The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: []https://The fastest update! No ads!

"Hold the grass!"

"What the hell? Didn't this guy die?"

"Made, the boss is not dead yet, celebrate with a hammer!"

"Hey, put more chili peppers... Ah bah, it's the activation of the apostles!"

"Master, it's too late! The stored energy is not enough!"

"I'm laughing to death, the blame is not dead yet, you are the one who opened the food party fast! It's good now, it's all over!"

Just when the players were in chaos, some were soaking in the bathtub to eat skewers, and at the last moment, they started to rush to eat skewers with peppers, and more players panicked!

"Damn it, I was careless! Damn his brother!" You Tianxue also vomited blood.

Patronize yourself to dress b!

As a result, the Nima boss was split in half and did not die!


Now that the apostle machine has exhausted its reserve boosting power, without the boosting power, its combat power is only a-, he is fighting with a hammer!

Change source app]

"Roar!" The Demon Prison Beast roared angrily, bursting out with powerful

The boundless power will kill everyone in one go!

But at this moment, a voice sounded!


The next moment, a hundred miles of huge handprints containing the power of the endless thunder law descended from the sky, and with one blow, it flattened the devil prison beast!

Just like slapping a mosquito with the palm of your hand, with one blow, this powerful, boundless, and tenacious and terrifying devil prison beast was smashed to the molecular level with one blow! There is not even a scum left of the bombardment!

"Hold the grass!" Everyone was dumbfounded!

who is this

Such a terrifying monster, Nima killed it with one blow?

In the void, a figure stepped out and appeared in front of everyone.

Of course it was Jiang Ze!

"Hold the grass, it's Brother Ze!" A sharp-eyed player was the first to spot Jiang Ze and screamed!

"Brother Ze is awesome!"

"Brother Ze is awesome!"

"Brother Ze is awesome!"

Immediately, all the players shouted in unison, each excited!

It's still me, Brother Ze, who is awesome!

This Thunder and Lightning Mahamudra move is really too domineering! etc! Brother Ze became stronger again?

"Hold the grass, Brother Ze broke through again?"

"Oh my god, isn't this going to blow up the sky?"

"Damn it, Brother Ze made a move, can we still get the meat?"

"Grab a hammer, our strength is exhausted!"

"You can lie down, take a bath, eat skewers, have a sip of cigarettes, and drink a sip of wine, doesn't he smell good?"

"Damn it, Zegot is going to be amazing, I'm still a b+ little scum! The dog planner is too inappropriate, why can't we break the a-?"

"Made, you want to fart again, just like you are happy, and you still want to compete with Zege?"

"Are you ashamed to talk about someone else? Just now everyone was about to burp, but you are still squatting there, can you show some face?"

"Everyone, I found a fatal flaw in an apostle machine, transformed into such a big gourmet world, Nima has no bathroom, this is definitely a fatal flaw!"

"We don't need to go to the bathroom, we need a **** bathroom!


The players were chattering and chattering, and finally turned into the same shouting of Ze Ge Niu B.

"..." A group of strong men from the Alliance Army watched this scene in astonishment.

Mad, are the disciples of these player civilizations mentally handicapped?

With your IQ, how did you survive until now? How did you cultivate to such an extent?

Just like you happy, if you don't die hundreds of times, they won't believe it!

"Huh?" Jiang Ze hurried over after breaking through, so he found at a glance that the strength of the players was weak.

It's as if the power has been taken away, and almost all of them have become waste.

"Where did your strength go?" Jiang Ze asked immediately.

"Brother Ze, we have lent all our strength to God Di!"

"Yeah, what did God Di say he was going to do, uh, I didn't remember..."

"Anyway, we lent all our strength to Luffy, and now we have no more power, Brother Ze, save me!"

"Yeah, Brother Ze, we can still fight, hang it up for us!"

"Brother Ze, ask for buff, ask for strength!

! Ask for everything! "

When the players heard Jiang Ze's question, they all became excited and raised their arms, just like a group of chicks waiting to be fed.

"???" A group of strong men were stunned when they heard the words of the player's civilized disciple.

What is this talking about?

You have lent all your strength to Didiwei, and you still expect Lord Jiang Ze to give you strength?

Are you kidding me? is it possible?

If the energy is exhausted, maybe you can take medicine and nourish it to get back some!

