The two of us sat and drank, the moon was high in the sky, the courtyard was deep, and the light around us was hazy and ambiguous, while a peerless beauty sat in front of me … Delicious wine and delicious food, beautiful like this, this scene really makes one relaxed and happy, I put my nervousness to the back of my mind for the time being.

Unknowingly, he started to chat with Yuanyuan. His tone was extremely gentle, yet it was also full of humor. I had a great time drinking and drinking …

However, there were also those who carefully helped him add more dishes and urged him to drink. Since they wanted to get him drunk, I could just leave and head back …

Yuanyuan didn't seem to have a lot of alcohol, and he seemed to be really happy tonight. Thus, he didn't reject any of the alcohol that I advised him to drink. By the time I was thirty percent drunk, his eyes had blurred. Finally, with a "da" sound, the wine cup in his hand fell and he was already sprawled on the table.

"Celestial sovereign? Celestial sovereign? Master Yuanyuan! "

I called out to him in a soft voice. He didn't react at all, and the little immortal-boy had already left. Even the dog, Wonton, was nowhere to be seen.

I looked around... It was already late, time to return to the Palace. Otherwise, would Xuan Yue be worried?

Thus, he quietly left the seat. Just as he was about to cast a spell to escape, his plain Flowing Cloud Brooch was caught by someone. Moreover, it was accompanied by a low groan, "Clear Autumn, don't go …"

The voice was lonely and filled with infinite bitterness. When I heard it, I was stunned for a moment … Hm? Are you awake?

Lowering his head to look carefully, he discovered that it was only a mumble from him … He was still sprawled on the stone table, his head resting on one arm, his eyes closed and his eyelashes trembling slightly.

"Yuanyuan? Lord Yuanyuan? "Please let go of my sleeve, I should go back now …"

I tried to pull out my own sleeve, but he held it so tightly I couldn't do it. Thus, she could only go over and whisper into his ear, "Yuanyuan, let go!"

Finally, Yuanyuan heard my voice and slightly opened his eyes. He looked at me with a pair of dazed and intoxicated eyes. He paused for two seconds before his gaze suddenly froze. He abruptly pulled me into his arms. "Clear Autumn, it's you!"

"Ugh …" [What the hell is going on?]

"Hello, Lord Yuanyuan!"

I tried my best to struggle, but I seem to have recognized the wrong person! He held me tight and talked to me, and the strong smell of the strange man and the smell of alcohol assaulted my nostrils, and my hair stood on end. "You recognize the wrong person, don't you? "Hey!"

"No, I know it's you! "Qing Qiu, don't go. Stay with me …"

Oh, I understand now. So Yuanyuan already has someone he loves. That is the White Fox Clear Autumn Messenger of the Tatsuo Palace!

Did he take me for that Celestial Fox?

Black lines covered my head as I struggled with all my might, but I still could not break free from the embrace of the deep abyss. Moreover, in the weak flickering candlelight, I saw that his beautiful eyes were half open and half shut, and between his brows, there was actually an unconcealable sadness …

What kind of expression was that? Heartbreak, pain, sorrow, madness... Complex emotions, irrepressible emotions, overwhelming depression... All these emotions rushed into his face, causing such great damage that I was stunned!

Alright, I admit that I am a typical infatuated person, so when I face the deep abyss in front of me up close, I feel a kind of illusion; however, what really makes my heart palpitate and fluster is not only his peerless beauty … I saw too much information on his face in an instant. I was infected, struck, and even had the feeling of wanting to cry …

Do you think I'm too infatuated with her, or is her lethality too great? Yuanyuan, I've really lost to you!

Yuan Yuan lay on the table and murmured, so sad, so sad …

Even though I have always been protective towards beauties and have never easily let go of the tofu that I should eat, Yuanyuan is not only a beauty, but also a god of war. A legendary and powerful existence like him isn't someone a little demoness like me can take advantage of easily …

Knowing my own limitations, I chanted the "Soul Appearance" incantation, transformed into the fox form, and slipped away from his embrace.

In the guest room, the Cupid Ambassador is still unconscious. I don't care about her at the moment, so I quickly crept to the outer hall, intending to slip away in the dark. Just as he walked to the door, a low voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Are you leaving now?"

The voice came out of the blue and I was startled. I turned around and saw a stranger standing in the darkness of the hall.

It was a young man dressed in black, a tall man with a cold aura and a face that could not be seen from a distance.

"Who are you? Are you talking to me? "

"Otherwise? Other than you, who else would there be in this hall? "

The man's tone was cold as he stepped out of the shadows. His facial features were as straight as I had expected, but there was an obvious swelling on his forehead. It looked as though he had just been injured …

"Ah, could it be that you are... Wonton?! " I was surprised.

The man coldly snorted, "At least you have some experience!"

I immediately became excited. "You really are a wonton with a dog!" So you can materialize! I thought you were always like a dog … "

The man's forehead twitched, as if he was furious: "A mere little fox demon like you can summon a human form, and as a god or immortal of Heaven Realm, how can I not see the illusion?! Are you stupid?! "

Oh, that's true too …

However, as a Heaven Realm deity, to actually bite off Xian E's toes, isn't that a little too rude?

"Wait! What did you just call me? The fox demon? "

Sweat trickled down my forehead... That is to say, my real body has already been seen through by him?

"Humph, fox demon that hasn't even reached a thousand years old, your real body is in this Heaven Realm, who wouldn't be able to see through it?" The man's tone was taunting, and cold sweat started to roll down my back … If he could see through my real body, then wouldn't Yuanyuan be even more …

"Don't worry!" My master, he... "I was drunk today, so I couldn't see through your real body …"

Oh, I see! Then I'm relieved!

However, being seen through by Wonton was also a troublesome matter! If he were to report this to his master, wouldn't my identity be exposed? Oh right, I was lying to Yuanyuan just now, this …

Also, at the beginning, Yuanyuan didn't drink any alcohol, right? To be able to see through one's true body, it should have been possible from the very start. It has nothing to do with whether one drinks or not, right?

I looked at the wonton doubtfully. There was a complicated look in the wonton's eyes. He seemed to understand my worry and suddenly sighed, "The reason Master has not been able to see through your real body is because he has worked too hard recently … He had not slept for over three thousand years, so his eyesight had decreased … "Furthermore, I just drank wine again …"

"Three thousand years without sleep?!"

"Yes." Wonton nodded, as if embarrassed. "So, so …" Please stay with Master and accompany him! "

"Ah?" You... What do you mean? You want me to sleep with him?! "

"No!" I just want you to stay by his side for the time being and wait for him to wake up! "

"But …" If I stay with him, will he be able to sleep? " I'm still confused.

Wonton nodded. "I guess so! Didn't you see that just now? Master got drunk with you and fell asleep! "This sort of thing has never happened before …"

"This …"

I'm in a bit of a dilemma... This news is too shocking, and I still have to return to the Palace!

Wonton saw me decline and was a little angry: "Hey, why are you looking so unwilling? Staying by Master's side was such a good thing that many female deities in Heaven Realm could not even beg for it! Don't you know to be grateful that you got a bargain?! "

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