The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1000: There is someone on the mountain

Chapter 1000 There is someone on the mountain

 Although the master is no longer here, the restrictions are still there. Unless someone stronger than the master breaks the restriction, the restriction will always be there.

 But at that time, Saint Fengyuan was the strongest man in the mainland and a heavenly master. Anyone who wanted to surpass his strength had not appeared even after ten thousand years.

Even if there are people of comparable strength, they will not waste their strength to break a meaningless restriction.

As Yu Xiangluo walked, she wondered who were the people on the mountain?

 If those people are found, it is impossible that there will be no strong ones.

It took the two of them half an hour to climb up Langtian Mountain, and they were stunned when they saw the scene of Langtian Sect.

Langtian Sect is still the same as when she left it ten thousand years ago, and even the stone archway engraved with the three characters of Langtian Sect is still standing there cleanly.

 The buildings in the Zongmen were still the same as when she left, and there were still sounds of people talking inside.

  Could it be that after they were gone, the Langtian Sect was occupied by others?

 But if it was occupied by others, why is the stone archway of Langtian Sect still there? And why hasn’t there been any change in the building?

Ji Jiuzhong was also a little surprised. He sent a message to Yan Xiangluo and said, "Don't think about it. We'll find out when we go in and take a look."

Yan Xiangluo said, "Go in."

They are all here. It is useless to think too much. Once you go in and take a look, everything will be clear.

The two walked through the stone archway, and Yan Xiangluo instantly had the same feeling as when she first came to Langtian Sect. At that time, she was very curious. After all, the cultivation strength of Saint Fengyuan was the most powerful person in the mainland at that time. , to be able to become the most powerful disciple in the mainland, Yan Xiangluo was quite proud at the time.

Everywhere I walked, what happened here came to my mind as clearly as if it happened yesterday.

After passing the stone archway, not far away is the gate of the sect.

The door was merely closed. Yan Xiangluo sensed that the restriction imposed by the master was still there, which meant that no one had opened the door of Langtian Sect since they left.

 The side door next to it was open. The two of them walked in from the side door and saw someone cleaning.

He was not alone. At first glance, there were more than a dozen people outside, and there were also people talking in the room. There were quite a few people.

 Yan Xiangluo let go of her consciousness and sensed that there was no one else, and there were twenty auras distributed throughout the Langtian Sect.

And she also sensed that no one lived here, these people were just cleaning. Most of their cultivation levels are at the level of asking questions and overcoming tribulations, and they are really not strong people.

 The two of them stood at the door and did not go inside.

 The man cleaning the yard was chatting with the people next to him while working, "Have you heard that Master Yu is back again?"

"I heard about it. They said that when I was in Qianjuan Mountain, I went directly to the 41st library to read. I kept reading the books in the last library. When I came out, I was promoted to the third level. It looked even more powerful than the previous life."

"I wasn't born ten thousand years ago. I didn't have the chance to see how powerful Master Yu was at that time. I don't know if Master Yu would come back to Langtian Sect to have a look. If he could come, I could see how powerful he was in this life. An even more powerful Heavenly Master."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. How did he know that he was even more powerful in this life than in the previous one?

“It’s not necessarily true. There is no one in Langtian Sect. Why come here? Are you sad?” Another person interjected.

“That’s right, I wouldn’t want to come to this sad place.”

"I hope Tianshi Yu will have better luck in this life. Don't just show your luck to others. You should take good care of yourself. She died before she was twenty years old. If she were alive, she would be the most powerful person in the mainland now. ”

Yan Xiangluo really didn’t know that she was so powerful in the eyes of these people, the strongest person in the mainland, they really dared to think about it. I feel warm in my heart. It turns out that after ten thousand years, there are still people who are thinking about me.

 There are also people who are not selfish and want to live a good life for themselves.

“Well, my grandma has been telling me all day how Master Yu saved her back then. If she knew that Master Yu was reincarnated, she would definitely be happier than having me as her grandson.”

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man who spoke and thought to herself: You are too arrogant and have too little confidence in yourself. Believe me, in your grandma's heart, you must be the most important thing, otherwise she would not let you. Come and clean up the Langtian Sect.

After Yan Xiangluo came in, she used her mind-reading skills and read some people's voices. She knew that these people were arranged by her master, senior brothers and people she had helped to save. The reason why Langtian Sect can remain as it is is It's all thanks to these people.

They are just one of the groups, and different people come every time, about once a month.

Yan Xiangluo was very moved. At least the sacrifices of her master and senior brothers would still be remembered by people thousands of years later.

Yan Xiangluo took Ji Jiuzhong's hand and walked inside without disturbing these people.

 Langtian Sect is not a big one. After all, Saint Fengyuan doesn’t plan to accept too many disciples, and he doesn’t even have any disciples.

 The senior brothers are not too old, so they have not yet accepted disciples.

 The current scale is achieved by recruiting an apprentice to build a courtyard and a building.

Other than the main courtyard where Langtian Sect receives guests, the courtyard where Master lives is the largest.

 Senior brother Liu's courtyards are all the same size and are located all over the hillside. Her yard is the closest to the master's yard and is almost surrounded by the yards of the master and fellow seniors, mainly for safety.

Although no one dares to go to Langtian Sect to provoke, there are many spiritual beasts on Langtian Mountain, and there are also many high-level ones. If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of just in case.

Yan Xiangluo went to various yards and finally came to her yard.

 At this time, the people cleaning her yard have not left yet, and it seems that they are cleaning very seriously.

It made her doubt that she had just gone out and came back, and the yard was still the same as when she lived there.

But I still felt something different when I walked into the room.

Other living items in the room are there, but there are no curtains, curtains, bedding or anything else.

Also, after so many years, those things are no longer usable, and there is no one living there, so there is no need to put these things away.

Yan Xiangluo sat on the bed. Although it was hard, she felt at ease.

Ji Jiuchong stood aside and looked at the people cleaning the main room.

The man touched his head and said to himself, "Why does it feel like someone is in the house?"

He then patted his forehead and said, "I must have been so excited when I heard the news yesterday about the reincarnation of Tian Tian Master. I look forward to seeing Tian Tian Master back."

After saying this, I continued to work and found that he was working more seriously.

After knowing that he had packed up and left her yard, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Good people are rewarded, and their sacrifices are not completely forgotten."

Yan Xiangluo smiled for the first time since returning to Langtian Sect, "Master and senior brothers would be very happy if they knew about it."

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