Although I understand that the term "Infernal King" is a common term used by many people for those who are extremely evil, I personally am extremely sensitive to the term "Infernal King". Because my master, Xuan Yue, was beaten to death by the Demon King of the Demon World, I was very concerned that the "Demon King" mentioned by Qing Ling was actually the same "Demon King" as well.

When I asked this question, Qing Ling looked at me strangely. "There is only one Infernal King in the world. Of course he was referring to the Demon Lord of the Demon World. You said the Infernal King is in the Infernal Realm? How is this possible!? For the past three hundred years, he has been guarding the maze, so he should never have left it! "

"The Infernal King here is the same person as the Infernal Realm's Infernal King?!" I was shocked. Didn't that Infernal King just become a Nirvana Stage expert not long ago? Logically speaking, he should have returned to the demon realm after successfully reaching the Nirvana realm. How could he have stayed in a place like the White World?

I think Qing Ling must have remembered incorrectly. It has been three hundred years, is there something wrong with his memory? Well, it's possible.

I decided to put this question aside for the time being and continued to follow Qingling.

On the way, we didn't meet anyone, and no one stopped us. It seemed that the only people Qing Ling mentioned that passed the virgin test were the two of us.

Qing Ling kept walking forward without stopping.

After an hour, I finally mustered up the courage to ask, "Qing Ling, don't you think we've been walking in circles?"

Qing Ling paused. "How is that possible? I'm following the path that I probed before! "

I pointed at a steeple like building. "But we've already circled under this tower seven times!"

Qing Ling raised her head and frowned, "That seems to be the case …" "Am I lost?"

I almost fainted when I heard that. "Qing Ling, are you sure you can point the way or not?"

Qing Ling rubbed her nose. "I think I'm confused …"

After some discussion, we decided that I would lead the way, because I was a fox after all, and my sense of smell was much more sensitive than his.

In this white world, the reference objects are illusory. We can only use our instincts to find our way back, and at this moment, my fox instinct has the advantage.

Finally, after much effort, we reached the bottom of the tower. Although it was only a short distance from a distance, this was the greatest progress since we entered the maze today.

Because, we've discovered that the route in this maze has actually changed! That is to say, the silver-white shrubs are alive, and they always move behind us when we are not looking, forming new barriers and new roads, which cause us to keep circling. At first we did not notice it, but then, with my fox instinct as a guide, we saw through the trick and were able to circle under the tower.

"Let's rest here for a while and head towards the palace where the Infernal King is located in the distance." Qing Ling said.

He was a man of few words, I noticed. However, this made him seem even cooler.

Qing Ling used her illusion technique to create a fire. We temporarily sat around the tall tower to rest. I admired the beauty as I watched the fire, while sighing. But at this moment, I suddenly heard a strange sound. Eh, it seems like someone was crying?

"Qing Ling, did you hear that?" I pointed to the tower.

Qing Ling shook her head. "What?"

I pricked up my ears to listen. The voice was coming from above me, and it was getting more and more desolate. When I heard it, I could not help but jump up and ask Qing Ling, "Did you not hear the crying in the tower? Someone must be trapped in the tower! "

I circled the tower in search of an entrance. The Heavens didn't disappoint those who were willing. They actually let me find one. He opened the door and was about to rush in to check on the situation when he was pulled back by Qing Ling, "Don't go!"

"Why? There's someone inside the tower! "

Qing Ling: "Maybe it's just a trap. I've been trapped here for hundreds of years, and have been to this tower countless times. I've never heard a cry before, so why would there suddenly be one today? It must be that Demon King's trick again. Don't be reckless, be careful not to get hurt! "

It turned out that Qing Ling had already heard the cry, but why did she pretend not to hear it?

I saw that his eyes were twinkling, as if he was trying to hide something, so I struggled out of his grasp. "It doesn't matter if it's real or fake, we'll know when we get up there!"

Qing Ling was unable to stop me, so I rushed into the pagoda alone.

At the top of the tower, I saw a beautiful young man.

He had beautiful features, snow-white skin, rosy lips, and silver pupils. His light clothes fluttered, his silver hair was like snow, and his entire body was shining with a clear luster akin to that of ice shards. It was as if a top-grade diamond, under the illumination of the spotlights, was sparkling with a dazzling brilliance.

What a beautiful young man! But why did it seem as if his whole body was shining?

I looked up and saw that it was the sunlight.

The top of the tower was actually transparent. Thus, when he raised his head, he could see the bright sunlight shining straight down, creating countless shadows in the room. He could also see the snowflakes drifting about and landing on the transparent roof, quickly melting into drops of water. The sunlight fell on the boy's body, pushing him into the spotlight. His skin was white, his hair was white, his clothes were white, and even his pupils were silvery white.

This should be a youth belonging to an alien race, right? Probably not human. It was impossible for a human to have such beautiful silver eyes and silver hair.

When I saw his hair, I got a little excited. His hair is the same as mine! Could he be from the White Fox tribe?

I leaned forward in excitement, and the boy, noticing me, seemed a little frightened and instinctively shrank back. His long hair fell like quicksilver, almost covering half the bed, and there was a soft tinkling sound in the room, and then I realized that he had been locked in the bed all this time!

The room was spacious and devoid of any furnishings. There was a square stone bed beside the window, and black iron chains coiled around the bed. One end of the chains connected to the bed, while the other end was actually handcuffed to the boy's hands, feet, and even neck!

Those "ding dang" sounds just now were the crisp metallic sounds of metal colliding with chains. Judging from the cocoon on his wrist, he should have been trapped here for a long time. Was the cry he heard earlier from this young man? I leaned forward to reassure him. "Don't be afraid, I mean you no harm." He carefully observed his eyes. His eyes were extremely clear, but they were slightly red. Was it because he cried just now?

The teenager had retreated to the corner of the bed. There was no way out, so he could only helplessly look at me and ask, "Who are you? What are you doing in this tower? "

I patted my chest and told him, "My name is White Boy, and I'm here to break through the maze. As I was passing downstairs, I heard someone crying, so I came up to see what was going on. Who are you? Why was he locked here? "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

The boy looked me over carefully, and I made a quick, harmless face. Finally, he seemed to heave a sigh of relief and said, "My name is Shaodi, I was trapped here by the Infernal King."

Oh, so he was also a pitiful person trapped by the Infernal King!

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