The power of those realms is exhausted, how to nourish it?

What do you think the power of realm is? Can you rely on Jiang Ze to make up for you when you run out?

"Well, the lord understands!" Jiang Ze nodded. Although he didn't know what Didiwei was going to do before, since Didiwei spoke, there must be his reasons!

Jiang Ze chose to trust!

So the next moment...

"The war has just begun!"

"My disciples, how can we stop here?"

"My lord, now, I will continue... to continue my strength for you!

! "

Jiang Ze almost said the word renewal, but fortunately he changed his words quickly.

The next moment, Jiang Ze raised his hand and unleashed the most powerful formation in the air!

"Shenzhen - Longevity!"

Jiang Ze opened his mouth lightly, and pressed the void!

With Jiang Ze running the terrifying power of the a+ state, the longevity that is stronger and more amazingly effective than it was on the first floor of the Holy Spirit Tower burst out!

"Boom!" Immediately, a million-meter intertwined array of light rose into the sky, and countless crystal clear rays of light crashed down, dripping into the bodies of every elemental player!

"Boom!" During the breath, the exhausted strength and artistic conception power of all elemental players burst out like a rushing spring!

"My strength is restored!"

"Hold the grass, have all my exhausted strength been full?"

"Mom, I feel like my whole body is exploding in strength!"

"I have a feeling... the prehistoric power in my body is simply uncontrollable!"

"At this time, you have to roar to the sky!"

"Brothers, wake up!"

All the elemental players couldn't help raising their right arms together, and countless almost explosive forces resonated at the same time!


! "

a- Early stage, broken! a- mid-term, broken!

a-Late stage, break again!

"Boom boom boom!

! "All elemental players, regardless of the number of closed betas, at this moment, all cultivated together for a big explosion!

Continuously breaking through the realm, transforming themselves, all stepped into the a-peak!


! "Everyone was dumbfounded!

This riding horse... what the hell?

The recovery of cultivation power is already against the sky!

But now, even the power of artistic conception has been restored, and even...


What kind of formation is this?

In this era, how could it be possible to have such a heaven-defying formation?

But seeing all the players with civilization elements, their strength ranks collectively exploded three times in a row, and many strong players felt that their three views of the universe were shattered!


When the status is full, it is already terrifying to the sky! Can you still break through all the cultivation bases in a row now?

The tens of thousands of years of accumulation and painstaking practice of ordinary human monks, can you break through a big formation in seconds?

Did this scene really happen? Or is it your own hallucination?

"Hold the grass, these **** who are all on the horse have been kicked out by Brother Ze!"

"Hey, what about us fel players?"

"Yeah, what about us aliens?"

"Brother Ze, it's not fair, we have to strengthen it!"

"This big formation seems useless to us evil players, come on, brother Ze, give us a magic formation or something!"

"I don't accept it, I don't accept it, why don't we give us evil players! It's not fair!"

Seeing this scene, the fel players and foreign players were so envious and jealous that they almost exploded!

Why do elemental players get epic enhancements?

Are we not strengthened?


The elemental player changed suddenly, broke through the third level in a row, and rose from the early stage of a- to the peak of a- in one go!

What about us?

So the fel players and alien players exploded!

Fel players were the first to scold!

"Made, I've worked so hard, but I'm still a weak little chicken!"

"That's right, doesn't Leopard Project treat us as human beings? Aren't wage earners human beings?"

"Damn his brother's leopard plan!"

Hearing some players' temporary words, some civilized Tianjiao almost got angry.


What did the warriors of player civilization say?

He's still a weak chicken in the early stage of a-?

a- In the early days, he was a weak chicken?

Nima, do you have any misunderstandings about the little weak chicken?

The other Six Test Fel players also exploded.

"It's been so long since I started the server, I'm only at the peak of b+, I've worked so hard in the shadow dimension for so long, and those happy people paddle and eat skewers every day, so I've broken through to the peak of a-?"

"That's right, Nima, we worked so hard, but in the end, our cultivation base was overtaken by a group of lying down and hanging up?"

"Is the game balanced with feet?"

Immediately afterwards, the foreign players also became excited.

"We have worked so hard and finally reincarnated as demons. We are only in the late stage of Nima b+, and we are the weakest in the audience!"

