The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 115: Disliked

Chapter 115 Being Disdained

Ji Jiuzhong walked into the kitchen after hearing this. Although it was a kitchen, she had cleaned it up very clean, without any oil stains at all. After sitting down on the bench, Yan Xiangluo naturally put her hand on the pulse pillow she took out on the table without saying anything.

Yan Xiangluo's slender fingers pressed on his pulse, moving from time to time.

Ji Jiuzhong lowered his eyes and watched quietly, feeling carefully. Ji Jiuzhong, who had never liked women's touch, found that he had never seemed to resent Yan Xiangluo's touch.

She was the only woman who had touched him since he could remember, except for the nun who served him before he was three years old.

Perhaps it was because she had never had any thoughts about him that he was not disgusted with her. Ji Jiuzhong found a reason for himself.

“You are recovering well, continue taking medicine and practice.” After a moment, Yan Xiangluo let go of her hand and warned him.

Have to admit that Ji Jiuzhong's recovery speed is faster than she expected. Originally, he could recover from his internal injuries in three days, but now it seems that he will be fully recovered in three days.

Ji Jiuzhong took back his hand, glanced at the food box and said, "I'll take the food back."

Yan Xiangluo didn’t refuse, she nodded and said, “Okay.”

Originally, she wanted to check his pulse when she brought breakfast today. Now that she had checked his pulse, there was no need to go. Although he was injured, he was not unable to carry a food box.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up, picked up the food box, left the kitchen and went back.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng were shocked when they saw their master coming back with a food box. Where has the master gone?

The two of them looked at each other. Could it be that the master's love had just begun. Although it started a little late, it finally came to an end.

The two took the food box and placed the food on the small square table that was temporarily taken out. The three of them ate breakfast with gusto.

 In the past, even if the imperial chef prepared breakfast, they would not have much appetite. They would never eat so much, and there would still be not a single bite left.

Mu Zixian smacked his lips and said, "I don't know why Miss Yu is so good at cooking. Even the rice is so delicious. The imperial chef obviously uses spiritual rice to cook, so why is it not as delicious as hers? ”

Changfeng frowned and thought for a while, "Is it related to Miss Yu's high talent in alchemy?"

 After all, the elixirs refined by Yan Xiangluo are all of perfect quality.

Mu Zixian rolled her eyes at him, "My talent in alchemy is not low, why can't I even cook?"

Changfeng glanced at him, "That's because you have never thought about cooking. Otherwise, if you try, you might be better at cooking than the imperial chef."

Mu Zixian rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why do I think you are deceiving me?"

Changfeng was speechless. Why did he think that he was fooling him? If his cooking skills were really good, wouldn't he have taken it orally?

After all, he can only eat the food cooked by Miss Yu for three days with the help of his master. If Mu Zixian is a good cook, he can eat it every day, not just every day.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Changfeng, who was as cunning as a sieve, and then at Mu Zixian, who was as cunning as a fox. When these two people clashed, it was rare for them to be able to tell the winner.

Mu Zixian put away the dishes and picked up the food box and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Walking into the kitchen, I was surprised to see that Yan Xiangluo was still busy inside.

“Girl, what are you doing? Why does it smell so good?” Mu Zixian put down the food box and sniffed.

 “Cook some spiritual fruits to eat.” Yan Xiangluo responded without turning around. Mu Zixian came over and looked at the spiritual fruit cut into small pieces and boiled in the casserole with curiosity and asked, "You still need to cook the spiritual fruit?"

“It’s just personal taste.” Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Could she say that she just suddenly missed the canned fruit in her previous life, so she cooked some spiritual fruit for herself.

“What’s in here that tastes so good?” Mu Zixian is an alchemist himself and is very sensitive to smells. When he saw the spiritual fruit in the casserole, he knew that cooking the spiritual fruit alone would not produce this flavor.

“Nectar.” Yan Xiangluo didn’t hide anything.

Mu Zixian’s eyes rolled around, “There are so many, can you give my master a bowl to try?”

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo didn't bother, one bowl was enough for herself, and if she sent a bowl to the master, there should be another bowl.

Seeing that she agreed, Mu Zixian went to wash the dishes and cleaned them all. He also packed up the food boxes and put them aside, waiting for the spiritual fruit cooked by Yu Xiangluo to be ready.

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of him, Mu Zixian was a little curious about her mentality when she wanted to break off the engagement with her master, so she thought of it and asked, "Miss Yu, I can take the liberty to ask, why did you break off the engagement with my master in the first place? "

Yan Xiangluo turned back and rolled her eyes at him, "Because he is a big trouble that can kill me."

Mu Zixian’s lips twitched, “You can tell my master, I’ll have no problem protecting you.”

 He never felt that this was the real reason. Although Changfeng had seen her covered in blood with his own eyes at that time, and described her as miserable.

把 , 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 妘 naturally: "Are you sure he can protect me?"

Mu Zixian was stunned for a moment, thinking that his master had to rely on his concubine to save his life, and he immediately understood what she meant. Although she didn't say it clearly, her meaning was obvious. How could she protect someone who couldn't even protect herself.

 The master is despised by others, and he is thoroughly despised.

Yan Xiangluo put the bowl of spiritual fruit for Ji Jiuzhong into the food box and placed it in front of Mu Zixian, and then said: "Besides, I have never thought about getting married. My biggest wish in this life is to become a strong man. , Go to the higher world in your lifetime, step on the earth of the Nine Heavens, and see the evergreen trees that bloom once every thousand years as long as the heaven and earth live. "

She also said this to her master, and it was from her heart. In her previous life, her body did not allow her to have any lofty ideals. Now that she has a healthy body in this life, she naturally wants to live according to her own heart.

Mu Zixian was stunned. He had never thought that a useless girl with five spiritual roots would have such a lofty goal in her heart.

 After all, she was thirteen years old at the time and had not yet broken through the Yuan level in cultivation.

 The ultimate goal of all monks is to go to a higher world, but they only think about it in their hearts. Yan Xiangluo is the first person who dares to say it openly.

 After all, even the strongest person in the mainland may not be able to guarantee that he will be able to go there in his lifetime.

I originally wanted to ask my master to find out her thoughts and bring them together, but this question killed the conversation. She didn't want to marry her master at all. Breaking off the engagement was not because she was forced to do anything, but because of what she felt. , it’s just that the timing was just right.

  It's over, if the master is really interested, it will be miserable. The little girl looks down on the men in this continent and has no intention of marrying, even if it is a very good master in their eyes.

Mu Zixian was carrying the food box back with his thoughts a little confused.

Changfeng saw that he was thoughtful and brought back another food box and asked, "What's wrong?"

 (End of this chapter)

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