The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1002: betrayed her

 Chapter 1002 Betrayed her

A snow-white fox appeared in front of Yan Xiangluo, looking at her intently with its familiar eyes.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then called excitedly, "Xue'er."

The snow-white fox also became excited when he heard her name. It had been ten thousand years since it had been called by its name for a long time.

Xueer is the name given to it by its former owner. Just now it felt a familiar soul breath, followed the breath and saw the fragrance falling.

 Still the same appearance, it is almost certain that this is the reincarnation of its owner.

Xue'er walked up to her and put her chin in Yan Xiangluo's hand. Yan Xiangluo stretched out her other hand and stroked its head. Xue'er's fox eyes narrowed in comfort.

Yan Xiangluo calmed down after getting excited, "Ten thousand years have passed, why hasn't Xue'er transformed yet?"

Xueer swayed when she heard the words, and a seven or eight-year-old little girl appeared in front of Yan Xiangluo. Her face was 60-70% similar to that of Yan Xiangluo, and Yan Xiangluo could hardly hold back the tears in her eyes.

Xueer’s transformation really used her appearance.

But why do you look like you are seven or eight years old?

 “Were you interrupted when you were transforming?” Yan Xiangluo asked with a frown.

Xueer nodded and finally spoke, "Master, I almost failed to transform. If it weren't for the spirit beads that the master left for me, I would have perished."

"who is it?"

Those who knew Yan Xiangluo in her previous life knew that she was a protective person. Although she had terminated the contractual relationship with Xue'er, it did not mean that she would ignore it. She could bully her, but she would never allow outsiders to bully her.

 “Cheng Kun.” Xueer said a person’s name.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t expect that it was Cheng Kun who almost killed Xueer.

 “What’s going on?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Xueer said in a low tone, "At that time, the master terminated the contract with me, and the master died immediately. I immediately went to the Wuming Palace for help. But Cheng Kun was the only one in the Wuming Palace, so I could only ask him for help to see if the master's soul could be restored. Not to leave. He promised me, and later told me that he tried his best and failed. I thought it was because he was not strong enough, so I told him that he was going to return to Langtian Mountain to practice. . By coincidence, he happened to come to me when I was transforming. He suddenly took action at the most critical moment of my transformation. If it weren't for the spirit beads that the master left me, I would have died. "

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused for a moment, then she glanced at Xue'er, "Don't worry, one day I will avenge you. No matter what, just succeed in transforming. You can practice your cultivation little by little."

Xueer nodded, "It's great to see the master again. Master, please make a contract with me!"

Yan Xiangluo looked at Xue'er and shook her head, "Since I have let you go free, I have never thought of restraining you again. Didn't you say you liked Langtian Mountain very much before? From now on, you can live the life you want freely!" "

Xueer's eyes paused when she heard this, "Does the master dislike me?"

Yan Xiangluo touched Xue'er's head and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? You can come to me even if you are not my spiritual pet."

Xueer immediately became happy when she heard this, "Master, Langtian Mountain has cultivated a treasure land of spiritual energy for thousands of years. Master can go there to practice. It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and restore the strength of the previous life as soon as possible."

Yan Xiangluo's gaze paused, and she raised the corners of her lips, "I want to go into the secret realm to practice first, and when I come out, I will go there. Do you live there?"

Xueer nodded, "I live very close to there. If the master goes there, I can feel it immediately."

“Okay, you tell me where to wait for me to come out of the secret realm and I will look for you.” Yan Xiangluo said without any hesitation.

Xue'er immediately told Yan Xiangluo the location, and Yan Xiangluo waved her hand, "Go back quickly and pay attention to safety. I sensed that there are many more spiritual beasts and monsters with high cultivation levels in the mountains." Xue'er He nodded and said, "I'll wait until the master enters the secret realm before leaving."

Yan Xiangluo smiled, took Ji Jiuzhong's hand and disappeared from the entrance to the secret realm.

 Just after the two of them disappeared, the expression on the well-behaved little girl's face suddenly became very complicated, and the seven or eight-year-old girl instantly turned into a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old.

 After a while, Xueer snapped her fingers, and a small bird appeared in front of her. It was very similar to Ji Jiuzhong's uninhibited bird, but it was not the same kind, and its speed was not as fast as uninhibited bird.

"Go and tell Cheng Kun that Yu Xiangluo has entered the secret realm. The secret realm has a time limit. She will come out in a month. After she comes out, she will go to the place I mentioned and let him prepare."

The bird chirped and fluttered its wings and flew away.

Xueer looked at the entrance of the secret realm again, turned into a white fox and left.

Just after it left, the figures of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong appeared at the entrance to the secret realm.

A touch of lost sadness flashed through Yan Xiang’s apricot eyes. Why?

 Why did Xueer betray her?

 Obviously, I have done everything I can for it, and I have thought about it even when it encountered a crisis when it transformed into a human being. I was so seriously injured at that time, and the injury worsened after I terminated the contract with it, so that I couldn't do anything when I fell. Isn't such sincere treatment worthy of being cherished by it?

Ji Jiuzhong patted her on the shoulder, "People are not familiar with raising animals, let alone animals, otherwise they would not be bound by contracts. There is no need to be sad for it, and not all animals are like it."

Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath and said, "Let's go to the place mentioned and see what Cheng Kun wants to do?"

Yan Xiangluo was too familiar with Xue'er. After all, she was her spiritual pet in the previous life. Even after the transformation was successful, after thousands of years, she could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Xue'er.

 There is a difference between seeing her really happy and excited and pretending to be so.

What's more, she has the ability to read minds. Now she can use the ability to read minds anytime and anywhere, very easily.

 Therefore, when she saw Xue'er appearing, she felt something was wrong, so she used her mind-reading skills on Xue'er, so she knew exactly what Xue'er was thinking.

However, even if she knew that Xue'er had changed, Yan Xiangluo never thought that Xue'er would betray her.

 After all, Xue'er's life is equivalent to being given by her. The fact that it can transform into success is definitely because of the spirit beads that she gave it.

 But it actually betrayed itself for that scumbag Cheng Kun.

 A spiritual beast actually fell in love with a human monk. How could it be so confident that Cheng Kun would like a spiritual beast?

Yan Xiangluo can already predict Xue'er's ending.

However, there is a bit of true love in myself when I see it, but it is only that little bit, nothing more.

When Xue'er prayed for him to contract with her, Yan Xiangluo's powerful spiritual consciousness clearly sensed her worries, worrying that she would actually contract with her again and lose her freedom.

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