The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 1033: Finale (3)

Chapter 1033 Finale (3)

Ji Jiuzhong comforted her and said, "Don't worry. The fact that this book appeared in time means that heaven is on our side. If there is no way to solve it now, there must be some opportunity that has not come. As soon as the opportunity comes, we should Know what to do.”

Even though they said this, they all knew that even if the opportunity came, the difficulty of the matter would be beyond their imagination.

  Otherwise why the sacrifice of more than 300 great sage-level cultivators in the previous life only sealed the demon lord.

“Look at it this way, it’s meaningless for us to be here anymore, let’s find a way to leave!” Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath and said.

 Children have never seen what the normal world looks like from birth to now.

Since there is no solution here, she wants to take the children out to see the outside world first, and also wants to see what is going on outside.

Ji Jiuzhong was about to nod when Yan Xiangluo suddenly held his hand, closed his eyes and his body trembled.

Ji Jiuzhong said quickly, "Luoluo, what's wrong?"

Ji Jiuchong was extremely worried because it felt so like being possessed.

Yan Xiangluo slowly opened her eyes, "Someone is taking my soul."

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned and extremely angry. They were desperately trying to eliminate the demons and protect the continent, but there were still people plotting against Luoluo at this time. Don't they know that the key to successfully eliminating the demons lies with Luoluo.

  No matter how strong he is in cultivation, he knows very well that without Luo Luo, there is no way he can succeed in slaying the demon.

 Are these people looking for death?

“Who is it?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

A dark light flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. If he hadn't taken action, she would have forgotten this person.

At this time, she finally understood that those who plotted against her in the previous life were just pawns. To be precise, they were all used. The real person hiding behind them was actually him.

 “Jiang Chengyun.”

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned for a moment after Yan Xiangluo said this person's name. Then he realized that all the causes and effects in his previous life were related to Jiang Chengyun.

 “What is he doing for?” Ji Jiuzhong was confused.

 In his previous life until their death, Jiang Chengyun never exposed his thoughts. Luoluo had doubted anyone, never doubted him.

Just because Jiang Chengyun has always been the one to help Luo Luo at all costs, this is well hidden.

At one time, he thought that Jiang Chengyun had a romantic relationship with Luoluo, but he had never seen him express this intention.

Now we know that the person who really wants to scheme against Luo Luo is actually Jiang Chengyun. Not to mention Luo Luo, even he doesn't quite believe it.

“Just go and take a look and you’ll find out.” Yan Xiangluo’s tone didn’t change much. Now, no matter how big the storm is, it can’t shake her heart.

“Can you handle it?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 He knew that Luoluo wanted to use Jiang Chengyun's soul-obsessing magic weapon to see what was going on.

 But Jiang Chengyun is not someone else. His strength was already very strong in Jiuzhongtian thousands of years ago. It's just that he said he didn't like fame and wealth, so he never showed it in front of others. Now it seems that it is better to hide it.

Ji Jiuzhong was really worried that Luoluo would not be his match. After all, they all know Jiang Chengyun's strength. They haven't seen him for ten thousand years, and Jiang Chengyun should be stronger now.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Now Yan Xiangluo is not at all modest about his Celestial Master and soul-controlling abilities.

As soon as she finished speaking, she crossed her legs and suspended in the void, put the book in her hand on top of her head, and closed her eyes.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that she was fighting with Jiang Chengyun. Although the black spirit body with this book around did not dare to approach, he still wanted to take precautions and stay by Yu Xiangluo's side.

After Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes, her powerful consciousness followed the soul-capturing power. Although she had already sensed who the other party was at that moment, she wanted to know what kind of magic weapon Jiang Chengyun used to capture her soul. .

Through the heavy clouds and mist, Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up and he saw the blood beads and bracelet suspended in the center of the hall.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity came over her, and before she could react, a stream of forgotten memories flooded into her consciousness.

In just an instant, she knew the origin of the blood beads and bracelet, and also why Jiang Chengyun wanted to plot against her.

Yan Xiangluo's mood was very complicated. She never knew that her identity was so complicated. I finally understood why she could still remember her past memories after being reborn one after another.

 Just because she is the patron saint of this Jiuchongtian Continent.

 Chiang Chengyun was her friend when she was a patron saint, and he was the patron saint of the other world.

Before, she thought that Jiuchongtian was the highest level continent in the mainland and the only continent left over from the ancient times. Now that she had restored the memory of the patron saint, she realized that the continent in the ancient times was very vast and eventually split into countless pieces. continent.

Each continent will have a patron saint, and she is the patron saint of Jiuchongtian Continent.

 Some powerful patron saints will annex weak continents to form new and stronger continents.

 The power of the failed patron saint will be absorbed by the successful patron saint for his own use, becoming more powerful.

Jiang Chengyun made good friends with her, and the two of them jointly resisted many attacks from the patron saint. She considered them to be life-and-death friends, but Jiang Chengyun's purpose of doing this was to use her power to protect himself and enhance his strength. , the main purpose is to prepare for the annexation of Jiuzhongtian Continent.

 When Jiang Chengyun thought that the opportunity had come, he plotted against Yan Xiangluo.

And Yan Xiangluo was almost killed when fighting Jiang Chengyun after being plotted by Jiang Chengyun. The patron saint of another continent and the man who loved her dearly merged his continent into the Jiuchongtian Continent and used his power to help her.

 This man is Ji Jiuzhong, who is now reincarnated with her in every life.

After taking the initiative to merge the mainland into the Jiuchongtian Continent, Ji Jiuzhong naturally fell, and all his power went to Yan Xiangluo. Even so, because she was too seriously injured, she and Jiang Chengyun died together.

Because the continent that Yan Xiangluo and Jiang Chengyun were guarding was still there, she and Jiang Chengyun were both trapped in reincarnation. They were reborn on the continent where they lived life after life. Only when they regained the memory and strength of their patron saints could they become the guardian gods again. Patronus.

Since their two continents have been reincarnated because of their patron saints, other continents that want to annex have no chance, because those who want to annex their continents must kill the patron saint of this continent.

However, even if it cannot be annexed, the continent they guard is still in the embarrassing situation of having no patron saint.

 The strength of the continent is naturally not the same as that of other continents guarded by patron saints. Cultivation resources are constantly consumed but cannot be regenerated.

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