"We alien players were weak when we started the server. After a while, it was nothing more than a little bit of strengthening of the contract with the ancient devil. Nima is now the weakest in the game?"

"Hey, this is contempt for our foreign players, quickly strengthen us, if you don't strengthen it, I won't be able to get out of the bathtub!"

All the evil energy and foreign players boiled together, all screaming.

Because there were too many people yelling, they were talking in a hurry, and with a lot of vocabulary, they listened to a group of civilized geniuses who were dumbfounded.

But they could barely hear it.

The player civilization disciples are all scolding a guy called a dog planner, and most importantly, everyone wants to **** his brother?


Who is Leopard Planning?

Who is the dog planning his brother?

Why do all the disciples of player civilization want to kill him?

"Well, the evil energy and the foreign players have also exhausted their strength? Well, let's make up together!" Jiang Ze turned his eyes, thought for a while, and then raised his hand!

"Boom boom boom!

! "The next moment, the huge evil power that covered the sky and the sun, the ancient and vast, vicissitudes and amazing power of evil energy directly condensed!

It was Jiang Ze who used the analyzed evil energy to create the formation!

After analyzing the fel energy, the ultimate power is the power of shadow!

It can burn and devour everything and turn it into its own power! Even the enemy's attacks, such as highly poisonous, such as sound waves, can be suppressed. For example, formations, and even all powers, can be continuously eroded and refined!

As long as there is enough time, there is nothing that cannot be refined by evil energy!

And where does the shadow source come from...

Everyone knows the player civilization! Naturally, I also know how against the sky this kind of power is!

"Go!" Jiang Ze was a little empty!

Countless green lights fell from the sky like raindrops!



"A lot of evil energy!"

"I'm resurrected!"

"I feel the nourishment of power!"

"Ahhh, brother Ze, come more, let the devilish storm come more violently!"

All the evil energy and foreign players were ecstatic immediately, and all raised their hands, frantically absorbing the power of evil energy bestowed by Jiang Ze!

"Boom boom boom!" Even if the power given by Jiang Ze was shared by many evil energies and foreign players, it was still so pure and powerful that it exploded!

"I broke through!"

"I also broke through!"

"Ah, it's comfortable!"

In a breath, many evil energy and foreign players broke through together!

Some fel players had the least improvement because their strength was already very strong. On average, they only broke through four times in a row, stepping into the average mid-term level!

However, players with six-test evil energy and foreign players, because their strength is too weak, so after being nourished by Jiang Ze's evil energy, the improvement rate is the largest!

Almost a dozen consecutive breakthroughs in one breath, all of which have stepped into the average B+ peak level!

In this way, not only everyone's cultivation base has been greatly improved, but also the strength of the cute and loud players has been shortened a lot in an instant!

"???" At this time, many strong civilizations rubbed their eyes and took another look.

He rubbed his eyes again, and took another look.

"wtf?" and almost passed out.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have felt it myself...

Even if they were beaten to death, they didn't believe that Jiang Ze could make all the fighters break their strength more than a dozen times in a row, and all of them approached the combat power of a-!

This is beyond everyone's comprehension!

Don't talk about the elders in your own civilization, even the patriarch, or even the ancestors with super-a strength...

Change to a more powerful ancestor, can they do it?

Can Jiang Ze go against the sky?

And at this time, everyone discovered a more terrifying truth!

"Player civilization is more terrifying than they imagined..." After some people discovered this fact, they dared not ask.

Don't even dare to think deeply.

The secret involved is definitely so big that it defies the sky!

Once it spreads out, I'm afraid...

No race can stand it!


"Jiang Ze didn't care about showing this heaven-defying power... Isn't he afraid? Where did he get the confidence?" Some people raised their heads and looked at Jiang Ze.

At first glance Jiang Ze's cultivation seems to be in the early stage of A+ realm!

But take a closer look...

Someone's complexion suddenly changed!

Jiang Ze......

Is he really an a+ environment?

Can a+jing possess such a terrifying bottomless power?

At this time, all the players are fully recovered, not to mention their strength has increased dramatically, and everyone is excited!

"Guardians, Haotian Realm, there are still many enemies, go!"

"Eliminate all enemies!"

Jiang Ze opened his mouth lightly and waved his hand!

All players are boiling instantly!

ps: I beg for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets!

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