The Fox King

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Mercy Please

Tao Feiyan burst out laughing, but then regained his composure straight away. Waggling his eyebrows, he replied, “The temptation is there—but I’ve never made a habit of indulging in children.”

Zhe Huo relaxed slightly, but continued to ward Luo Qinghan protectively nevertheless. An adorable thing like him could draw anyone’s attention, especially in a hotbed of carnal desire like this.

She’d wanted to discuss with Feiyan about the possibility of them going elsewhere, since this locale was a touch on the unsavory side. Before she could broach the subject, though, a courtesan in heavy make-up came rushing up to receive Feiyan with an ingratiating smile. “If it isn’t Master Tao! And you’ve brought such a beauty with you, this time! Gosh, and with a child, no less—and such a pretty thing, truly! Leave him here under my care, and when he’s all grown up, he’ll definitely be our prize offering here!”

Zhe Huo’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Glaring back at the woman, she seized up her whip and lashed it viciously upon the table, right in front of the courtesan. “What nonsense is this? No one wants to be your prize offering! Touch him, and I’ll tear this whole place down—just try me!”

When the whip cracked upon the table nearby, the courtesan had let out a shriek and ducked behind Feiyan immediately. “Aah! Mercy, please, Master Tao!” she bawled. “What’s happening? Why have you brought this she-wolf in here?”

They were causing such a scene that everyone was looking over now. Lecherous eyes gravitated towards Feiyan’s ravishing beauty, while one curious observer tried to have a better look at that exquisite little child in the cap that Zhe Huo was shielding. However, none dared to approach.

Part of the reason was that regular patrons knew Tao Feiyan, gorgeous though he was, always managed to gain the upper hand. In the past, some hopeful souls had tried to get one over him, but such attempts invariably ended in tragedy. And so, Feiyan was considered a beauty to be coveted from afar, but never to be defiled by anyone.

As for that fetching little boy… anyone could tell that the woman guarding him was not one to be trifled with—and he’d come here with Tao Feiyan. No one was so bold.

For his part, Feiyan had derived sufficient amusement from this charade. Here was Zhe Huo, red as a ripe apple from her rage and agitation… and there was Qinghan, being coddled protectively behind her back, looking out upon the scene with innocent eyes full of bewilderment. It was sublime.

Feiyan waved a hand with an easy laugh. “Madam Chu, what a way with words you have! You’d better apologize, now—and prepare one of your nicer spots for us.”

Since this was Feiyan’s request, there was nothing for it but to comply. Seeing that he’d resolved the situation for them, Zhe Huo huffily put her whip away.

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And then, they all ascended to the next floor to find seats in one of the alcoves.

As they proceeded through the building, Zhe Huo’s head swiveled this way and that, captivated by the sights and sounds. With each passing moment, she was doubting her worth as a woman more and more, while Qinghan’s brow furrowed even deeper.

They were shown to their alcove. Soon, the veil parted and in came a particularly attractive performer to play them a song. Then several others were brought in and lined up before Feiyan, who callously reached out and pulled one down onto the seat beside himself. Then, trembling like a leaf in the wind, Madam Chu addressed Zhe Huo.


This drew a look of fiercest ire from the young lady. Meanwhile, the child beside her regarded the madam with a look to freeze one’s blood solid. Madam Chu wisely shut her mouth, grabbed the remaining courtesans, and withdrew hastily.

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