The Fox King

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: The Ultimate Disgrace

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

From amongst the flowers, redolent with the scent of spider flower nectar, Zhe Huo leapt skywards. With a precise flick of her whip, she caught hold of a flitting shadow, which immediately responded with a volley of envenomed spines. Zhe Huo quickly threw herself backward.

Tao Feiyan had expected Luo Qinghan to rush to her rescue here, but the boy continued to watch intently, and made no sign of getting up from the spot. Turning back to the battle, he was just in time to see Zhe Huo yank violently upon her whip. There was a sharp cry of pain as her whip-blade tore out a gilded needle.

The shadow shrank rapidly and fell out of the sky, and Zhe Huo squealed with delight, dashing over to the squirming shadow on the ground so she could draw it into a demon bottle.

Feiyan cocked an eyebrow, as though struck by a sudden realization.

He watched Zhe Huo hurrying back to them. “That golden quill was its vital point?” He already knew the answer, but asked the question aloud anyway.

Zhe Huo waved the bottle excitedly, nodding her head with gusto. “Qinghan told me about its weakness. That’s how I was able to take it down so quickly!” she burbled excitedly.

She turned to see Qinghan sitting atop the stone slab, eyes shining with adoration for her. She lunged over to sweep him up in a great hug. “Qinghan, you’re amazing! You know everything!”

At first, she’d only taken him in because of how miserable and cute he was. However, this quest had taught her to truly appreciate what a brilliant little angel he was!

Leaving the farm, they encountered other demon hunters waving about divining rods, running aimlessly around the valley. Zhe Huo could barely contain herself all the way until they reached the village square, where everyone watched as they tore down the reward notice and held it high in the air. “I’ve captured the wasp demon!”

All eyes turned in shock to this girl from an unremarkable school.

Among the demon hunters who’d come to the Valley of Blossoms, there were many who belonged to famed schools, and whose names were ranked far above Zhe Huo. So how was it that the wasp demon had fallen to her? The local villagers stared in disbelief, and so did the visiting demon hunters. This was a far worse disgrace compared to merely failing to claim the reward themselves!

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By capturing the wasp demon, Zhe Huo would instantly surpass all of them in ranking, which meant that they’d be no better than the bottom-feeders in the demon-hunting world! It was the ultimate disgrace!

Accordingly, the village elder stepped forward to verify this claim in person.

To everyone’s surprise, the wasp demon which had wreaked havoc across the Valley of Blossoms for many months had been swiftly vanquished by Zhe Huo. The locals looked upon her with admiration, and the village elder presented her with the promised reward, along with repeated expressions of thanks.

Meanwhile, as the locals showered her with their gratitude, Zhe Huo noticed the other demon hunters hanging around at the edge of the crowd, every one of them looking simply aghast. Comparing this to what it had been like when she’d first arrived here, her heart was giddy with delight, a sly sparkle dancing in her eyes as she pushed through the crowd to reach them.

“My fellow demon hunters, may I inquire: Who among you holds the highest place in ranking?”

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