transformed Kyushu into a materialistic world similar to Earth!

(My baby was born on September 12th, and then there were all kinds of things. I really didn’t have any free time to write anything)

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