The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 101: Yunyu Poisoning (3)

Chapter 101 Yunyu Poisoning (3)

In the blink of an eye, a dozen needles were pierced into Beitang Yunyu's chest, and immediately, another dozen needles were pierced into Beitang Yunyu's back.

 Then they inserted three more needles into his Dantian, and immediately, a magical scene happened in front of their eyes.

I saw Beitang Yunyu's black and green body starting to fade away from her face, then her neck, then her chest and back. Her chest and back almost faded away together. Wearing pants underneath, they couldn't see the condition of the legs, but the exposed feet had returned to their original color. It was obvious that the black and green colors started to fade from the feet up. Together, the black and green faded toward the middle of her body, and the last bit of black and green gathered three inches above her navel, forming a thick black circle the size of her fist.

Yan Xiangluo applied another seven needles around the thick black circle. The previous needles were to force the poison into one place, but these seven needles were the ones that truly suppressed the poison.

She was not in a hurry to pull out the seven needles, but she took out the other needles. After calmly sterilizing them with wine, she put them back into the needle roll in order, and then sat on a round stool to wait.

No one dared to ask a question, they just looked at it.

Everyone was shocked, including Deng Changze. Although he knew that Xiao Luoer's silver needle skills were very powerful, he had never seen her perform acupuncture with his own eyes. This was also the first time. He didn't expect her to be so skilled in acupuncture. This was not the case. You can practice it behind closed doors.

 Xiao Luo'er hid quite well and deceived everyone in the Tianshun Empire.

Ji Jiuzhong came to Xianyun Sect to see her for acupuncture. It was Xiao Luo'er who helped him once in Wanghai Forest. This means that he didn't know that Xiao Luo'er's silver needle technique was so powerful before, otherwise he wouldn't have known it. Break off the engagement with her and let her leave Tianshun Imperial City.

Things that even the regent of the Tianshun Empire didn't know, how could other people know, including the Yu family? If they knew that Xiao Luo'er had superb medical skills, would they still treat her like that? Will you still sever ties with her?

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Xiangluo stood up, pulled out the seven needles outside the thick black circle, disinfected them with wine, put them in the needle roll, and put the needle roll away.

Everyone looked at the thick black circle, but Deng Changze spoke first, "Xiao Luo'er, are you suppressing it now?"

“Master, yes, it can be suppressed for a month, but please don’t let Beitang’s nephew use his spiritual power within this month. Everything else can be normal.” Yu Xiangluo nodded.

Hearing what she said, several people finally dared to speak. One of them, a man who was older than her master and whom Yan Xiangluo didn't know, spoke first.

"Junior brother, it's no wonder that Master keeps talking about Xiao Luo'er and Xiao Luo'er all day long, saying that our fellow apprentice brothers are not even as good as Xiao Luo'er when pinched together. I didn't believe it before, but today I'm convinced by this girl's silver needle technique. ”

Yan Xiangluo knew the man's identity after listening to his words. The person who could call her master and junior brother could only be his master's senior brother. Her master was the disciple of Master Qianhe, so this man must be his master's senior brother. At this time The only one who can be here is the previous sect leader, his uncle.

 She immediately saluted and said, "Xiangluo has met the great uncle."

"You girl is very smart." The former sect leader Du Mingsheng looked at her with a smile, then took out a brocade box and handed it to her, "This is a meeting gift."

Yan Xiangluo looked at her master, Deng Changze nodded, and then she took the brocade box with both hands, "Thank you, uncle."

She couldn't accept this as a thank you gift, but she really couldn't help but accept it as a meeting gift. Her uncle is also a very wise person.

 Besides, the great uncle is the former sect master, and since he has helped his disciple's face, the meeting gift given to him must not be ordinary.

Du Mingsheng himself also has a female apprentice, Miao Yu. However, although this apprentice's qualifications are good, her talent in alchemy is average. He tried his best to make her a fifth-grade alchemist, but that was all.                                                                           She is not as considerate as the disciple, she wants to see if she wants the master's permission to receive a gift, it is not because she is afraid of her master, it is out of respect.

 The moral character of a child with this kind of character cannot be faulted. Junior Brother has persisted for so many years, and he has indeed gained a delightful apprentice.

“Uncle, I have eaten at your master’s place. Xiao Luo’er’s cooking skills are really good.” Du Mingsheng no longer worried about his disciple Beitang Yunyu, and he felt much more relaxed.

“Xiangluo is greedy and likes to think about food, so she is pretty good at cooking. If my uncle has time to go to Thousand Poison Peaks, I will cook him a table of specialty dishes.” Xiangluo Luo said generously.

 She will not deliver food to the great uncle, she is too busy every day. Besides, he was different from Master Qianhe, who was very kind to her.

The sect master dressed and settled his disciple, got off the bed, and said with a smile: "Master, you don't know, Yun Yu often goes to Thousand Poison Peak to have a meal."

Du Mingsheng was a little surprised, "This guy looks cold. I didn't expect that he is also a foodie. He actually put down his body and went to eat. It's such a hard work."

“It’s not hard, I also borrowed the help of Beitang’s nephew and ate a lot of delicious food.”

This sentence is true. Every time Beitang Yunyu goes to eat, she doesn't go empty-handed. She always brings various ingredients with her.

 Some ingredients are not easy to get. No matter how much she loves to eat, she doesn’t have time to get them. But as Beitang Yunyu, as the prince of a country, no matter how unpopular he is, he is still treated well and can always get some rare ingredients.

Miao Yu had turned around at this time and saw that the always serious master was so kind to Yan Xiangluo and even gave him a meeting gift. Not everyone has such an honor. Even senior brothers like them can only bring their disciples to meet him. A few people can get a meet-and-greet gift.

Beitang Yunyu is one of them. The master likes this disciple very much, and they all have no objection. After all, Beitang Yunyu's talent is indeed very strong.

At this moment, Beitang Yunyu woke up on the bed. Everyone felt his movement and looked at him in unison.

Beitang Yunyu opened his eyes and saw a scene that shocked him. Why were so many people gathered around his bed, even his master Qianhe? He quickly wanted to get up, but was held down by his master.

"Have a good rest. You don't need to take into account the etiquette at this time. However, this time you have to thank Uncle Qiu for suppressing your poison." The sect master said in a gentle tone.

Beitang Yunyu was still a little confused, but after listening to his master's words, he solemnly thanked Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo waved her hands and said, "You don't need to thank me. I just suppressed the poison in your body. The one who can really save you is my master."

She is telling the truth. Although she is already a third-grade alchemist, at her current level, she still cannot refine the detoxifying pill that can detoxify Beitang Yunyu.

 (End of this chapter)

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