I sat on the ground and gasped for breath. Hock Seng came over to help me unload my backpack. He said to me, "Little brother, you look very tired. I'll help you carry your things."

That thing is indeed very heavy. I wonder what is inside that thing?

I thanked Hock Seng and thanked him. Hock Seng still smiles.

At this time, Qing Ling asked me, "Why aren't you leaving? Your companions have all left. Are you as unafraid of death as Hock Seng? "

I tensed up and hurriedly replied, "I also promised Second Young Miss Xiao that I would help her younger sister obtain the antidote! Therefore, if Hock Seng does not leave, I will not leave either! "

Hock Seng's eyes light up, and at once he is extremely friendly to me, giving me his water and food. As I ate, I stole a glance at Tsui Ling. He only replied with a soft "Oh" before turning his head away from me.

His expression was a little strange. This made me extremely nervous. Could it be that he had already been discovered? However, from the cold look on his face, it didn't seem like it.

Qing Ling turned his head and stood at a high place, carefully observing the mountain. From time to time, he would converse with the old man, but only asking how long it would be before he could get there and pay attention to other matters. I don't think he has the time to meddle in my business, but his mind is on the goblin in the cave. After confirming this point, I relaxed and continued to eat and drink with Hock Seng. After resting for a while, we set off again.

The sun was setting, painting the sky the color of blood. Walking in the dark forest, the hot sweat soaking his clothes, the mountain wind drying them, the new sweat folding the old sweat stains, the clothes wrapped around his body as though they were being washed, and the only sounds that could be heard were the heavy footsteps and breathing of his companions. Other than that, the mountain forest was completely silent.

In the latter half of the journey, the mountain road became more and more difficult. Everyone had no choice but to discard more of their supplies. They stopped talking and used all their energy to climb the mountain.

Finally, we reached the top of the mountain, and the cave was just visible from above.

The cave was located on a cliff, and the cave entrance was only one step away from the nearest mountain. Although the terrain was dangerous, a few thick trees grew from the side of the mountain, and some soft vines wrapped around them. If he wanted to go into the cave, he should be able to use the vines and trees to climb up.

The old man stopped in front of the cave, his eyes filled with reverence. "I can only bring you here. Next, whether you want to enter the cave or not, is up to you."

Qing Ling thanked the old man and asked, "Will the old man stay with us for the night before leaving?"

The old man waved his hands, "No, no. I'll go straight down the mountain. "

Hock Seng looks surprised, "But it's already so late, can you see the way?"

The old man said, "Although chasing the mountain path at night is very dangerous, this little one has to stay in the mountains to make a living. It would be even more dangerous if I stayed here and stayed with you guys. I'm afraid of the goblins in the mountains! "

Everyone replied with an "oh" and said goodbye to the old man. The old man walked down the hill and looked back at us. "Are you really going to go into the cave tomorrow? If there's no need for it, I'll just take a look around here and then head home! "

He wanted to advise us not to enter the cave. We all understood his good intentions, but this time he came to the mountain to find the spider web. How could he give up halfway? Besides, they had already reached their destination.

We all shook hands with him, and the old man sighed and went off to mumble to himself. The mountain breeze was sending him off. It brought him a few words of complaint. If he didn't listen to the words of the old man, then he would be at a disadvantage. Young people these days, sigh...

Everyone found it hilarious, and Hock Seng chuckles as he touches the back of his head.

Qing Ling's gaze swept the area once before bringing us to a spot a little further away from the cave entrance. After finding a flat ground with no wind, she set up a barrier.

"We will sleep here at night. No one is allowed to step out of this circle. This is a barrier that I set up, which ordinary demons cannot enter. I'm doing it for your safety. "

He was kind, and Hock Seng and I agreed naturally.

They sat down in the circle and ate some dry food they had brought from the foot of the mountain without lighting a fire. Then they fell to the ground and went to sleep.

After climbing for half a day, Hock Seng is really tired. He quickly falls asleep, and water flows from his mouth all over the ground.

I was also very sleepy, but I had to do my best to open my eyes and observe the movements of Qing Ling. I had to wait for him to fall asleep before I could slip out of the barrier and run to the cave to steal the silk from the wheel.

Only by obtaining the spider's web and saving Third Young Miss would he be able to prove that I was a monster, not the kind of villain who would kill people he imagined.

Tsui Ling did not sleep. He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to examine the rest of our things.

His stamina was so good that even after half a day of climbing the mountain, he did not show any signs of exhaustion. His clothes were still as dry as when he first left the house, as if he had not climbed through the mountains, but sat in the theater and watched the show.

By now, the sky was completely dark. Only a tiny bit of light was left, seeping through the dense foliage of the forest and sprinkling onto his face. His face, which was like a piece of white jade, was especially moving. I was lost in my thoughts and couldn't help but exclaim, "Aiyou, it's good to be good-looking, even if you just sit on the ground in the grass, this beauty is like a noble young master looking down on the world from the lofty temple."

The noble young master was so absorbed in what was spread out on the ground that he didn't notice my peeping. I narrowed my eyes and realized that the bags he had asked us to carry all along the way were filled with strange things: a pair of small silver scissors, a couple of fire butts, and a few bottles and jars. I didn't know what was in them, but they smelled familiar … Finally, when Tsui Ling pulled out a few chicken legs that had been washed and salted, my eyes widened. What is this? An outdoor barbecue?

As Qing Ling thought about this, she really did it.

He swiftly dug a hole in the ground, picked up some large pieces of dry wood and set them up on a pile of firewood. Then he piled the dead leaves on top of them. After that, the fire piston was lit, and it was stuffed under the stack of firewood. After that, he took an iron fork and put the chicken leg on the duck leg, then placed it over the fire and roasted it …

Qing Ling, Qing Ling, you're really too much! All the stuff you're killing us with is for your barbecue. Of course, I quite agree with your pursuit of delicious food, because those foods that can be dried with water are really disgusting! But, in this special period, you also need to have a special awareness. You see, we are out on a mission, so at this crucial moment, can your barbecue equipment be a little more concise? Do you need silver scissors to cut your meat? Wouldn't it be fine to divide it at home? Do I need an iron fork for meat skewers? Why not just use a wooden stick instead! Why do you have to make such a big pile, making us work so hard to carry it all the way to the summit!

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